Chapter 40

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So many dresses, yet I only need one! Gosh. Anna and I all together have nine dresses to try on, and two are short ones.
"Okay let's go to a dresses room to try these on," I laughed struggling to hold some of the dresses.
We went into a big dressing room, and sat the dresses down. First we tried on the short dresses.
"I don't like this purple on me," I said with sadness in my voice. Because so far the first dress doesn't look good which is a bad sign.
"I think this is to dark." Anna giggled messing with the dress hem. "Indeed bright shades!"

We both tried on pink dresses. Mine was too long, and Anna's was too short so we traded. I didn't like the straps they itched too much.

After trying on several dresses I was down to three. A mint color with lots of jewels on the top, a red lace halter one that hugged my body, and a orange one with the whole top part dazzled out.

Anna had three dresses left. A yellow one with one strap, a blue one that looks almost the same as the yellow but blue, and a dress that looks like my orange one but purple.
"I am not really digging this shade of purple on me," Anna thought out loud.
(You don't get to find out what dress they are wearing yet. Soon just be patient grass hopper)
We bought our dresses at the front desk, and exited the store with them in our hands.
"Matt said they found ties to match our dresses," Anna announced texting someone back; I am assuming Matt.
"I still can't believe you are going to prom with my weird brother," I laughed repositioning the dress in my hands.
"Me either," she giggled.
"Do you think you will date him?" I asked curious.
We got into the car.
"I don't know. I mean he is a good friend, and I don't want to ruin that. But.. I don't know. Maybe," you could tell she was really confused about her feelings. Which is normal because I wouldn't want to ruin a friendship with someone I have had all my life.
We drove around for a while stopping for lunch and ice cream. Finally we decided to go home.
"I had a fun time today. It was nice having a girls day," I laughed grabbing my dress.
"Me too," she responded.
We walked inside to Nash, Cam, Hayes, the twins, Matt, and Shawn all wearing ties trying to figure out how to tie them.
Anna and I look at each other and bursts into laughter.
"You guys look so funny trying to figure those ties out," Anna laughed.
I wiped a few tear from my face from laughing so hard, "You guys have the most funniest concentration faces."
"Oh my gosh! You and Shawn are nominated for Prom Queen and King!" Anna shouted.
"What!?" I yelled running over towards her phone to see if it was true. Sure enough on the school website it said our names. How did they even know?
"How did they even know Shawn and I are going to prom together?"
"Duh it's obvious. You and Shawn are dating, so they must of thought you guys are going together" Anna explained.
"Wow I can't believe we are nominated! Who else is?" Shawn asked hugging me from behind.
"Let's see Matt and I, Tiffany and Brad, and last...JAKE AND AMBER!" Anna shouted the last part.
"What! I thought they weren't dating anymore?" I questioned grabbing the phone right out of Anna's hands. Holy shit. There was a picture of them taken together. Just a couple weeks ago he was texting me asking to go out on a date. Alright? Talk about being confused.
"Well all the maters is that I am taking you. I love you babe," Shawn kissed me on my lips after saying that.
"Can I see yours and Anna's dresses?" Hayes asked walking into the kitchen.
"Sure but only because you are like another girl," I chuckled.
Anna and I jogged up the stairs towards our closet with Hayes behind us.
"Close the door," I demanded to Hayes. Wow that kinda sounded bitchy.
We unzipped our bags revealing our dresses.
"Those are going to look perfect on you guys," Hayes said touching the fabric.
"Alright well we should pack our bags for tomorrow's flights. We have to leave the house 2 hours before our flight which is 8am, so we will wake up at 5am." I explained putting up my dress in the closet. Both my prom and billboard dresses were in my closet next to each other. Just think after a couple years I will have millions of those dress bags hanging up.
"Shawn get up here and pack!" I shouted down the stairs. I heard Shawn grunt, and the rest of the boys laugh. Two minutes later Shawn trudged up the stairs.
"I will pack for you if you stay in the room, and sing to me," I offered walking into the room.
"Okay!" He cheered jumping on the bed.
Shawn gathered all of his clothes into the middle of the floor next to his suit case, and sat back down. I gathered all my things I will be needing, and put them next to my suit cases. Okay let's see I can have two check bags, a carry on, and personal. One check bag will be for clothes. The other will have my graduation and prom stuff in it. My dress can be my carry-on. And I will have a backpack for my personal. I packed everything I need within two hours. I had a break in between for dinner, but I finished! It feels so late but it's only 9 pm. Oh well time to go to sleep. I turned my alarm on, brushed my teeth and slid into bed. Shawn went to brush his teeth, but once I felt the bed sink I knew he came back. He pulled me into his bare chest tightening his grip around me.
"Sweet dream," was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

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