Chapter 11

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I saw the sunlight through my closed eyelids. I slowly fluttered my eyes open. Today is the last day in Orlando. I can't wait for Atlanta, but I will miss this place. I turned my head to see if Anna was still sleeping with all the sunlight. Of course her and Mahogany both have sleeping mask on. I looked over at my phone to see I have a Twitter notification. The time on my phone said 9:03am.  I haven't been keeping up with YouTube or Vine, but today I think I am going to vlog the whole day. I haven't done a vlog in a long time, so it should be fun. I grabbed my camera from it's charger on the night stand.

"Hello people who watch me. Good morning to all. I know I have a lot of explaining to do of why I am whispering right now, and why I am in a hotel room, or even why I haven't been posting on YouTube or Vine. Yes I know I am slacking, but I haven't forgot about you guys!" I whispered. "Well right now I am whispering because Mahogany and Anna are sleeping next to me in our hotel room. If you don't know yet I am on the rest of the tour with Magcon which is why I am in a hotel room. Orlando has been so amazing! I love meeting all my fans, and my haters. Because haters are the best! They make you realize you are way better then them. Am I right? After todays show we are going to the airport to fly out to Atlanta Georgia! So I am going to pack all my stuff, and you can watch me in fast motion!" I said holding up a piece sign. I walked over to the dresser with my bags, and propped my camera up to my view. After 20 minutes of packing I finished.

"I hope you guys enjoyed me packing because it was so much fun! Not. I am going to wake up the girls then jump into the shower to get ready. Once I am dressed I will vlog so more about what is going on in my to catch you guys up. So peace out!" I said. I walked over to my bed containing a sleepy Anna in it.

"Anna get up we have to pack for Atlanta!" I whispered yelled. She shuffled around for a little then stretched. Her stretching means she is awake. I turned around to Mahogany's bed. Her red frizzy hair covered her face. "Mahogany you have to get ready, and pack for Atlanta. Please get up soon so I can get in the shower." I said.

"I'm up"she mumbled.

I turned on the  heels of my feet  towards my suit case. I had my outfit set out already. I decided on wearing some of my new merch I made. My tank top is black and flowy. On it is my name to all my social media sites MaddiexEspinosa. On top of that is an emoji peace sign with patches of a galaxy pattern. With that shirt I decided to wear normal jean short with black converse. I grabbed my outfit, and went into the bathroom to shower. After I showered I got changed into my outfit. For my hair I blow dried it, and straightened it. I put on hippie band just to top it off. For my make up I put on pink lipstick, and mascara. I packed all my last minute things, and pulled out my camera.

"Hello people of YouTube! I am back ready for the day. As you can see I am wearing my own merch shirt with jean short. I have lots of new merchandise coming out so keep your eyes open on Instgram and Twitter for the announcement.  Last day in Orlando this is going to be a blast!" I said into my camera. I heard a knock on the door. "Anna can you get that please!" I yelled

"No problem!" She responded.

"Okay so for my next YouTube video I was thin-" I got cut off from a kiss on my cheek. I turned around to a Shawn holding Starbucks. "Hello babe! I am making a vlog; wanna say hi?" I said more of a command.

"Greeting Earthlings. As you can see I am the best boyfriend ever because I brought my beautiful girlfriend a Starbucks" as he said that he had his chin on my shoulder looking into the camera like me.

"You are the best boyfriend" I smiled.

"I have to go finish packing," he said.

"Okay see you later babe," I turned my head, and gave him a kiss. He handed me my drink, waved to the camera, and walked out closing the door behind him.

"Sorry about that guys. Like I was saying I was thinking for my next video I will do a Question and Answer video! By the time I post this it will be about 5pm, but when you see this make sure you tweet me asking me a question using the hashtag Maddiehatesplanes." I turned my camera off after saying that. I will vlog when I make it to sound check. I am so nervous this is the first meet and greet since Shawn and I have been official. What if the fans don't accept Shawn and I dating, and they give us a lot of crap for it today? I might mess up singing from being so nervous.

"Is everything okay?" Mahogany asked with concern in her eyes. She sat down on her bed patting the spot next to her for me to sit on. I shuffled my feet in her direction, and plopped down next to her.

"Have you ever had a big life change, and you get so nervous you don't know what to do?" I asked.

"No, but I think I know what you are talking about. But how about you explain it so you can let it out." Mahogany said. I saw in the corner of my eye Anna sit down on our bed getting into the conversation.

"Okay well today it the first meet and greet since Shawn and I have been together. I am really nervous and scared to see how the fans are. What if they give me a lot of hate and stuff. I know hate should make me stronger, and it does. It is just that recently I have been letting it get to me." The whole time I spoke I played with my fingers.

"Aww darling," Mahogany said hugging me. "Sometimes people let their guard down when they don't know it. That did not make a lot of since, but you get where I am coming from. I know it is hard to ignore hateful things people say, but it is part of life. You just can't let it get to you. If you are ever feeling upset about it, yet you want to be strong. Just cry it out. Everybody needs to cry to wash out all their emotions. It is also good to talk about how you feel, so just find any of us to talk to about it all. I would say more, but right now we have 10 minutes to get to the lobby with our bags," Mahogany said jumping up towards her bags.

"I love you" Anna said embracing me in a tight hug. That is just what I needed; a big hug from my 'sister'. 

"I love you too Anna." We both let go, and grabbed our suit cases. I set mine out in the hall, and checked the room one last time to make sure we won't leave anything behind. I grabbed my camera from my night stand, and walked out.

"Alright let us go!" I yelled. We rolled all our bags into the elevator. After a couple minutes we made it to the lobby. I pulled out my camera ready to vlog. "Hi I am Madisyn. Welcome back. Right now us girls are waiting for the boys to come down to the lobby. Once they arrive we go to a sound check then the real meet and greet!" I said excited. I turned the camera off right as the boys came piling out of the two elevators. We all waited in a circle for Bart to come down. I thought I would kill some time and vlog again. "And here you can see I have found the magcon boys!" I yelled.

All of them stopped talking, and looked at me. I turned the camera to face them.

"Here is the Shawn Mendes, that Nash Grier, my brother Matthew, Jack, Hayes, Johnson, Cameron, Aaron, Taylor, Carter, Jacob, and the one and only Brent!" I said pointing to each of them. "Guys I am doing a vlog so if you want to say anything do it now."

"Oh my gosh I totally am dating Shawn Mendes. He is my only love, and I Carter am his only love!" Carter said putting his arm around Shawn. Everyone cracked up at Carter. I heard the elevator open, and out walked Bart with a couple of the Magcon staff.


It is my turn to do my sound check. My palms are so sweaty I might drop the mic. I have Anna video taping me for the my vlog right now.

"Don't worry you will do perfect. Even if you fall flat on you face I will still love you" Shawn said giving me a kiss with a shove out on to the stage. It wasn't a full on shove, but a little one just to encourage my legs to move.

A/N: I am sorry for any errors or mistakes. I finally downloaded all of Handwritten on to my phone. I love  his song strings! I have been also watching Cameron's 20 days of Dallas videos and it is nice to see him active on YouTube again. Thank you to the readers! Stay Beautiful people!  XOXO

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