Chapter 41

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"Shawn get up. How can you sleep this long!" I finally gave up. For the past 10 minutes I have tried to wake Shawn up. I need to get ready pronto, so hopefully he will just wake up on his own. I gave him a kiss on his forehead, and started walking away.
"That's all I was waiting for," Shawn smirked sitting up.
"Really!? You have been up this whole time?" I asked slightly annoyed.
"I woke up the first time I just wanted a kiss," he laughed.
I looked at him and chucked a pillow. That was no use he caught it..
"Babe don't be mad! It was a joke plus I wanted a kiss," he said trying to keep from laughing. How can someone so early in the morning joke around. This is too early to do anything. I put on a red tank top, black leggings, black sandals, and an eagle necklace. For my hair I frizzed it out a little adding waves into it. Last I just put on winged eyeliner and mascara.
Shawn decided to wear khakis pants, blue t-shirt, and black vans.
"Babe," I whined. At this point I am about to crash. This is too early for me.
"Just bring your bags down stairs, and I will put them in the trunk," Shawn said grabbing his bags.
I followed his orders, and brought down my suitcases and dress.
"Do you want a muffin?" Anna asked from the kitchen.
I nodded my head when she looked over at me. Matt came trudging down the stairs on Cam's back half asleep. Nash was trying so hard not to laugh at Matt when he followed them down the stairs. I slid down the wall next to the door, and Matt came over towards me, and sat down next to me.
"Matt," I whispered. We were literally just staring straight ahead at the other wall.
"Yes," he responded.
"I hate mornings," I yawned. I was trying so hard not to fall asleep. Shawn went outside 5 minutes ago with our bags, and hasn't came back yet. When he does come back in he is going to have to drag me out that door. Because there is no way I am getting up. I heard small chuckles coming from the doorway, and I looked and saw Anna and Shawn.
"You guys just sat in the middle of the hallway?" Shawn asked.
I nodded my head reaching my arms out to him. I probably look like a 3 year old wanting picked up. He bent down next to me, and threw me over his shoulders. Anna helped Matt up, and everyone went out to the cars. Cameron turned off the light, and locked the door.
Shawn sat me down in a seat, and I buckled up. Just sitting there I got a huge wave of energy. My eyes weren't heavy anymore, and the world is clear!
"I am so excited to go home! Soon I am going to be 16 year old graduate. You have never heard that before I bet," I blabbered on. Shawn and Anna looked confused of why I was talking as if I broke a law.
"Why are you so happy all the sudden?" Anna asked. You could tell she was confused because her eyebrows were knitted together.
"Duh. I just told you I am going back home, and I am graduating!" I cheered. Just because I was so excited I started dancing.
~~After airport and airplane ride~~
"Do you smell that! It smells like home!" I shouted inhaling the air. It is the same air I remember breathing all my life. Shawn, Cam, Matt, Nash, Hayes, Anna, Grayson, Ethan, and I all walked into the airport.
"I think luggage claim is that way!" Nash shouted pointing to the right. Of course he knew it is that way because there is a huge sign on the wall.
"Thanks captain obvious," I laughed.
"Well we have to go board another plane to get home," Ethan sighed hugging me.
"It was so great seeing you guys again! Definitely a lot of fun, and you guys will have to visit soon," I said. Grayson walked over to me, and gave me a hug.
"Thank you for everything," I whispered into his ear. We let go and smile at each other.
"Text me when you land I love you guys!" I yelled as they walked towards their plane.
"Love you too!" They yelled together.
Two of my best friends are leaving again. I'm going to miss them. I jumped on Shawn's back as we continued our journey towards the luggage claim. Yeah we saw a couple fans... Okay, maybe more than a couple.. Let's just say security had to come, and help us through towards our suburban... Oops.
"Mom!" I shouted walking into the house. I know it's only been two weeks, but I have really missed this place. Everything was still the same. The furniture, pictures, and decor.
"Babies! You're home!" My mom yelled running in our direction. She swung her arms over us embracing us in a hug.
"I have missed you guys so much! Did you already drop Anna off at her home?" My mom asked dragging us into the kitchen.
"Yeah she missed her mommy," I giggled.
Nash, Cam, and Shawn brought in all of the bags while our Mom started asking questions after questions. Hayes also stayed with us in the kitchen. But once she noticed Shawn came in. She attacked him with a hug. My mom absolutely loves Shawn. Probably loves him more then me.
"Mom after dinner when I unpack my clothes you and I can talk alone about everything so you don't bug me all night," I chuckled at her already feeding Matt. He such a mommy's boy.

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