Chapter 12

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After the sound check I felt a lot better about performing. I was still nervous about the fans. Bart yelled at us to get to our tables for signings and pictures. My booth was in the middle of Shawn's and Matt's. I had Anna come sit with for support. Once and while fans will recognize her because she is in lots of my vines and YouTube videos.

"Here they come!" Taylor shouted pointing to a group of girls coming in. They looked like they were lions who haven't eaten in two weeks. I felt a hand on my lower back. I turned around see Shawn.

"It will be fine. If you need a break just tell someone, and then go back stage. Remember out of all the girls in the world I want you no one else. So don't be upset it you think some girls are prettier then you. Just think in my eyes you are the prettiest girl in the world." With that he gave me a kiss. He always knows how to make me feel better.

"Awwww!" I ship you guys so hard. Like you don't even know. I dedicated my whole instagram to you two. Will you follow me on it please?" A girl looking about 15 asked.

"Of course! What is your username?" I asked giving her a hug.

"It is #Shadisyn_4_ever," She said showing me her user on her phone.

It was cute she made collages of us, and little videos. This has to be one of my favorite fan accounts. After taking lots of pictures, and getting told a lot of hurtful things signings were finally over. Now it was time to have fun on the stage. We all waited backstage till our names were called out.

"And now we have MADISYN ESPINOSA!" Mahogany yelled. I ran out on stage, and high fived a couple fans, and took a seat next to Shawn. The table in the front was covered so no fans could see under it, but Shawn had his hand on my leg. He makes me feels so safe. "And last but not least MATTHEW ESPINOSA!" Mahogany yelled. Out ran a Matthew Espinosa screaming excitedly. He came and sat right next to me on my left.

"Ello Baby Sister!" Matt said sitting down. Of course he didn't know the mic was on so he jumped when he heard it causing him to fall on the ground. I couldn't help but laugh a lot. It got so bad I started crying from laughing to much. Of course Shawn helped calm me down while Matt was trying to recover from falling.

"First question?" Nash asked. "You in the flower tank top." He said pointing to a girl.

"What is everybody's favorite thing about touring?" She asked.

"Ladies first," Nash said motioning to Mahogany and I.

"I love seeing all the places and people!" She said.

"I love being with all these people! They are all my family, and I wouldn't trade these crazy annoying guys for anything. I love meeting all my fans that support all of us and our dreams. Meeting you guys make my whole day. I love you guys!" I said blowing a big kiss to everyone. All the guys agreed with what we said, so we continued answering questions.


All that is left at this Magcon is performing. Right now Jack and Jack are singing their new song Paradise. I think it is really catchy, and will be number one on ITunes when they release it. The order of performing goes Jack and Jack, Jacob, Shawn, Me, lip gloss dance, and good byes. Jack and Jack finished performing, and Jacob begun. For Jacob's song he chose to sing a cover of You and I by One Direction. I really hope he was singing it about him and Mahogany.

"Hey are you ready?" Shawn asked coming from behind me.

"Yeah I hope I don't miss a note."

"You will nail it. Trust me I have seen you play the piano, and I have heard you sing. I have to go right now, but wish me luck?" He asked pointing to his cheek.

Magcon Princess *IN EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now