Chapter 45

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We just pulled up to the hotel Prom is being held. I am actually nervous because everyone looks at you. We have this Red Carper thing were if you are graduating you and your dates names get announced, and you walk down. Matt is in front of me which will kinda help with the nerves.
"Matthew Espinosa and Anna Greyson?" The lady asked.
"Can you say Matt please?" Matt asked lining up. She nodded her head and went to us.
"Madisyn Espinosa and Shawn Mendes," I said lining up. She nodded, and went to the next people.
My nerves are starting to get out of control. I don't know why I have performed in front of hundreds of people at Magcon. I think it might be because all these people I have gone to school with, and a lot of bullied me, but look who's laughing now I am. I am the one who is living her dreams. I looked up at Shawn and he smiled.
"I am ready are you?" He asked grabbing my hand.
I nodded and squeezed his hand.
"Matthew Espinosa and his date Anna Greyson!" The announcer said. The crowd roared with claps and screams.
"Madisyn Espinosa and her date Shawn Mendes!"
We took a step forward revealing our selfs from behind the curtain. Surprisingly the crowd cheered just as much as Matt. I looked up at Shawn and he looked down at me. I smiled, and he gave me a kiss on my cheek making the whole crowd awe. We slowly made our way down the stairs meeting Matt and Anna at the end.
"That was so much fun!" Matt shouted.
We sat down at a table with our reservation. Luckily Amber and Jake are sitting on the other side of the room. Shawn already knows about Jake liking me, so he is kinda keeping a lock down on me.
"Let's go dance!" I shouted standing up. Matt and Shawn stayed back at the table while Anna and I danced.

~One Hours Later~

"Are you having fun?" I asked Shawn.
"Yeah this is a blast!" He laughed.
I just sat on Shawn's lap while he talked to Matt and Matt's friends.
It's funny because Anna sat on Matt's lap too.
"Can we have all of our nominations for the Prom King and Queen?" Mrs Howard asked on the stage.
I got off of Shawn's lap and grabbed his hand. We walked up to the stage, and stood by Matt and Anna.
"This year our Prom King and Queen won by a couple more votes then the Prince and Princess."
I squeezed Shawn's hand because I am nervous as hell, and might pee my pants because I really have to go.
"And the prom king and queen our Madisyn Espinosa and her date Shawn Mendes!"
Instantly I froze. How could I have even won? Most people didn't even like me throughout school, and bullied me? Yet some how I win prom queen? I didn't even know people in my school actually like me. Yeah this is exciting, but I feel like I don't deserve it. For three months I didn't even come to this school.

Not only that, but Shawn doesn't even freaking go to our school. I guess since he's my date everyone decided to vote for him. Who could of imagined.

"Congratulations baby sis," Matt said hugging me.
I turned to Anna, and she hugged me too. Shawn grabbed my hand, and planted a kiss on my lips. Together we walked to the middle of the stage where he was awarded a crown, and so was I. In my head I was laughing so hard because Ambers face was priceless. She looked like she was about to kill everyone.
"Thank you so much for this. I am honored to be the queen, and to have my boyfriend up here with me is amazing. Thank you again and good night." I stepped away from the mic giving Mrs. Howard room to announce the princess and prince.
"And last our prince and princess are." She opened the folded piece of paper. "Matthew Espinosa and his date Anna!"
Anna jumped into Matt's arms embracing him in a hug. Being a junior and a princess is a big accomplishment. She still has one year of school left. Ha sucker should of took AP classes with me. Matt got a sash, and Anna got a small tiara.
"Congrats guys." I said hugging them.

We got our first dance to A thousand years which was special since that's the song I always dedicated to Shawn at Magcon.  The song ended, and everyone clapped while Shawn gave me a kiss.
"I am going to the bathroom with Matt. I'll be back in a minute," Shawn said over the music.
Anna came next to me as Matt and Shawn walked towards the bathroom. Then out of no where someone must of called the Wicked Witch of the West because Amber Prescott appeared in front of me.
"Hey little slut. How is living with 10 untalented loosers?" She laughed along with her 'friends'.
"It's funny because I recall only living with five amazing people?" I smirked.
"All your friends don't have any talents, so I don't know why any of them or you are famous. Every night do you like move on to the next guy? Get to sleep around with all of them while your boyfriend is on tour? Just have them all fall off of the face of the Earth to save all of us from seeing their faces again. Oh and Just because you won that crown doesn't mean people like you or your popular. They only voted for you, so you can introduce them to One Direction. Speaking of One Direction is Harry a good kisser?" She asked.
Okay she may have thought she was being smart and burning me, but all she was doing was really pissing me off. At this point I wanted to beat the living shit out of her, but we are at prom. 'A night that we will never forget'. Oh but I was going to make it were she will want to forget this night.
"Oh guess what I have been told Harry is a good kisser, but I wouldn't know because I never kissed him. Unlike you I have one relationship at a time, and control my hormones. Because guess what Shawn and I are happy, so why would I ruin that by kissing one of my best friends? You can make fun of me all you want and talk about me behind my back all the time that's fine. But when you start attacking my friends, and my relationship with Shawn that's were you cross the line.  Those people may be the weirdest most random people, but they amazing, caring, thoughtful, and unlike you they have a heart. I even bet Taylor has more talent then you, and all he does all day is scream random noises. But next time you want to talk about my friends- no not even friends. Next time you want to talk about my FAMILY like that be prepared to fight because I will be ready."
With that I turned around seeing everyone's faces surprised. I have never been the person to stand up for myself, so I guess they are kinda surprised, but it felt good to finally stand up to her. For years I have been dealing with her shit, but guess what I am not anymore.
"Yeah go running back to those untalented fags again, so you can try and kill yourself again! Make sure you succeed this time!" She yelled.
I clenched my fist and jaw as hard as I could. Hearing her say that reminded me of when she called me during Magcon, and said that.
"That little bitch." I said through my gritted teeth.
I turned around, and looked her dead in the eye while walking close to her. Quickly she went to slap me, but I grabbed her wrist twisting it. She yelped out in pain, and quickly with her other hand dug her fake nails into my skin. As quick as I could I jumped on her causing us both to fall on the floor. I was tugging on her hair while she was waving her hands around everywhere attempting to hit me. I felt hands around my waist trying to pull me off. By while they pulled so did I on her hair. I am guessing it was Shawn by his hands. He grabbed me off, and I didn't release from her 'hair' pulling out a chunk. Which turned out to be extensions. Jake hurried to her side picking her up, and Shawn kept me in his grip. I laughed at her extensions in my hand.
"I told you next time you say anything about them be ready to fight, and looked what happened I pulled your fake ass hair right out. Bitch better keep her mouth shut, or I personally will do it!" I shouted throwing her extensions on the ground by her feet. Matt and Anna followed behind Shawn and I because Shawn decided I should leave on his shoulder.
"Why did you get in a fight?" Matt yelled pacing back in forth.
Shawn sat me on my feet.
"Because she was talking bad about you guys. All of you Taylor, Cam, Nash, Jacks all of you, and I wasn't going to take it! I spent all my life keeping quiet not standing up to her while she bullied me. I had enough tonight! And when she brought up my family that's where she crossed the line. Then she started talking about the Harry situation. I told her the next time she wants to talk about my family she needed to be prepared to fight. As soon as I was walking away her trash ass opened up her mouth again. She went to slap me, and I blocked it, and that's when it started to get intense. I mean did you see when I pulled out her extensions! I knew they were fa-"
"Madisyn Raelynn Espinosa! SHUT UP!" Matt yelled.
I jumped a little, and Shawn grabbed me from me behind.
"I am sorry I yelled. I get you were trying to stand up for us, but what is going to happen when this get all over the Internet! Jamie is not going to be happy." Matt mumbled that last part.
"I will make a video apologizing to the Internet for my behavior, but I won't apologize to Amber. Then I will tell them the sorry, and a really way to stand up to some one bulling you without getting physical," I explained.

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