Chapter 32

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6 Days Later

Tonight Anna and I are going out with One Direction in celebration of the music video being done. It should be fun Anna gets to meet them all. We are going out to eat at this club type place in Santa Monica. Matt already approved as long as I don't drink alcohol. Harry is going to be here at 7pm to get us, so I have to get ready. I walked into our closet to try and find a outfit. A black hat was hanging up, and I had to wear it tonight. I decided to wear black skinny jeans, red long sleeve crop top, the black hat, and heel ankle boots. After getting out of the shower I blow dried my hair so I can curl it. I carefully placed the black hat on my curled hair. For my makeup I did a dark smokey eye to bring out my green eyes. Last I put on my Love necklace and black Ray Bans. Of course Anna looked gorgeous just like everyday. She was wearing white skinny jeans, black crop top, black high heel boots, gold necklaces, and Ray Bans.
"You look Hot!" I yelled grabbing my purse.
"Me look at you! You make me wanna go lesbian." She winked causing us to both laugh really hard.
"Harry should be here in 30 minutes." I said checking the time.
We walked downstairs to an empty house. Cashew took the Twins paint balling, so Anna and I decided to go over Next door, and hangout with Carter.
"Hey Carter!" I yelled walking in.
He turned his head and waved at us. We sat down on the couch next to the couch he was sitting on.
"Why did you guys dress hella hot tonight?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows.
"I have a boyfriend remember." I laughed. "Tonight we are going out with One Direction to celebrate the music video being finished."
"Okay so I will see both of your faces all over the Internet with some British boys?" He asked.
"No you will see our faces with British boys and an Irish boy." Anna laughed.
"Okay you got me there." Carter chuckled.
"Aye! Look who showed up looking smokin tonight!" Taylor shouted.
Anna and I looked at each other and busted out laughing.
"Let me guess... Carter?" I chuckled.
"Totally you know it." Taylor said sitting on Carters lap. "Babe you look hot every night." Taylor whispered shouted into Carters ear.
"Oh gosh!" Anna said putting her head into her hands laughing.
"So what's been up lately?" I asked Taylor grabbing a water bottle of of their fridge.
"Well I am thinking about doing a RV tour in a couple months or so."
"That sounds fun!" Anna said grabbing her phone.
"So why are you guys all dolled up anyways?" Taylor asked turning the x-box on.
"We are celebrating the music video being done with One direction." I sighed repeating myself. I hate saying stuff twice.
"So tonight I will see pictures of you guys and One Direction all over the Internet?" Taylor asked.
"Yes you will." Anna chuckled.
Styles Guy👏- I am outside.
"Got to go guys he's here." I announced grabbing Anna's hand, and dragging her.
"Bye!" Taylor and Carter said together.
"Bye!" Anna and I responded.
We walked outside, and saw Harry holding the door open for us.
"You guys look lovely this evening. Anna it is so nice to meet you." Harry smiled.
"Thank you. It is nice to meet you too." She blushed getting in.
We both climbed into the suburban, and Harry sat in the front driver seat. We made small talk till we got to the front of the 'club' place. The whole front was crowded with Paparazzi taking pictures of us driving up.
"I am going to jog around, and help you guys out then we will go inside." Harry explained.
We watched Harry run around towards our door hearing the paparazzi shouting at him asking questions. He opened the door, and helped us out.
"Take mine and Anna's hands and I will lead us through." Harry whispered shouted so only I could hear.
I nodded my head, and grabbed onto his hand, and Anna's hands. Harry lead us through the door. Once the door closed we all let go of each others hands and sighed in relief.
"Does that happen every where you go?" Anna asked.
"Mostly." Liam replied scooting over in the booth. We all sat down in the booth. On my right was Harry and on my left was Anna on the edge.
"What is good here?" I asked looking at the menu.
"I usually get a lot appetizers to eat." Niall laughed.
"Sounds good I will just get what you have." I chuckled setting the menu down.
"Agree." Anna laughed.
"Hi I will be your waitresses today." The lady with the name tag that said April on it. "What can I get you to drink?"
"I will have a lemonade please." I asked
"I will have the same." Harry ordered.
"Can I have a sweet tea please?" Anna asked.
The rest of the boys ordered their drinks then she left.
"Everyone know what they want to eat?" Zayn asked grabbing the menus.
We all nodded our heads. April came back with our drinks, and passed them out to us.
"What food do you guys want?" She asked pulling out a pen and pad.
"Can we just get two of each appetizers?" Harry asked handing her our menus.
"Yeah that's fine." She wrote down the order, and left.
"That is a lot of food." Louis laughed.
"A lot." Liam joined in.
Soon all of us were laughing.
"I hope you are having fun." Harry whispered into my ear.
"I love hanging out with you guys." I whispered back into his ear.
After 10 minutes April came back with another waitress both caring tray of food. Once the other waitress noticed who we were she started freaking out.
"You guys are One Direction. An you are Madisyn Espinosa! And you are Anna Madisyn's best friend!" She fan girled. We all nodded our heads.
"Oh my gosh. Are you two dating?" She asked pointing to Harry and I. We both looked at each other and laughed.
"No I am happily taken by Shawn Mendes." I laughed.
"And I am happily married to food." Harry said grabbing a fry.
"Oh I am sorry. Um. I am going to go now." She awkwardly laughed.
"Well that was fun." Niall chuckled
"A blast. I always love meeting fans. They warm my heart." I smiled.
We all begun to eat a little of everything. After a while it was about 10 when we decided to leave.
"I will take you home come on." Harry motioned.
"Bye guys." I said giving each of them hugs.
"Bye nice meeting you guys." Anna hugged each of them, and exchanged numbers with all of them.
"Okay same thing we did walking in here." Harry said grabbing my hand. Anna grabbed mine.
"Keep your head down." Harry whispered.
We all stepped out, and the paparazzi started taking pictures. Harry's car pulled up right in front of us. He opened the door, and helped us in. He ran around the car got in, and drove off.
"I am never going to get use to that." I chuckled.
It was 10:30 when we came to a stop in front of my house.
Harry opened the door for us, and helped us out.
"Tonight was a blast we need to hang out more often." I chuckled.
"We do. Good night guys." Harry said hugging and kissing our cheeks.
"Good night." We said together walking towards our house. Lights were on in our house, and all the other houses are dark, so I am guessing everybody is over at our house.

A/N: Carter's video. Oh.My.Gosh. I am completely speechless about it. On the bright side Shawn won a award at the Much Music Video awards. Go Shawn! Sorry for any mistakes, and I hope the people reading are enjoying this. Stay beautiful. Peace XOXO✌️

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