Chapter 8

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I was now sitting in my room on my phone next to Anna. She would randomly smile at her phone then look at me which made me suspicious.

Is this girl talking to a boy? Or is she just trying to hide something else. She's never been good at hiding things. Her and Matt tried throwing me a surprise party, but I figured it out before the day all because I was catching on, and she cracked.

I was scrolling through Twitter looking at all my DMs I got today. One stood out to me the most. It was the girl from the meet and greet. I tapped on the DM to read it. Her name was Carolina.

Carolina- It was so nice meeting you, and everything I said to you was true. I also over heard what you and the girls were talking about, and I just want to say you and Shawn do have chemistry. I totally ship it too(:  #Shadisyn
Love Carolina.. XOXO

Madisyn- Hey beautiful! It's so nice to hear from you! I just want to thank you for the support without you and my other fans I wouldn't even be where I am. Like I said earlier I know what you are going through. I went through the same thing.  I don't know about Shawn and I, but maybe.(; Thanks for everything!
Love Maddie(: XOXO

Everyone is talking about Shawn and I. And while they are talking I'm thinking about it even more. Shawn is the most amazing person I have ber met. He is so easy to talk to and he just makes me happy. Just thinking about him makes me get butterflies in my stomach.

I closed Twitter and turned my phone off.
"I have been thinking lately," I said to Anna.

"About?" she asked.

"Of course About Shawn. People keep telling me we have something but I don't know. I really do like him, but I am not sure what the fans would think. I mean Shawn and I both like each other, so it shouldn't matter what everyone thinks." I said messing with my fingers.

"The hashtag Shadisyn trended  when Cameron shipped it. I don't think they mind at all,"she said hugging me.  "Oh and Mahogany want us to meet her at the basketball court behind the hotel," Anna smiled.

"Okay let me get my shoes" I said getting up.

I got up and walked over to my black converse. I slowly slipped them on. Anna was already in the hallway waiting for me. I walked over to the door and closed it.

"I am ready," I said doing a weird dance move.

"Good I would hate for you to forget one shoe," she
said stopping.  "Get on my back," she said motioning me to her. I carefully jumped on her back.  "You know you are heavier the you look," she said acting like she had no air.

"I am the heavy weight champion," I said flexing my muscles. "I don't care what you think. Taylor said I was as light as a feather," I said pouting.

"But he lied," she tried mumbling but I still heard her. To show her I heard I gasped and playfully punched her. After a good 10 minute walk, we finally made it to the basketball court. Mahogany and Jacob were the only ones there.

"Where is everyone?" I asked looking around to see a few other hotel guest walking around in the humid night.

"They went to a movie," she responded quickly. She then nudged Jacob who then started nodding his head.

"Oh sounds like fun. But let's play some ball!!" I yelled excited.

"️Maddie and I, and Jacob and you" Anna said to Mahogany.

*1 hour later*

"Alright you guys win," I said dropping to the ground acting like I was waving a flag.

"It's only because you have Jacob," Anna said dropping next to me. Soon all of us were laying on the ground looking at the stars in a circle.

"I found the Big Dipper," I pointed to the constellation. "Then that star leads to the Little Dipper, and then right there is the North Star," I pointed out.

The sky is my favorite thing. It's changes all the time, and is never the same. I am disappointed when I look up to see what the sky is painted as. Then the stars are absolutely beautiful. Little shingling lights that brighten up the whole sky.

"I thought the North Star is suppose to be the brightest one?" Jacob asked.

"Nope" I responded. Learned that in Middle School.

"Hey!" Mahogany said sitting up. She pointed at a sign right next two big lamp post. The two lamps lit up a walkway. "That's the little walk everyone has been talking about. We should go find the wishing well at the end."

"That is a great idea!" I responded jumping on my feet. I seemed to get up to fast since my head started hurting. One of the most annoying things; getting up too fast.

"Come on guys!" I said walking to the beginning of the trail, and Everyone followed behind. The whole trail was lit up with lights giving us a way to see the beautiful brick pathway.

"This is so beautiful," I said in aw.  It really was. The lights made the brick trail show up, and the trail was lined up with the lights and flower bushes. It was so pretty seeing all the garden lights with the light bugs.

"I really love this trail!" Anna said linking arms with me.

We followed the trail till it stopped. We must of made it to the wishing well but it was now dark. All the trail lights turned off. All we had was the stars in the sky.

"Oh my gosh," I said in shock as lights turned on. It was so beautiful! All the trees had Christmas lights hung on them. Not only that, but the wishing well had lights hung on it, and In front of the wishing well was.. Shawn holding a bouquet of daisies. I walked towards him.
"Is this for me?" I asked.

He just chuckled and looked me in the eyes, "No I am waiting for someone else behind you," he chuckled.

"Oh alright I'll just move to the side," I said giving him the same amount of sarcasm and sass.

"No stop!" He laughed grabbing my arm gently, and holding me there. He handed my the flowers, and then got serious. "Look, I have been wanting to say this for the longest time, but I was letting my fear get in the way. You Madisyn Espinosa, are the most beautiful human I have ever seen even when you do your 'Old lady face'." He stopped to laugh a little, and so did everyone else. I quickly snuck in the face making him laugh more.

I looked at everyone staring at us, and got uncomfortable. I know they have been waiting for this, but we need our privacy to confess our feelings for each other.

"I know you guys want to be here, but can you leave so we can have a little privacy please?" They all looked at me, and the started leaving. I knew they were just hiding behind the trees and plants.

"Okay again, ever since I saw you in yours and Matt's vines I knew there was something about you. I was right you are so adventurous, sweet, caring, talented, funny, beautiful, but without going on about everything that makes you, I just want to ask you is let's make Shadisyn official. Madisyn Raelynn Espinosa. Will you be my Girlfriend?"

I was in shock. Shawn and I haven't really been on dates unless you count it being with friends, but I still feel like I can't say no because I'll regret it. This is what I wasn't even if going straight to boyfriend and girlfriend is too fast. I had no clue what to do or say. Till my mind finally caught up.


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