Chapter 23

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What is that noise? I opened my eyes moving around to get comfortable. Wait when did I get in my room? I only remember falling asleep on the couch? Matt must have brought me up last night or something. I slowly got up examining my empty room. I am really going to miss this place. I grew up in this home all my life. In two weeks I will be back, so I will only miss it for a couple weeks until I leave again. Ugh. I walked into my bathroom to take a shower. It felt nice feeling the hot drops of water hit my bare skin. My shampoo and conditioner smell so good. Like strawberries. I finished up my shower, then I blow dried my hair to straighten it. Once I finished it was time to change. For my outfit I decided to wear my black high waisted shorts, a crop top that says #Cashew, and my white converse. I am ready for the big moving day. Slowly I packed up every last thing in my suitcases, and dragged them downstairs. Standing up with relief I felt my phone in my right pocket vibrate. Checking my phone I saw Shawn texted. A smile pierced on my lips.
Lover Boy😘🙈✌️: I just want to say something to make you smile. Madisyn you are the most amazing beautiful girl in the whole wide world. I am so glad I met you. You are the best girlfriend in the world, and you mean so much to me. More than words can describe. You are my little princess and I can trust you with anything. I can't wait to see you again, and I am so glad how far you are coming. You are about to graduate from high school, and be in a One Direction music video! I love you so much baby.😘
He knows how to make me smile. I don't know what I would do without him.
My World🌎❤️💍: Shawn I love you so much. You just made my heart melt. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me! Without you i don't know where I would be. Every time I look at you its like the first time, and I fall in love with you more and more. Maybe we're just kids in love.
if this is what it's like falling in love then we don't ever have to grow up. I love you too Baby.😘
"Hello Sister!" Matt yelled running down the stairs with his suitcases.
"Hello Bobo!" I replied waving.
"Kids breakfast is done!" Mom yelled from the kitchen.
We walked into the dining room where she put everything on the table nicely. On my plate she put pancakes with strawberries, a couple strips of bacon, and a pile of fresh fruit. Matt had the same, but he had more of everything.
"Thank you mom for breakfast." I smiled.
"Thank you Mom!" Matt yelled shoving pancake in his mouth.
"Welcome babies. I just want to spend as much time with you guys. It seems like just yesterday I was helping Matt clean his face off because there was cake on him." She said with little tears forming in her eyes.
"Aww Mom that's because you did help him wipe cake off of his face yesterday during the BBQ." I laughed. They both soon joined in on the laughing. "But I might call you at random times when I need your help cooking. I am going to run out of ideas after a while!" I laughed.
"Skype me whenever you want I will always be here." She responded.
"Guess what?!" Matt shouted causing me to cough on my water I was drinking.
"What honey." Mom said.
"We need to go get Anna from her house and leave for the airport." Matt explained.
She let out a big sigh, and started to clean up. I grabbed my phone and suitcase to bring out into my Moms suburban. I stuck my suitcase in the back after Matt, and grabbed my carry on and personal.
"Mom lets go!" Matt yelled.
I hopped in the backseat waiting for my Mom. I watched as she took her keys, and locked the door.
"Alright we are going to Anna's house." She said starting the car. "Okay here is the thing. You each get a debit card with money on it. Right now they both have five thousand dollars on them. Each month I will add a hundred as a allowance. Just try and not spend all of it at once." She explained handing us each a card.
"Thank you Mommy!" Matt and I yelled in unison.
"You're welcome." She laughed. We pulled into Anna's driveway as Anna and her Mom came through the door with the bags. We all got out of the car to help them and say goodbye.
"Matthew you better take good care of her, and if anything happens you call me to tell me. Understood?" Anna's Mother lectured.
"bye second Mama!" I said giving her a hug.
"Bye honey" She replied.
"Bye Mommy." Anna said hugging her.
"Bye Baby girl I love you, and call me when you get to the house." She said tearing up.
"Okay Love you too." Anna said getting into the car. We drove off watching Anna's Mom wave good bye in the drive way.
"Well Mom this is it. I love you Marma thank you for everything." Matt said hugging her.
"I love you too Matt. Watch over these girls."
"Love you Mommy I will call you when we get to the house." I said hugging her.
"Love you too Baby girl. See you guys in two weeks!" She replied.
We walked towards the check in to get our tickets, then we went through security. After waiting 15 minutes we got on the plane.
After Airplane Ride
We walked off the plane and right away the hot California sun hit me. I took a deep breath taking in the air I will be smelling for a while. Anna and I followed Matt to the luggage claim. But before I went to grab my bag I saw Nash in the corner of my eye. I didn't hesitate; I dropped my carry on and personal, and booked it towards Nash.
"Nashy!" I shouted catching his attention. He turned his body I my direction opening his arms wide.
"Mads!!" He yelled back. I jumped straight into his arms wrapping my legs around him.
"Oh gosh I missed you so much!" I said into his shoulder.
"I missed you too." He replied. He was still holding me as we walked over to Anna and Matt. I jumped down and grabbed my bags while Matt jumped onto Nash.
"Oh Nash I missed you. Ashew is reunited! Now we need our C for Cashew." Matt shouted causing us to get stares. Matt jumped off of Nash, and Anna greeted Nash with a hug and a missed you.
"Where is Cambam?" I asked looking around.
"Umm he is at the house doing some last minute decorating." Nash said scratching the back of his neck looking at Matt. I noticed Matt shot him a 'Are you kidding me look'. We grabbed our bags and walked out to Nash's car.
"Has our stuff and Cars got to the house yet?" I asked getting in the back with Anna.
"Yeah they got here this morning." Nash laughed.
Good because I missed my jeep and without it I don't know what I would do. Oh wait I know what I would do I would stay home all day.
"We have about a hour drive home because of traffic, so get comfortable." Nash said turning the radio on.

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