Chapter 49

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"Are you ready to go?" I asked Shawn grabbing my jacket. He nodded his head, and we went out to Harry's car.

We got back to California three hours ago, but now it's time for Shawn to fly out. Harry offered to drive us to the airport, and take me back home which I am fine with because I am all alone at home. All the guys went to some interview thing, and Anna went out on a date with some dude named Drake. So I am going to party with One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer tonight. Well not all tonight just till later.

"Hey Harry," I greeted getting into the back seat with Shawn.

"Hi guys! It is nice to finally meet you in person Shawn. Madisyn talks about you all the time," Harry said exaggerating the all the time. Shawn chuckled a little.

"I do not!"

"It is nice meeting you too. I love your work," Shawn said grabbing my hand.

This is going to be hard letting go of him again. I feel like we are never together anymore, and he is always gone. I finally got him back, but he is leaving again. What am I going to do without him. Every time he is gone I feel an empty feeling inside me. Like my heart is missing a piece. How are we suppose to make this work if we never see each other, and talk twice a week. I just have to suck it up, and stop whining.

"Alright we are here," Harry said putting his car in park.

We all get out, and Harry helped Shawn grab his bags out of the trunk. He set everything on the sidewalk, and gave Harry a hand shake.

"Thanks for taking me, and please watch after her," Shawn said. Harry nodded and Shawn came over to me embracing me into one of his hugs. It was a nice long hug. I could already feel small tears forming in my eyes.

"I love you so much," I mumbled into his chest.

"I love you too Princess." He gave passionately kissed me with his soft lips.

"I have to go I love you," He said kissing me one more time.

"I love you too."

He handed me a letter envelope. "Read it when you get in the car." I grabbed it, and hugged him one last time.

"Bye Mendes."

"Bye Espinosa."

I watched him walk into the airport, and I got into the car with Harry.

"You all good?" He asked starting the car.

"Yeah." I whispered looking at the envelope in my hand. I think now is the time to read it. Inside contained a note with his cute handwriting.

Dear Madisyn,

"Every time I leave you it gets harder. Inside your eyes I can see you break, and I hate the fact I am the one making you hurt. There is not a moment that goes by where I am not thinking of you, and what we could be doing if I was with you, and not on tour. Knowing we can't talk all the time kills me, and I know it hurts you more. Which is why I am doing this. We need to break up, so you can live your life instead of waiting for me."

I stopped reading because right there that made me break down. Tears started flooding out of my eyes like a water fall, and Harry noticed. He pulled over on the side of the road, and came over to my side. He unbuckled me embracing me into a hug.

"It's okay. It's okay. Just breathe," he cooed.

That is the thing I can't breathe without Shawn in my life. How can I? He was my world, my life, my air..

"Did you read it all?" He asked after a long hug. I nodded my head no, and started reading the letter out loud.

"Waiting for me to call. Waiting for me to text. And waiting to see me. I know this is hard to read, and it is just as hard for me to write because you are my world, and I love you so much. More than words can describe, and that is why you need to live your life instead of waiting. When I get off tour maybe we can continue if you want. If you don't want that is fine with me; whatever makes you happy. We can still talk, and if you want to talk about this letter then we can. I just want you to know I love you, and I will always love you. Please forgive me for doing this.

Sincerely, Shawn."

I took a deep breath, and slowly controlled my emotions. I can't cry no more. It was just another teenage relationship that doesn't last. I folded the note back up, and sat back in the car not saying anything. This is the part where I don't cry anymore, and show I am a strong confident women that doesn't need a man in her life to keep her happy. All I need is my family and friends.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked. I nodded my head, and he sighed. "You know it is okay to cry right?"

"Yeah but it's fine. It was just another teenage relationship. I will get over it. It's not like it was going to last forever, right?" I said acting as if I didn't care.

We pulled into my driveway, and got out. I unlocked the door, and threw my keys on the table.

"I am going to get in my bathing suit, so make yourself at home there are drinks in the fridge, and food anywhere in the kitchen. Just don't eat any fruity pebbles," I said walking upstairs.

I put on just a plain black bikini. Nothing special just one that you tie around your neck and back. Then I stuck on a white cardigan cover up. Before I went back downstairs I put on my sunglasses, and grabbed my phone. Now I am ready to party around the world.
Get it?

Magcon Princess *IN EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now