Chapter 46

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"So you pulled her weave out!" Cameron laughed eating his toast.
Yeah I told the guys about it this morning. My mom doesn't know, and she never will hopefully. Shes never gonna find out. Maybe. Dang it! I forgot in the 21st century there is this thing called Internet. Well that screws up my whole plan of hiding it from her. Nash had to step outside after the story because he couldn't contain his laughing, and I didn't want him to wake up Shawn.
"Go get in the shower to wash off that ratchets touch. Gosh you don't want to spread the germs," Matt sternly said pouring a bowl of Cheerios.
"Chill I already took one this morning. You really think I would let her fingerprints stay on me?"
I gave Matt a kiss on the cheek for not saying anything to mom, and left back upstairs to check on Shawn. When I walked by the bathroom I heard the shower and singing. Well sounds like a concert in there. I giggled to myself, and pulled out my phone putting a snapchat of it.
'Someone like singing in the shower'
Then I made a vine.
'Someone likes singing in the shower, and it's not Becky G😂'
Gosh I am so funny I make myself laugh.
Let's see I have to be at the school by 6:00pm leaving me six hours. Alright let's turn up. Just kidding not yet. After graduation Matt and I are having a party. Mom and Dad approved, and are staying at a hotel tonight for it. Also they informed the cops a party was going to happen. What's on tv? I channel surfed for a while till I saw That's so Raven was on. This is like my show!
"If you could gaze into the future
You might think life would be a breeze.
Seeing trouble from a distance."
"Yeah go Rae!"
"But its not that easy. I try to save the situation. Then i end up misbehaving!"

I jumped off my bed getting ready for my favorite part.
"Hey now, what you say now bout to put it down. Come on and take a ride with Ra now. And the future looks great now and eveythings gonna change now."
I noticed a figure in my doorway, so I paused the TV before the song could go farther. Standing there was Shawn video taping.
"Will I be expecting that on vine this afternoon?" I casually asked.
"Yes you will," he smirked putting his phone in his shorts pocket.
"Okay make sure you tag me. Ain't no shame for rocking to Disney!" I cheered jumping back on my bed.
Ricky Dillion @RickyDillion: You go girl! There is no shame to singing along to That's So Raven! It's a classic. Oh and next time I want my weave pulled out instead of paying I will call you over okay?😂 @MaddieEspinosa

The o2l boys have been making joke about the fight. Ricky is a true that's so raven fan, so I am pretty sure he wasn't kidding with that part of the tweet. But my fans are also tweeting about my fight. For a little #Dontmesswithmaddie was trending. It's a long hashtag, so I don't know.

On the bright side my hair looks great! My mom curled is for me. It's simple but looks cute.

One hour till I need to be to our school. That's enough time to dress, and take more pictures. My dress is black with skinny straps and flows. Another simple dress.

Slipping it on Anna put my earrings in. They are just simple diamond earrings my parents bought me fire Christmas. Anna did my makeup which was a neutral eye shadows, winged eyeliner, eyelashes, and everything full face. . Two nights in a row of getting dressed up. That's a record!

Lastly I put on my black chunky heels

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Lastly I put on my black chunky heels. They make me feel different. A good different. A different meaning I can see over some people's head now! I won't be as short as usual.

"I have a graduation present for you," Anna smirked holding something behind her back. I couldn't see anything, but I can tell it's something small.
"You didn't have too! Our friendship is enough." I laughed at how cliché that sounded.
She presented a box which she opened having two brackets. They were little handcuff bracelets. How cute! And in on the box said 'here's to the nights I don't remember. With a friend I won't forgets Partners in crime.'
"These are so cute! Thank you so much." I gave her a big hug, and put mine on while she put hers on.
"Partners in crime forever," she whispered.
"Matchew!" I shouted from my room. He came up the stairs putting his other bow-tie on. He was wearing a white button up shirt, and khakis. Alright strange boy?
"Let me tie that." I walked over to him, and tied his bow-tie.
"Let's go get pictures!" Anna yelled running down the stairs. She was wearing a white strapless dress that went a little a over her knees, and flowed at the bottom.
"Matthew and Madisyn get together in front of that tree!" My mom demanded taking out her Canon Camera.
She made Matt and I get pictures taken with everybody individually, and one big group picture.
It took about 5minutes to drive to our school where Matt and I said bye, and left to our attendance place where we put our caps and gowns on.
For my cap I made the shape of Virginia out of small rhinestones, and the shape of California out of rhinestones. Then I had a little trail leading from Virginia to California. Last I put the quote 'she turned her cants into cans, and her dreams into plans...'
Matt for his cap put the Vine logo on it, and in the background a picture of all of us at Magcon. If you are wondering how he could of done that. It's because I helped do it. He came up with the idea.
"Is my walking partner ready?" Matt asked nudging my side.
"Yes I am!"
Here we go it's time to walk out. This is the moment I graduate.
"Madisyn and Matthew walk now!" Mr. Thatcher said pointing us outside.
Matt and I linked arm, and walked towards the football field on the red path they made.
"Matthew Espinosa and Madisyn Espinosa!" The announcer announced as we walked along the path. We took a seat in our assigned spots next to each other. I was on the edge, and Matt was next to me.
"We are going to have to sit out here in this heat for hours listening to these speeches," I whispered into Matt's ear. He laughed at me.
This isn't suppose to be funny. It's suppose to be serious. I am dead serious it's super hot, and we are outside in black gowns.
"I only added one lair of deodorant," I whispered again.
"It's about damn time," I whispered to Matt as we stood up.
Mr. Thatcher finally gave us the cue to stand up, and line up by the stage.
This is the moment we get our diploma. Shit. I am wearing high heels. I hope I don't fall flat on my face. This is why I need to think things through more.
Next time I need to add more deodorant and wear appropriate shoes.
At least Matt is behind me, and will catch me.
"One of our 5 graduates that is graduating early. Madisyn Espinosa!"
Carefully I grabbed onto the railing, and walked up on stage. I heard more screaming then just Shawn, Cam, Nash, Hayes, and my parents. I looked out to where is was coming from, and saw my family. All of them. The Jacks, Taylor, Carter, and Aaron. A huge smile appeared on my face, and I waved to them. After that moment I turned back toward Ms.Rae, and took my diploma.
"We will miss you"
I shook hands with the teachers, and walked off stage back to my spot. With out anyone noticing I took out my phone before Matt's name was called.
"Matthew Espinosa!"
"GO MATT!" I yelled while snap chatting him grabbing his diploma.
That is my brother. One of my best friends. Today I am a proud sister of The Matthew Espinosa

A/N: Wow nine total updates today! Sadly this book is coming to an end. Chapter 50 will be the last chapter, but good news I hear a sequel! Just kidding I can't hear it, but I can write it. You know what I am going to stop trying to be funny because it is not working. Okay anyways hope you enjoyed all of those chapters. Sorry for any mistakes or errors. Stay beautiful. Peace XOXO

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