Chapter 14

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She Looks so Perfect standing there in my American apearal underw—

I turned my alarm off grunting. Don't get me wrong I love 5SOS and all, but I hate waking up early. Bart wants us to have everything done that we need to do by noon.


Lover Boy😘🙈✌️: Morning. Breakfast Date?

My World🌎❤️💍: Morning! Of Course babe. When?

Lover Boy😘🙈✌️: In one hour I will be at your door ready!

My World🌎❤️💍:Okay!(((:

I put my phone on the night stand, and went into the bathroom. I did my normal shower routine, and curled my hair. For my outfit I decided to wear a 5SOS black crop top, galaxy shorts, and dark blue converse. For my makeup I did a little wing eye liner, mascara, light pink lipstick, and blush. By the time I finished it was 9:30am. I still had a couple mintues.

"Mahogany wake up! Anna wake up! The shower is open." I yelled throwing their blankets off of them one at a time. Once I said the shower was open Mahogany booked it into the bathroom.

"I am leaving on a breakfast date with Shawn. Text me if you need anything." I yelled walking out the door.

"Good morning beautiful. I was thinking Ihop?" He asked.

"I love Ihop!" I said jumping up and down like a little kid.

"Do you mind if I hold your hand?" Shawn asked smirking as he grabbed my hand.

"What is the whole point of asking if you already are?" I asked laughing. We walked a couple blocks till we got to Ihop. They seated us, and we begun to look at the menu.

"What is the whole point of looking at the menu when we both get the same thing?" Shawn asked laughing.

"Good point!" I joined laughing with him.


"One sec I am getting a call from Anna." I said.

M- Yello

A- Did you see the new number one trending hashtag?

M- No what is it?

A- #TwerkingMaddie now #Shadisyn has been beat.

M- Are you serious?

A- Yess! Your butt is trending!

M- I got to go I will talk to you later when I get back. Love you Anna.

A- Love you too Slut Monkey.

I set my phone down on the table, and looked at Shawn shaking my head.

"What's wrong?" He asked with concerned look resting his hand on mine.

"The hashtag twerking Maddie is now trending on Twitter. I am going to kill the guys." I responded with a glare just thinking about the endless revenge plans. He looked at me starting to laugh.

"I would say I am going to help, but by the look on your face I don't think you will need any help." He said giving me a kiss on my cheek.

We talked a lot longer about what are plans are for after Magcon which is really hard to think of. I can't imagine being without these idiots. Once we got back from eating I went upstairs to my room to give Anna her food.

"Here slut puppy I have your food!" I shouted setting it on the counter.

"Thanks Baes!" She mumbled taking a bite of the pancake.

Magcon Princess *IN EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now