Chapter 34

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I just want to die in a hole. Thank you Nash for staying with me last night, but nothing will make me feel better. I shifted my body to get my phone careful not to wake Nash up, and of course poor Nash woke up.
"No don't get your phone. Let's stay off of all electronics." He said yawning. After he yawned he grabbed my phone and stuck it on the night stand next to him.
"Fine I am going to go brush my teeth." I pouted.
He got up and followed me. I looked into the mirror and saw how I looked. I was still wearing the same outfit from last night, and my hair was a complete mess. My makeup was smeared all over my face, and I had tear stains on my cheeks and shirt. I brushed my teeth trying not to think of last night. I changed into sweat pants, and a pink tank top.
"Let's go eat." Nash said grabbing his phone.
I grabbed my phone too, but I still didn't look at anything. Nash is right I need to stay off of electronics for a while. I know I should call Shawn, but I am still worried he is too mad at me to talk. And eating is something last on my list. I can't eat right now I am too upset.
"I am not hungry." I whispered.
"Okay how about ice cream?" He asked.
I nodded my head.
"Get on my back." He said bending down. I jumped on his back and rested my head on his shoulder as he carried me down stairs. We grabbed two spoons and two cartons of ice cream from the freezer. He carried me over to the couch and sat me down. Taking a blanket he covered us both up, and handed me a carton of Chocolate ice cream and a spoon.
"Let's watch some Tv." Nash said turning on the Tv. Right away TMZ was on talking about last night. Scrambling clicking every button on the remote trying to change the channel as quick as he could. It was to late I saw it. I started crying again.
"Are you okay?" He asked hugging me.
"I am fine I just need some time." I cried.
My phone started ringing. I was hoping it was Shawn but it was Harry.
H- Madisyn! I am so sorry I didn't know they were going to say stuff! Are you okay? Do you need anything?
M- It's okay no need to apologize. The paparazzi likes to start drama. I have been better but thanks for caring.
H- Just call me if you need anything.
M- Okay thank you Harry. Bye.
H- Bye.

I put my phone down and took a big bite of ice cream.
"Boys are stupid!" I shouted with a mouthful of ice cream.
"All boys besides me." Nash cheekly smiled.
"Thanks Nash for being there for me." I said kissing his cheek.
"Your welcome." He smiled.
I kept eating my ice cream while watching Bridesmaids. My phone went off again.
"Nash. It's Shawn." I whispered.
He shot me a 'what' look.
"I will be in the other room shout if you need me." He said about to stand up. I grabbed his arm keeping him from leaving.
I looked straight into his bright blue eyes. "Please stay. I want you to be in the room."
"Okay answer him." He replied.
I slowly pushed the answer button and put it on speaker.
"Shawn?" I said weakly. I wanted to stay as strong as possible and not cry, but a my voice was weak and a few tears escaped my eyes.
"Madisyn. I never let you explain I am sorry for jumping to conclusions. Please tell me your side of the story." He said calmly. Wow I thought he would still be angry at me, but obviously he is doing better then I thought.
"Well I have never faced paparazzi before. I have only been surrounded by fans, but Harry told me to grab his and Anna's hand so he could lead us through the flashing lights and questions. Then in the restaurant we were all laughing when he whispered in my ear asking if I was having fun. I would never do anything to jeopardize our relationship. You saved me from dark places, and helped me when I needed it the most." By the time i finished explaining everything I was balling my eyes out in Nash's lap. I don't even think he could understand anything I said.It's so hard thinking I can loose him.
"I believe you. I trust everything you say. Madisyn I am so so so sorry for not listening; will you forgive me?" He asked. His voice cracked as he spoke.
"I forgive you. Thank you so much for believing me." A small smile showed up on my face knowing everything is all good now. We talked for a while until he had to go to a meeting. It was nice talking to him for a long time. At the end of the phone call when he told me those three simple words 'I Love You' made my heart completely come back together like his voice saying I love you was glue. Hearing him say it again knowing our problems are behind us is the best feeling in the world!
"Thanks Nash for Staying." I smiled.
"Look who is up!" Grayson playfully said.
"How is yous doin?" Ethan asked grabbing orange juice out of the fridge:
"Shawn and I are all good now." I smiled.
"You should thank Matt for that. After Nash went upstairs Matt called Shawn. He stayed on the phone for hours to make sure he was okay, and to tell Shawn he needed to let you explain. You have a really good brother." Cameron said coming down the stairs. "Matt is not up yet, so I am going to go wake him up."
I walked upstairs to his door. Slowly I opened it peaking inside to see if he was asleep. Slowly I crept around to the other side of his bed, and slid in. I looked at him waiting for the moment when he awakes. Wanting to cherish this moment I took a picture of us on Snapchat, 'I loves my big brother'. After waiting, five minutes he started moving around more.
"Good morning." I whispered waking him up a little more.
"Mornin." He muffled. "How are you doing?" He asked through his pillow.
"Shawn and I are all good now thanks to you. Matthew Espinosa you are truly the best big brother in the world. Thank you for everything." I smiled.
We laid in his bed a while talking about memories, and taking pictures. I decided to get ready for the day instead of being lazy, so I left to my room. I want to make a video about the Harry thing. First I should probably get dressed. I put on a white lace dress, white wedges, and curled my hair. No makeup today I am not in the mood.
"It's the twins can we come in?" Grayson yelled behind the door.
"Come in losers!" I replied back putting my curler away.
"We have a question to ask you." Ethan said sitting down on my window seat.
I nodded my head to continue on.
"Will you Madisyn Espinosa." Ethan said.
"Go to a LA Dodger game with us tomorrow?" Grayson asked getting down in one knee holding three tickets.
To be funny I acted like a person getting proposed to. I grabbed my heart with my hand, and with the other I am wiped away invisible tears. "Oh of course I will." I hugged both of them thanking them.
"I am so excited! I love watching sports; plus the Dodgers are my favorite! How did you know?" I asked in excitement. I am such a little kid with sports.
"A little birdie told us." Ethan smirked.
"You aren't going to tell me who this bird is are you." I pouted.
"Nope" Grayson said popping the P.

A/N: I have been sick for a while now, so I am sorry it there is a lot of mistakes. I have been trying to save a hold bunch of drafts, so I can just edit and publish them. Hopefully that works, and I don't get to far behind with updating. Thank you to everyone reading this. I hope you have an amazing day, and stay beautiful.
Peace XOXO

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