Chapter 30

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We went shopping for hours, and I bought over $400 worth of clothes. We also got our outfits for the billboards, and helped Matt find his outfit. (The picture is of some of the clothes. I am not showing their dresses for the billboards yet)
Anna and I put away the things we bought today, are just laying around.
"Yo! Let's do a video together!" Gray yelled entering my room next to Ethan.
"I will get the things. We are going to do a Q and A!" Ethan shouted from the hallway after leaving my room.
I watched Gray as he wondered around my room taking in details. He walked into our closet.
"Oh my gosh! This closet is amazing!" He said in amazement poking his head out of the door frame.
I chuckled at his face he was making.
"I got the stuff!" Ethan explained walking in with his hands full of equipment.
"Hey Guys! It's me, yes Madisyn Espinosa. And today I am joined with The one and only-"
"Dolan twins!" They yelled at the same time.
Anna and I laughed; we love when they say things at the same time.
"And also with Anna. Today we are going to do a Q and A. We tweeted about the hashtag AskMDA and we are going to answer them. So we take a tweet read it out loud and we all have to answer it if it is not directed to a certain person." I explained
"Let's get started!" Anna chuckled.
"Okay when was your first kiss?" Ethan read. "Mine was 6th grade during Lunch time." Ethan laughed.
"Mine was 7th grade at my formal which is a dance." I chuckled.
"All I am going to say is mine was in 6th grade also." Grayson said.
"And tell everyone about yours Anna." I laughed wiggling my eyebrows.
"Mine was 8th grade.." She blushed.
"With who?" I questioned already knowing the answer.
"Matt.." She said under her breath.
"No way!"
Her face turned as red as a tomato.
"Next question! Favorite chips?" Anna asked.
"Cool ranch!"
"Don't judge but mine is salt and vinegar." I laughed. Of course they teased me then told me they like those chips too.
"Okay." I pondered. I looked through Twitter and one popped up. Geez. I sighed.
"What is i- Whoa." Grayson said reading it. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "It's all right answer it doesn't bug me." He whispered.
"Um this is for Grayson and I. How are Grayson and Madisyn such good friends after things ended badly between them." I nervously said.
It's true Grayson and I dated. We dated for 10 months till he cheated on me with one of my old best friend.
"Do you want me to answer or do you want to?" He asked.
"I will." "Yeah things ended badly but we overcame it. I forgave him like any reasonable person, and look at us now." I said giving him a big hug. "He is one of my best friends."
"And she is one of my best friends." He laughed.
"Question 3. What do you guys have in store for us in the future?" Grayson asked.
"Don't tell anyone. Grayson and I are going to be touring soon." Ethan whispered.
"What he said" Grayson whispered getting up into the camera.
"I am going to help manage this little one." Anna said patting the top of my head.
"And I might be in something. And might be trying to write a song." I said uneasy.
"That was a lot of fun!" Ethan chuckled as we all ran downstairs.
"Maddie I am hungry." Nash pouted coming into the kitchen resting his head on my shoulder.
"Make something."
"I don't know how to cook. Do you mind if I order Chinese takeout?" He asked grabbing his phone.
"Nope. I love Chinese. We can pick it up if you want?" I asked.
"That will be great! Let me get the money." Nash said pulling out his wallet.
"No let me. I will pay for it all; I have guest so I will pay for all of it." I insisted fixing my scarf.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I am positive." I smiled.
After Nash ordered the food The twins, Anna, and I got into my jeep to pick up the food.
"Change the station please?" Ethan begged.
"Anna change it please." I laughed.
She changed the station to a commercial, and tried another station. Life of the Party was playing.
"Anna can you video tape me for a second please?" I asked handing her my phone.
"And rolling!"
"So Baby be the life of the party. First time hearing it on the radio. So proud of you baby. Love you so much, and good luck on tonight!" I said doing a hand cue to cut.
"Thanks Bae." I said taking my phone, and setting it down.
"This is a great song!" Ethan sang.
Once the song ended we pulled up I front of the restaurant. King Dragon.
"A twin come with me to get the food." I said unbuckling.
Ethan followed me into the restaurant to the front desk.
"To go for Grier." I asked politely handing her my card.
"The total is 53.56." She said handing me a receipt.
I signed the receipt while she went back and grabbed the boxes of food. Yes boxes. Ethan grabbed a big box and little one and I grabbed a big one.
"Thank you"
(This is On Purpose by Sabrina Carpenter)

"Your eyes, Crashin' into my eyes.. Was I accidentally falling in love? Your words, Didn't mean to heal the hurt. Were coincidentally more than enough

All these days I never thought That I would need someone so much, Who knew? But I don't think I ever planned For this helpless circumstance, With you..."

I sang. I am trying to write a song with my guitar on my lap. That is all I have so far. Gosh just think how Shawn makes you feel. Whenever I touch him sparks fly everywhere almost like fireworks. Every time I kiss him the same sparks are there from our first time we touched. I just wish he wasn't busy all the time, so I can actually spend time with him.
"You're scared, I'm nervous But I guess that we did it on purpose, on purpose, on purpose Baby, I know it's weird, but I'm worth it
'Cause I guess that we did it on purpose." I scribbled out I'm and changed it to 'but it's worth it'.

"That sounds good." Matt said from the doorway.

"Thanks. Did the twins go asleep already?" I asked.

"Yeah." He responded sitting next to me on the bed.
I started writing again.

"But we did it on purpose." I wrote it down a couple times trying to get it flowing with the beat in my head.

"You are a natural at this." Matt applauded.

"Thanks I think I am going to go to bed. I have to be at the beach early for shooting." I yawned putting my guitar on its stand, and the song notes away.

"Beach?" Matt questioned.

"Yeah one scene is on the beach." I chuckled.

"Well good night love you baby sis." Matt said kissing my forehead.

"Love you too." I replied watching him leave my room closing the door behind him.

Madisyn Espinosa @MaddieEspinosa: We did it on purpose 🎶🎶

A/N: Thank you so much!!! Over 1,000 reads. I want to thank everyone who reads this, and putting up with my terrible writing skills. Sorry for any errors or mistakes it's hard to write on my phone. Have a wonderful day. Stay beautiful everyone. Peace XOXO

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