Chapter 13

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Right now I am boarding the plane to Atlanta. I am suppose to sit in between Anna and Shawn. This should be a blast sitting in between them.

"We need to take a selfie so I can post it everywhere!" I scream whispered.

"Alright should I do duck lips?" Shawn asked making duck lips.

"You are such a typical white girl." Anna said.

"Aww don't worry you are my typical white girl" I said poking his nose. "How about after we land we go to starbucks?" I asked pinching his cheeks.

"I am up for starbucks." Anna shouted raising her hand.

"Okay okay selfie time!" I shouted holding my phone up. Instintaly Shawn and I held up a peace sign.

"Come on Anna hold a peace sign up!" Shawn Said. This picture was a keeper. How cute all three of us were doing the same thing.

Madisyn Espinosa @MaddieEspinosa: Nothing like sitting in between your best friend and boyfriend on a plane ride! XOXO

I attached the picture, and tweeted it.

"Shawn just so you know I might have a panic attack.. When I fly at night I start to panic because I can't see the ground." I said grabbing his hand intertwining our hands.

"It's okay I know how to help. 1 help you breath in and out. 1 close the window, so you can't see out. 3 Try and give you water. 4 hold you tight, and never let you go." He rubbed little circles with his thumb on to my hand. "Matt already told me everything." He gave me a smile which made me blush. I don't know why but he makes me blush every time he smiles, or looks me in the eyes. "Try going to sleep I will take care of you I promise." I leaned my head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arm around me. He covered us up with a blanket. He leaned down and kissed my temple. "I love you Beautiful. Sweet dreams." He whispered into my ears. I looked up at him giving him a smile.

"I love you too Mendes." And with that I closed my eyes, and fell asleep blocking out the world.


"Babe" "Babe" "Babyyyyy" Shawn whispered shaking me slightly. I opened my eyes to my Canadian looking at me.

"I don't want to get up." I whined still half asleep.

"We have about 10 minutes till we land. So we should probably want to gather all of our things." He said kissing me. I looked over at Anna to see her awake on Twitter.

"You know when you were sleeping you were also snoring." Anna said trying to hold in her laughter.

I hid my face in my hands shaking it back in forth.

"It's okay. It wasn't loud just a faint snore. Plus it was a cute snore." Shawn said kissing my cheek.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to snore. I never snore."


We just got settled into our room. I am sharing once again with Anna and Mahogany. This time there is three beds so we each get one. Shawn can come sleep with me one night. We are staying only two days then we are off to Washington DC. Tomorrow is the Meet and Greet at 2:00pm.

"After we get in our PJ'S we are going over to Cam and Nash's room to eat pizza and hang out." Mahogany said throwing her clothes in the dresser.

"Okay what PJ'S are you wearing?" I asked.

"Let's all wear footsie PJ's!" She yelled running over to the bathroom where Anna was. "Anna we are going to wear footsie PJ's over in Cam and Nash's room!" Mahogany yelled banging on the door.

"Do you think she heard you?" I sarcastically said laughing.

I pulled out my Minnie Mouse footsie pj's. They are black with white polka dots. On the hood it had ears with a red and white polka dot bow. These are my favorite PJ's of all time. Mahogany put on cat footsies with her cat ears. And Anna put on Dog pair of footsies.

"Look! I'm a mouse and cats hate mice, and Mahogany is a cat, and dogs hate cats! Wow that is funny!" I pointed out. We all laughed for a little then walked over to Nash's room.

"I'm back my whores!" I shouted walking in.

"Glad to hear I am your whore." Shawn said standing up giving me a kiss.

"Hey Baby" I cooed.

He walked over to the couch pulling me by my waist onto his lap.

"Wait!! I need to get a picture of Mahogany Anna and I wearing our footsies before we do anything!" I yelled jumping off Shawn. "Shawny will you please take the pictures" I said using my big puppy eyes.

"Since you said please." He said grabbing my phone. We took a picture of us smiling then one of us laughing. They turned out amazing!

"Alright Nash Truth or Dare." Cam said smirking.

"Dare." Nash said smirking back.

"Zayumm. Okay I dare you to brush your teeth with mayo." Cam replied.

"You Bitch. But whatever I guess a dare is a dare." Nash stood up, and walked over to his bathroom grabbing his toothbrush. He went into the kitchen grabbed the mayo, and came back out.

"Okay I'm going to brush my teeth in 3..2..1" Nash yelled sticking his tooth brush in his mouth. His face was pure horror.

"That is so gross Nash!" I yelled hiding my head into Shawn's chest.

"Alright you can stop now!" Brent yelled. Nash instantly ran into the bathroom spitting it all out.

"That was nasty. No one should ever have to go through that besides Cameron." Nash yelled sticking in a piece of gum. We all just laughed at him. "Okay Maddie Truth or Dare?" He asked.

"Duh Dare!" I yelled.

"Okay then...Mh. I dare you to wall twerk!" He yelled jumping up.

"Okay that's easy. But I have to be listening to a song." I said jumping up. I unzipped my footsies half way tying the sleeves around my waist. My sports bra was showing, but oh well it's like a bathing suit. If I had my footsies on normal it would be uncomfortable. I turned on my phone to How Low by Ludacris. Then I twerked on the wall.

"Zayumm she is twerking a million times better then Miley Cyrus!" Cam yelled.

I jumped off the wall and bowed. "Thank you I will be here all tour."

"That just went on my Snap Chat" Nash yelled.

"DAMN SHE GOT THE BOOTY!" Taylor yelled.

"Yeah but it is my booty." Shawn said pulling me onto his lap. I felt my phone go off.

Carter tagged @MaddieEspinosa in a vine: Next Miley Cyrus.

"Carter are you serious!" I yelled. A vine of me twerking. Wow.

Cameron Dallas mentioned you in a post.

Cameron Dallas @CameronDallas: @MaddieEspinosa can twerk better then Miley Cyrus! She can do it on the wall! (1 attached photo)

"Great there are Snapchats, tweets, and vines of me twerking or pictures of me twerking. That is the last time I ever do a dare." I said cuddling with Shawn.

"I thought it was hot." Shawn said smirking while winking.

"I know I am pretty hot." I winked back.

We played for about a hour. While eating pizza. After that we winded down, and watched high school musical. Everyone went to bed after the movie. I said good night to Shawn and went into my room brushing my teeth and hair. I laid in my bed, and heard my phone buzz.

Lover Boy😘🙈✌️: Good Night my beautiful Miley Cyrus. I hope you have the best dreams tonight, and I can't wait to see your beautiful face tomorrow. Good night my love.❤️ Love you😘

My World🌎❤️💍: Aww I love you too Good Night😘😘

I turned my phone off, and fell asleep with a smile of my face.

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