Chapter 37

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So far people are understanding what happened between Harry and I. TMZ told the real story this morning while I was curling my hair, and some people are apologizing. Harry sent me a text saying his manager got TMZ to tell the full story from my YouTube video. I am so tired though. Shawn called me at 1am last night, and of course I answered it because I promised him I will answer all calls from him. He couldn't fall asleep and usually he sings me to bed, but this time I sang to him. I sang him my new song, and he fell asleep. But I am hoping if I perform at a concert the crowd doesn't fall asleep because things would just be awkward. I am all ready in my Dodger gear ready for the game. I decided on wearing a LA Dodger beanie, white shorts, blue converse, and my crop top that says 'Los Angeles' I bought at my last baseball game I went to. I remember when Magcon went to Los Angeles, and Shawn took me to a game.
Shawn decided on taking me to a Dodger game. I am really nervous because I really get into sports. Like I kinda get aggressive and competitive, and that will be really embarrassing to freak out in front of people instead of freaking out at home with my family who are just as competitive. I walked down to the lobby where Shawn said he would meet me.
"Hello Princess," Shawn whispered into my ears while wrapping his arms around me from behind. His Canadian voice sent butterflies to my stomach.
"Hi Babes!" I shouted jumping out of his arms. I think I was to loud because doing that I earned stares from people around us.
"I wanted to hold you," Shawn pouted giving me a big puppy dog face. This was really hard to respond too. At this moment I want to burst out laughing, but at the same time I want to give him a whole bunch of kisses.
Eventually we made it to the game. Like I was hoping I didn't get aggressive or competitive, but I did spill notchos all over Shawn. We laughed about it all day.
*End of Flashback*

Shawn's POV
It is currently 5am and I am boarding a airplane. I can't help but miss everyone from Magcon. They all grew on me so much, and impacted my life. Madisyn the most. I miss her so much. Her eyes that change different shades of green and blues, her long brown hair that is so thick whenever I ran my fingers through it, or her short small body that fits perfectly into my chest when we cuddle. I looked through my pictures I have of us on my phone. I came across a picture of her and I with flour and eggs all over us. The picture was so cute. We were sitting on the ground with white flour surrounding us. We were both looking at each other with the biggest smile on our faces while my hand on her cheek.
We are in a hotel room that is huge. We have our own personal kitchen that I doubt anyone will use besides the fridge.
"Shawnnnn help me cook pancakes for everyone please!" Maddie pleaded grabbing my hand attempting to pull me off of the couch. It's funny she thinks her 30 pound body can pull me up. I chuckled at her struggling, for her socks on her feet kept making her slip.
"Fine since you said please!" I gave in to her. It's not easy though because I am crazy for her. She could ask me to rob a bank and in a heartbeat I would grab a ski mask.

I followed her into the small kitchen where she had everything set up. I carefully measured 5 cups of flour into the bowl. With the leftover flour on my fingers I flicked it into her face. She flinched causing me to chuckle to myself.

"You seriously just did that?" She asked serious.

"Nope it was the hotel mouse," I sarcastically said grabbing out the milk.

"Well then." She took an egg into her hand and

cracked it on my head. "I guess the hotel mouse did that too." She giggled.

"I can't believe you just did that." I said grabbing a handful of flour in my hands. I placed my hand behind my back before she could notice anything.

"What are you going to do about it. Men. Des." She said separating my last name into two parts.

"Well I think I will." I took my hand and poured all the flour on top of her head.

She gasped as if she caught her breath after not being able to breath for a while. Before I knew it both of us were throwing eggs and flour at each other.

Soon it settled down to us on the floor having a laughing fit. I crossed my legs, and lifted her on my lap. She put her legs to the side of my hips, and her face was facing me.

"You are perfect," I whispered admiring how beautiful she looked.

Her cheeks turned a light shade of red, and she smiled showing her perfect teeth. I carefully placed my hand on her cheek using my thumb to caress her soft skin. I heard a camera click, and turned to see Hayes was taking pictures.

"You better send those to me," I demanded helping Maddie off the ground.

"You got it. You do know that you guys will have to clean this up right?" Hayes asked looking around at the now white kitchen.

We looked at each other and laughed.

*End of Flashback*

"Soon I will see you," I whispered putting my headphones in.

Madisyn's POV

I grabbed my keys, purse, and wallet off of my night stand, and walked downstairs.

"You ready?" Ethan asked. Ethan is wearing a black t-shirt with khakis and blue vans. While Grayson is wearing a white t-shirt, jeans, and blue vans.

"Yeah Lego. Bye Matty," I said hugging him.

"Bye Madds be safe, and have a great time!" He said waving us off.

The twins and I hopped in the Jeep Grayson sat shot gun next to me, and Ethan was in the back. Last night I told the twins to take the top off, so we get to ride with the wind flowing through our hair.

Matt's POV

I stood there waving till they walked out of the door. Once they walked out I ran to the door waiting till I saw them drive off.

"GUYS NOW LETS GO WE HAVE NO TIME TO WASTE!" I shouted scrambling for my things.
Nash, Cam, and Anna came running down the stairs ready. Before I knew it everyone was running around the house like chickens with their heads cut off.

"Stop!" I yelled stressed out. Everyone lined up in front of me.

"Anna do you have the letters in the car?" I asked.

"Yes sir." She responded.

"Cam do you have the tickets?" I asked checking letters off my list.

"Yes sir," Cam said.

"And Nash is Hayes on his way, or do we have to get him from the airport?" I asked.

"I told him to take a taxi here after his flight he sho-"

"I'm back bitches!" Hayes yelled walking through the door.

"Watch your profanity mister," Nash laughed hugging Hayes.

"Nice seeing you again," I smiled bro hugging him.

"Hey little guy," Anna said hugging Hayes.

Cam bro hugged Hayes, and their attention reverted back to me.

"Alright everyone load up! We have a mission to complete!" I shouted running out the door.

Cameron got in the driver seat, and I sat in shotgun. Everyone else sat in the back seat. Here we go off to complete mission Prom.

I did it guys I updated two times on this special day. Happy 18th Matthew Espinosa you are officially a adult. Seems like just yesterday he was 17. Just kidding he was. I hope you guys enjoyed the two chapters. Sorry for any mistake or errors.
Stay Beautiful Peace XOXO✌️

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