Chapter 26

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I walked into my room to be amazed.

"This is so beautiful!" I yelled jumping into Nash and Cam hugging them.

"We are glad you like it." Cam chuckled.

"Yeah I did help pick out most things. No biggy." Matt said trying to act cool.

"Thanks Matthew." I laughed messing with his hair.
It was a perfect room it had a beautiful sign over my bed and that said 'Friends become our chosen family'. It was perfect and reminded me of Magcon. My desk that I am also using as a vanity had my Computer already set up and mirror where is needs to go. They put a flat screen on top of the wall at the perfect place you can see from my bed, and the chairs set up. They also bought me a long length mirror that opens into a huge storage place for jewelry.

"We also got you a shelf for nail polish. We decided to put a few on it." Cam chuckled.

I looked around and noticed something was missing. I looked in one of the boxes that have not been emptied yet . And I pulled out the picture of me and Shawn at Magcon. I put it on my desk after giving it a kiss.

"Thank you guys." I said giving them each a kiss on the cheek.

"Well we will leave you guys to heft settled in more." Matt said pushing Nash and Cam out.

"I am going to unpack." Anna said leaving.
I have to call my mom still.

Me- Mom?

Mom- Hey honey how is the house?
Me- It is amazing! The boys already put furniture in every room, and it's huge. They even surprised Anna and I by decorating our rooms. They are absolutely beautiful.

Mom- Sounds amazing. I have to go to work, love you.

Me- Love you too.

I grabbed more picture frames out of my boxes to hang up when something fell. I looked down at my feet to see my old camera I got four years ago. I used it at Magcon a couple times to take pictures of Shawn and I. Turning on the camera a wave of memories hit. Memories of Shawn and I at the beach, and memories of Anna and I young. Looking at all the pictures made me smile. Except for one. A picture of Anna four years ago, two weeks after her dad passed away. She didn't smile for those two weeks, and this pictures is of the first time she smiled since her dad died. I gave her a locket with a picture of her dad in it. These past years she has been doing great. Her mom got remarried, and Anna loves John.

"Hey Sis." Matt said knocking on the door. I turn off the camera and look up at him.

"Are you okay? Are you crying?" Matt asked concerned.

A small tear escaped from my eye. Wiping it away I replied, "I didn't realize I had a tear. I was just looking back at all my pictures filled with great memories."

"Okay well anyways all the guys are coming over even the O2L guys in a couple hours, so I was just wondering if you can cook dinner? Possibly BBQ food since we want to have one?" Matt asked shyly.
I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Sure nerd. I am going to change then I will be down." I chuckled.

"Okay I will run to the store to pick up some things. Thanks baby sis Love you bye!" Matt rushed kissing my cheek.

Magcon Princess *IN EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now