Chapter 33

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"Maddie you are home!" Nash said running up to us with all the guys behind him. All of the Magcon boys and O2L were over, and looked nervous.
"What's up guys?" I asked hanging up my purse.
"Well. Um. What I said happened." Carter nervously said scratching the back of his neck.
"What?" I asked
Nash handed me his phone.

Harry Styles and Madisyn Espinosa?

Madisyn Espinosa Caught Cheating on Shawn Mendes with Harry Styles!

They think I am cheating?
"This isn't good. OH MY GOSH! WHAT IS SHAWN GOING TO SAY!" I shouted. Right now I was balling my eyes out. I skipped straight from the small tears forming to balling my eyes. My phone was going crazy from notifications. People were calling me a cheater and a two timer.
"What am I going to do?" I cried breaking down in the kitchen. I fell to the ground. Shawn... He is going to be so hurt thinking I cheated. I didn't even cheat..
Shawn's POV
I am just chilling here on the tour bus. We are stopping at a hotel for the night. My twitters getting blown up. People are telling me to look up Madisyn? Well alright? I went on Google and typed in two names. Madisyn Espinosa. First thing that pops up is her and Harry! What the fuck is happening? What the hell? Right away the anger started building up, but at the same time my heart completely collapsed. I clicked on the article, and see pictures of her and Harry holding hands!? I can't even handle this. I can't. How could she cheat! I thought she loved me, but instead she would rather be with fucking Harry Styles! I knew I could never stand a chance against him.
"Shawn are you okay?" Ally said walking into the bus. "Are you crying?"
I didn't even notice I was crying. Great fucking great.
"Um yeah. I just um need some air," I said making my way out of the bus. I walked to the other side of the bus, and just broke down. I collapsed to my knees putting my head down.
"How could she do this!?" I shouted.
What I need to do is confront her about this. I don't even know if we should still be together.... I dialed her number, and her picture popped up on her caller id.
"I thought she loved me.." I whispered. I hit call; I don't even know what I am going to say.
Maddie's POV
My phone started ringing. It's Shawn..
"It's him." I whispered looking up at all the guys who had concern looks plastered on their faces. What am I going to say..
"Shawn?" I whispered.
"YOU CHEATED?" He shouted. I could tell he was crying.
"No Shawn I didn't! Please let me ex-"
"It's all over the Internet! Pictures of you holding Harry's hand, and whispering into his ear while he smiles. I AM NOT STUPID!" He cried
This broke me. I stood up still on the phone and ran upstairs to my room, so no one could hear.
"Shawn please I didn't." I cried.
"I don't even know what to think. My girlfriend cheated on me. I don't- no I don't even want to talk to you right now." And with that he hung up leaving me crying on my floor. I was crying so hard I started hyperventilating. The whole room started getting smaller.
"ANNA!" I screamed.
"ANNA!" I screamed again.
"Anna." I said trying to breath.
I heard running up the stairs, and saw Nash run over to me. He cradled me into his arms.
"It's okay calm down. Breath in. Breath out." He cooed. After he said that he handed me my inhaler. I only use it when I have trouble breathing.
"I JUST WANT TO DIE!" I shouted.
"Don't say that babes. Stay strong. Anna left to the store to grab some things. Shawn just has to calm down a little. Matt is trying to talk him right now about it." He said stroking my hair.
"I hate my life." I cried.
Nash's POV
After a while she fell asleep. It was strange while she was sleeping she still had tears coming out. I picked up her body in my arms, and carried her to her bed. Gently I covered her up, and laid right next to her to stay with her. We can't leave her alone in this emotional state. She might do something to hurt her self.
Matt's POV
I told the guys to go in the living room while I try, and talk to Shawn on the phone. They obeyed and I dialed his number.
I heard sniffling and knew he answered.
"Shawn?" I asked
"What?" He cried.
"Did you let her explain?" I asked
"There is nothing to explain! She cheated!" He shouted through the phone.
"Paparazzi has a way of making things look 100 more times worst then they actually are. You just need to let her explain."
He sniffles a little," Is she around you? Can I talk to her now?" He asked.
"She's upstairs now. Nash is trying to calm her down. Let me see if she is okay to talk." I explained.
I walked upstairs to her room, and slowly opened the door. She was laying in bed cuddled up next to Nash sleeping, but still crying. Nash noticed me, and slowly got out of her grip. We both walked into the hallway.
"She was hyperventilating. It took a while, but she feel asleep, and she is still crying in her sleep." He explained.
"Okay just don't leave her side please. Whatever you do." I begged.
"I know I thought about it already. She started saying stuff like 'she hates her life' and how much she wants to die." Nash said with a couple tears forming up in his eyes.
Those last words really hit me. She wants to die again. I can't stand to see her like this.
"I am going to go back in. Bye Matt." Nash said bro hugging me.
"Bye Nash. And thank you for always being there for her. It means a lot bro." I smiled.
He returned a nod, and walked back inside.
I pulled the phone back up to my ear.
"Did you hear that?" I asked.
"Yeah... This is all my fault!" He cried harder.
"No it's not bro. Just get some sleep, and talk to her tomorrow. Okay?" I explained trying to comfort him. I tried my best because I know they are both hurting with this.
"Okay I will try.." He responded
"Bye Shawn."
"Bye Matt."
I hung up, and walked back down stairs. The guys were waiting at the end of the stairs.
"How is she?" Cameron asked.
"Um. She is asleep right now, but we just need to watch her. Never let her be alone for the next couple of days. We don't want a repeat of what happened a while ago." I said trying not cry.
"How was the call with Shawn?" Taylor asked.
"He is um-still having a hard time. He wanted to talk to her after I told him to let her explain, but Nash had her asleep already.
"The headlines are getting worst." Gilinsky sighed.
"Twitter isn't getting any better." Johnson also sighed.
"Guys!" Carter yelled from the living room.
We all ran into the living room, and saw on the tv TMZ was on.
"TMZ is about to talk about it," Carter said looking at the TV.

Matthew Espinosa @TheMattEspinosa: Don't believe anything you read or see in Magazines.

I hope people get what I am saying. So many people already replied.
(Sorry if this is your Twitter name. I just made them up)

@MendezMuffinz: He is probably talking about his slut of a sister that cheated on Shawn. She deserves to die alone.
Alright that one was really rude.
"TMZ definitely is making it seem like she cheated." Aaron said turning the tv off.
"We are back how is she?" Anna asked coming through the door with Grayson and Ethan.
"She is sleeping now. Poor girl." Kian told her helping her with the bags.
"We got lots of her favorite things hopefully to make her feel better." Ethan said.
"Do you know if he broke up with her?" Anna asked whispering.
"We don't know." Connor said.
"Well we should be going to bed now. We have to get up before she does in the morning." I said yawning.
Everyone said good bye and we all went to bed.

Do you think they will stay together? Or Nah?
Stay Beautiful everyone. Peace XOXO

Magcon Princess *IN EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now