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Having a curse is something given to you as a way to be punished by the god for sinning, but in a way could also have you blessed. The rest of society often frown upon those with them, therefore people with curses have a hard time getting around places without being harassed. Have two curses is an automatic gateway to Hell.

Most Common Curses

Curse of the rabbit - enhances speed

Curse of the cat - enhances stealth

Curse of the bird (any species) - increases eye sight

Curse of the frog - enhances speed

Curse of the deer (horns) - it does nothing to help

Curse of the fish (any species) - enhances speed in water

Curse of the bat - enhances speed

Curse of the butterfly - does nothing to help

Curse of the wolf - enhances stealth

Rare Curses

Odd Eye - enhances eye sight but also agitates that one eye

Spikes (could grow anywhere) - it does nothing to help

Elf Ears - enhances hearing

Wings - makes you lighter

Once you cursed, something from that certain species will stick to you for a month and will go away after, but this doesn't mean you aren't cursed, it just means life has been easier for you.


LGBTQ+ - People who are LGBTQ+ are frowned upon in society, if you fall for the same sex you will be cursed

Murder - Everyone is seen to be equal in the god's eyes, including those with a curse, murdering someone because of it will do no good

Assault - Everyone deserves a chance in life, they are not to be injured because of a petty thing that happened

Pedophilia - This should be self explanatory

Sexual harassment/assault - Also pretty self explanatory

The only way to be rid of your curse is the make your way to Magic Island, but it isn't simple. You must keep a promise that is given to you, if broken you will be executed.

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