chapter thirty eight

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Beomgyu found himself back in the purple field, seeing the three moons again. He stood up to see a brown haired girl waiting for him by the forest. After seeing her, he ran over to the first and stopped in front of her.

"Alright, Đụ má con quỷ!" Choerry said and pat his shoulder really hard.

"Ow! What does that even mean?"

"It's a really endearing term in Vietnamese!"

"Okay, but what does it mean?"

"It basically means you motherfucking demon child!"


Choerry kicked Beomgyu in the leg and turned around. Staring at the moons.

"In order for the time travel to actually work, you need to activate the odd eye." She said.

"AFTER ALL THAT HELL I WENT THROUGH TO BE WORTHY OF IT, IT'S NOT EVEN ACTIVATED?!" Beomgyu sighed from frustration and exhaustion.

"It's really simple to activate it really, I just hope you're good at dancing."


"DANCE DANCE GO GO!" Choerry pulled a radio out of no where and then started blasting music, which seemed to disturb a lot of birds cause they all flew out the trees.

"How does the hell is my body moving?! I didn't tell it to do that!"

Beomgyu's body immediately started dancing with the music, and after a while he started to feel the rhythm of it and danced along, this time willingly.

"빠졌어 Love Cherry Motion!" Choerry singed along with the song and brought the radio up and down repeatedly, a smile on her face.

The song soon ended and the two looked at each other and laughed. Beomgyu opened his eyes and his right one was glowing a bright white. It was a white circle that traced over the iris of the eye.

 It was a white circle that traced over the iris of the eye

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"Ow, that hurts!"

"Eh, you get used to it." Choerry shrugged and pouted, "Now, we have to get back to Earth in order for you to actually time travel there."

"Yes yes, but how do I turn it off it hurts!"

"Oh yeah...your fruit. Uh..."

Beomgyu had his eyes wide, hoping for a response from the girl, but she just shrugged again."

"Just suffer."



Everyone just stared at Olivia in shock about her appearance. HeeJin, Go Won, and Yves all looked at each other, nodding, then made an expression as if they were all keeping a secret.

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