Chapter 3 | Life

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"Beth." I shout running into her room. I look to her bed where she has been this whole time. She's not there. I start to worry.

I run to the bathroom, seeing her sitting on the floor crying with dark red, crimson blood dripping onto the floor. She had a knife in her other hand and a very deep cut in her wrist, the sight was horrifying. She was sitting against the sink holding her arm repeating "I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die."

"Beth, no no no," I screech not knowing what to do "MAGGIE ANYONE HELPPP, HELPP please!" I scream running over to Beth. I pick up a rag from the side and attempt to hold it on there. Lori comes bursting through the door with Maggie and Andrea running behind her. Maggie runs to her getting the rag and tying it around her arm."I'm sorry." Beth says breathing in and out and crying from the pain.


It is the next day Rick and everyone else came back from trying to get Daddy back. They weren't alone there was boy with them not as young as me and Carl but he looks quite young. They currently have him in the once walker-filled barn as a 'prisoner' .He must've done something wrong but he doesn't look mean. He looks like a normal guy.

I am currently sitting in the kitchen with Andrea, Lori, Maggie and everyone else. They are all talking about Beth and how and why she did what she did. I sit there listening in on the conversation while picking at my jeans "Why would you give her the knife back?" Lori says almost shouting directing it at Andrea.

"She made her choice," Andrea states "she chose to live."

Beth was on the couch in the living room asleep; Maggie and Daddy had put her there so we could keep an eye on her while she slept. All this talk about Beth and her wanting to end it all made me worried. I couldn't bear to think of what life would be like without my big sister. I couldn't take the talk about Beth it just kept reminding me of the condition I saw her in, I never want to see her in pain ever again.

I walk outside to get some air. As I start to walk into the fields I hear "hey Y/N wait up," it's Carl again running up to me out of breath like always. "Wanna play something?" He questions in a persisting tone looking at me with a cute waiting for me to answer look, I know he's only hanging out me because he feels bad I am the girl who's mother died and whose sister tried to kill herself.

"Depends what it is." I say avoiding eye contact and instead looking at my shoes. "How about hide and seek?" Carl asks still trying to make eye contact with me.

"No" I reply dryly. "Ok what about- how about we go see the prisoner in the barn?" I interrupt him finally looking at him. He glances at me with wide eyes. "Umm... ok" he murmurs after a few seconds almost like he had to think about what I wanted him to do.

We get to the barn, seeing only Shane and Andrea talking other than that no one is watching him. So we go in quietly, we are walking on the upper part of the barn and the man is on the lower part. Then Carl makes a noise as he goes to sit on a wooden stool which causes the boy to look up at us. As soon as he looked at me I cringed he had blood all up lips and a beaten up eye, he looked like he had been through hell.

"Hey," he says in a whisper as Shane and Andrea are talking outside the door and he doesn't want to get caught. "I'm Randall, what's your names?" He seems nice and friendly. So I respond "Y/N." Carl is still looking at him with a blank face not caring to respond to in his eyes this criminal.

"Y/N well hi, the sheriff guy he your dad?" He hurriedly says still in a quiet tone "I like him yeah he's a good guy, your mum there too?" Carl still stares blankly at his taking in what he is saying. I feel bad for Randall he seems desperate to be safe and live but I too stay quiet so I can hear what he has to say.

"Your lucky you still got your family Y/N, I lost mine," him saying this made me feel pity for him I decided to get up from the stool I was sitting on and walked down the ladder towards him. "Hey I don't know what people been saying about me, but I'm a good guy," I am now down the ladder and I noticed that Carl had decided to climb down as well after me.

"If you help me I can take you and your folks back to my people, we can help you." He says convincingly to me looking right at me I walk towards him ready to try to undo the chains or help him someone I looked to Carl who was cautiously glaring at the man.

"Just help me undo these ties or get a key or something." I step forward going to put my hand to where the chains were, when he jumped forward. Startling me as Carl grabbed my hand and pulled me away and out of his reach. I was now standing next to Carl holding his hand shaking, damn this man is not nice at all. He's scary.

Shane bursts through the door demanding "What you doing in, here get out now!" Shane grabs me by the shoulder and pulls me out causing Carl to get pulled out as well. Shane lectures us a bit more shouting at us for not going in there and blahhh blah then we walk off.

When we get back to the house I remember my sister and decide I need to go and find her make sure she's ok after everything. But before I do I realise I'm still holding hands with Carl.

"Ohh I'm I- i should go check on Beth now," I stutter as we walk in the farmhouse, he just nods and let's go of our hands. I lean forward and plant a small kiss on his cheek. Then I walk off with a huge smile on my face and I know he was smiling too.

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