Chapter 20 | Escape

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We got weapons prepared, anything we could. From belts to wooden knife's. Rick, Glenn, Bob, Daryl and a few others got taken by them. Lord I was scared.

Everyone was trying to find a way out. I had met all the people Maggie was with. Rosita - a pretty, young, brown haired woman who is a total badass so far. Abraham - a very broad, strong, ginger haired man who is a very loud and honest. There's also Tara who is a sweet brown haired woman who was very nice to me. And last was Eugene he's a quiet guy I hadn't really heard much from him 'apparently' he is a scientist.

We were waiting, everyone still trying to make weapons. I was sitting with Carl in the corner trying to sharpen my knife - which I made out of wood. Everyone else was arguing about how to get out. I think Eugene was talking about something really depressing and how all the weapons work and stuff.

Gunshots had gone off and I think a bomb. By now we all had the same idea that Rick and others were going to come back for us. In Maggie's words we've gotta be ready to fight with them.

Carl and I jumped up as soon as we heard the container door open. Ricks face is there and he starts shooting immediatley at all the walkers around as shouted "Go." The bomb must've blown up the entrance and attracted the walkers.

We all ran out, making our way through the herd of walkers. Everywhere I could see they were being killed. I managed to stab one in the head before Maggie finished it off.

"Up and over." Rosita shouted by a fence. I ran over to the fence. Waiting for Sasha to go over. I climbed over with Abrahams help. He basically pushed me over the fence.

Once a everyone was over the fence we went into the woods trying to find the weapons we hid. "What are we still doing here?" Abraham asked Rick yelling. Rick didn't even look still getting the guns out "Getting our supplies, we use the rifles stand by the fence and take out the rest of em." He wants to stay and kills all of them?

"What," Glenn starts "Rick we got out. It's over." I did agree with Glenn, Rick was being blood-thirsty now.

"The hell it isn't, that place is on fire. It's full of walkers." Rosita countered.

"I'm not dickin around with this crap. We just made it out." Abraham argued again. I just stood next to Michonne in the back watching.

"The fences are down they will run or die." Maggie said but I wasn't focused on that as I saw Carol slowly walk up behind Rick. Holy shit Carol. Everyone's head turned to her and Daryl ran up to give her a hug.

Rick went up and we found out she helped us. She threw the bomb. She rubbed my hair and muttered a 'hey' then she said to everyone "you guys need to follow me." So we did.

It was brown cabin and Tyreese was standing outside with something in his hands. Oh my god it's Judith. Rick, Carl and Sasha all ran to go and see their family. Sasha ran to Tyreese and Rick and Carl went to Judith.

I watched as they reunited, Maggie had her arm round me and Glenn was next to her. Almost like she was saying I'm happy to have my family. We both knew there was one more person we would want here. Beth. I knew it in my heart she was alive. I just know it.

A few minutes later me, Michonne and Carl were sitting with Judith. "Hey Judy." I coo squeezing her cheeks leaning over Carl as he was holding her. She's so little and precious. I look over to see Rick talking about getting far away now. I tap Carl and motion that we need to start walking.

We start trailing down the railway, mostly in a single file line. Glenn at the front, me and Carl who is now practically cuddling Judith and everyone else in the middle and Abraham at the end.


We had stopped for a little bit to sit down. Carl was giving Judith a bottle of milk. Lucky kid, she can have milk. I'm so hungry, but I'm not going to complain I know better than that.

It was quite cute watching Carl feed Judith. I'll admit it made me love him even more. He we just so cute.

In the corner of my eye Maggie and Glenn were kissing ew not the time. I sit down just everyone gets back up and starts to walk. God I just sat down and we are already walking. I hop up and walk with Carl.


"I spy with my little eye something beginning with T." Michonne said she had Judith on her back one of those baby carrier things. "TREE." Carl answer before I could even think. "Correct, your turn." Michonne said referring to me.

"Ok I spy with my little eye something beginning with H- help!" I got rudely interrupted by a screaming man. Everyone froze and Carl said "dad, come on." Then he started running to help him. We all trialed behind.

We saw a man cowering on a rock with walkers surrounding him. I'm the first to shoot my gun hitting a walker right in the middle of its head. Everyone else shoots as well. Once they were all killed Rick turned to the man.

"Are you ok?" The man held a finger out, I stand watching waiting for his answer. In response, he pukes all over the floor making me look away in disgust. "I called for help and you came." The man said.

Now that I got a good look at him, he was dark skinned wearing some priest outfit. There's still priest even with the world ending.

They asked if he had weapons to which he responded "god is the weapon I need." So I am right he is a priest.

He turned very nervously "do you- do you have any any food. Whatever I had left it's just just hit the ground." I search through the bag on my back and hand Carl some pecans. Carl takes it and gives it to the man.

"Thank you," he murmurs, he looks around and spots Judith "that's a, a beautiful child. Do you have a camp?"

"No. Do you?" Rick asks. "Um no I have I have a church." He states how did he manage to keep it for that long is my question.

Rick starts searching for weapons and asking him the three questions. "What have you done? We've all done something."

"Im a sinner. I confess my sins to god. Not to strangers." Is the mans response. I don't think Rick is gonna like this answer at all.

"You said you have a church." Michonne piped up leaning against a tree. Looks like we are going to the church.

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