Chapter 8 | the Governor

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A/n I'm not the best at writing so excuse my horrible writing anyways I guess enjoy the story

A squelching noise happens as I force my knife through a gritty walkers brain. Then I move onto the next zombie at the fence and do the same thing.

I look over at Glenn who nods as if to say 'yep your doing the right thing'. I carry on stabbing them until there are no more around my area of the fence.

I see Glenn wave me over so I run over with a huge smile "Y/N!" Glenn says out of breath so he barely get his sentence out. "Glenn." I say back just to annoy him still smirking at him.

"Why don't you go inside Maggie can help me with this now," he starts before he sees that my smile has gone "O-or you could stay and help if you want to whatever you want to do?"

"No it's cool I'll go inside but it's so boring." I reply "I know but you should be having fun not killing walkers." Glenn suggests.

"Ok fine." I huff I walk off looking back to see Maggie arrive and smooch Glenn. Eww them two need to get a room.

I lazily walk into the building. I would much rather be out and shooting and killing those disgusting creatures. It makes me feel like I am doing something for everyone not sitting around being lazy.

"Hey Y/N," I hear Beth greet holding a happy Judith in her arms. "Hey, hiyyaaaa Judith." I squeak in my baby voice.

"Have you seen daddy I've been trying find him all day he can't be walking too much with his leg." Beth says. "No he's probably in his cell or outside or something, want me to take Judith while you go find him?" I reply.

"If you can." She says handing me Judith who gurgles when I hold her. Beth walks off and I carry on a mission to do whatever but now with Judith.

I walk into the cafeteria room seeing the woman who was at the gate there I have never actually talked to her. I smile at her and sit and down on one of the seats. Judith grabs my finger. Nooo not the finger she has it again.

"Judyyy the monster is going to get you." I say making a deep monster voice as I go to tickle her tummy. Making her let out a little giggle and drop my finger. "Mhahahaha I got my finger back." I say which makes her giggle again.

I hear a sigh from behind me. I glance over to the woman sitting across from me, she has dark skin and a huge katana sword sticking out of her back. Which is pretty cool. "Hi." I mumble. "Hi." She replies.

"My name is Y/N, what's yours?" I say trying to make conversation.

"Michonne." She replies "you are good with children." She adds seeing I am trying to make conversation.

"Yeah this is little wittle Judy," I reply tickling Judith when I say her name. "Your katana is very cool."

"I know, easy to kill walkers with." She replies.

Judith starts to cry so I turn my attention to her and try to calm her down by rocking her when that doesn't work. I start walk around which calms her down a little.

"I overheard Rick talking about the governor with you," I say still slowly walking around with a now calm Judith "how do you know him?" I question just trying to make conversation.

"I'm not his friend,"She responds "he is a horrible man who needs to be stopped, he is after your family - Rick, your dad, your sisters, everyone and he won't stop till gets them all of them." Oh god this is worse than I thought. I like this Michonne girl she is honest and she's well cool.

*~time skip~*

It's the next morning and I was walking outside in the courtyard. I see Carol talking to some guy called Axel who I think was a prisoner who used to live here. He's nice.

"Heyyy Y/N over here." Carl calls me over I smile as I see him. Him and Beth are chatting so I walk over. "Hey guys, what you doing?" I ask.

"We were talking about Axel, he's too nice." Carl fills me in. Beth nods agreeing with what he says. " I think he's quite nice, he said I was cool the other day he- " I am cut off by a gunshot shot right into Axel's face.

Beth grabs me and Carl and pulls us down. We run behind a sort of metal stairs thing. Beth is clutching on my hand. Carl has got out his gun and is shooting.

We all hide behind the closest wall with Carl shooting his gun at the governors people. I was really scared but I can't show it I get out my gun that Rick gave me. I stood beside Carl and start shooting at where the other shots are coming from.

When they shoot back Carl quickly grabs the back of my jacket and pulls me back. "Stay back." He whisper shouts at me. I see Maggie run out with guns for Beth. By now there was gun shots left and right.

I saw a truck drive into the gate. All the gun shots went silent. The back of the truck opened and loads. I MEAN LOADS of walkers came spilling out.

The gun shots started again. Oh lord. I got my gun out again and shoot my gun in the direction of the shots at me. Carol had ran to us and we were all shooting at people.

Then the gunshots stopped and the people who shot at us had left. I saw dad and Glenn drive in from a supply run. I gave them both a hug and turned my attention to the walkers in a section of the prison just taking that area over.

*~time skip~*

I was in my room with Beth both of us laying on my bed on the bottom bunk as we were both still shaken at what happened.

"You were pretty badass with your gun." Beth said laughing then imitating the pose I made while shooting my gun. "I do not shoot a gun like that." I reply jokingly pushing her.

"Have you seen Maggie and Glenn?" Carol pokes her head through the doorway. "Probably kissing." Beth replied causing us both to burst into laughter and Carol to shake her head and walk off.

"Have you seen those two kissing everywhere they go." Beth comments making a grossed out face.

"They need to get a room." I jokingly say.

Carl walks in and hops on his bed. "Hey Carl," Beth greets. "Hiii cowboy."

"Today was crazy." Carl commented. "I know it was so scary." Beth replied "but I'm sure they won't come back." She reassures after seeing my scared face. "Are you sure they looked pretty ready to kills us?" I worried thinking about all the bad situations.

"Yeah I wouldn't worry if they do I will protect you." Carl replies trying to comfort me as well.

"Well I better go." Beth says and leaves the cell.

"Night Carl hopefully these people don't kill me in my sleep." I say still very scared.

"They won't and if they try to you can get them with your mad shooting skills." Carl reassures yawning.

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