Chapter 30 | Woods

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Glenn faces me and Maggie, he gives Maggie a kiss then turns to me and pulls me into a hug. I bury my hand into his chest then pull away he ruffles my hair and pats me on the head as I attempt to move away from his hand.

"Be good. Don't go out of the walls." Glenn says finally letting go of my head. He then gets in the car and it starts driving off. I stand with Maggie, Deanna and Greg (Deanna's husband) watching the van drive off.

Glenn, Tara, Noah, Eugene, Aiden - who is Deanna son - and some others are going on a supply run.

"Come on." Maggie says directing me off.


"No way. I lost again!" I shout throwing the controller onto the couch. Ron laughs and pats my back "Calm down. It's just a game."

I roll my eyes and shrug his hand off my back "A game that I'm bad at." I tell him picking up the controller and sitting back down on his couch.

"Your not ready to go up against me." Carl comments from next to me on the sofa. I lightly push him "I'm bad but not that bad." I tell him.

I loop my hand round his arm and lean my head against his shoulder. I hear Mikey comment "My go. Hello earth to y/n." He clicks his finger in my face as I move my head from Carl's shoulder "I'm right here."

"My turn." Mikey snatches the remote from my hand causing Ron to stand up and push Mikey back forcefully and rip the controller out his hand. Me and Carl just watch this confrontation happen.

He passes it to me "Here you go y/n, it's your turn. Not Mikey's!" I take it. That was very random from Ron.

We play the game in awkward silence at what just went down.

I stare at the screen. I can feel awful tension between everyone in the room. I'm 100% sure Carl let me win cause suddenly I was a pro at the game.

Carl and Ron are going against each other. I can hear faint arguing from downstairs.

Is that Ron's parents? I see his mum run up the stairs quietly wiping her eyes and going into her bedroom. What just happened?

"I won!" Carl shouts making me avert my eyes from the door back to Carl. To see him already looking at me. I smile at him and watch as he jumps about. God I love him.

"This game is rigged. Bunch of bullshit." Ron whines throwing the controller on the floor and goes out the room. Someone is a sore loser.


I had fallen asleep cuddled next to Carl. A creeping noise makes me jolt up from my sleep. I breath heavily and look around in the dark. What was that?

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you." Rick whispers as I hold my chest. God that scared me. I let out a last breath and feel myself calm down.

"No. No. It's alright, just made me jump a little." I say. Rick stops walking and whispers "Glenn got back from his supply run. A lot went down."

I sit up trying not to move Carl too much "Is he okay?" I ask. The only thing I care about is if he's safe.

"Yeah. If you want he's in the other house for the night with Maggie." Rick tells me walking up the stairs. I stand up giving Carl a little kiss on the cheek and going to the house next door.

"Maggie he was right in front of me." I hear Glenn say it sounds like he's upset. No mad. No is he crying?

I walk in and feel Maggie and Glenn's eyes on me. "Y/n, hey it's late what are you doing up?" Maggie speaks.

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