Chapter 34 | Walkers

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After Maggie's announcement she sprung on me. I've changed my way of thinking. I'm not going to be upset. Im going to be an optimist. For my future niece or nephew.

I walk out onto the porch seeing Rick passing Judith to Carol.

"Morning Rick. Morning Carol. Good morning Judy." I say greeting them all.

Carol smiles "Morning y/n." She then walks inside.

Rick stares at me "Your in a more cheery mood than yesterday."

"I just thought I shouldn't be spending your time being upset about something that I don't even know has happened." I tell Rick.

Carl walks out the door "Come on let's go."

They both start walking. I walk with them "Where you going?" I ask.

"To teach Ron shooting." Carl tells me.

So he actually listened to me when I told him Rick taught me how to shoot.

"Can i come?" I ask.

"Yeah." Carl says.

Ron walks towards us. He spots me and smiles, checking his hair like he always does.

"Hey, I'm ready to shoot." He does a shoot action looking at me. I see Rick physically cringe at that.

"Good." Rick responds "Follow me."

We follow him. Rick in the front, me, Carl and Ron behind him. I kept trying to walk next to Carl but Ron would speed up and walk beside me.

We walk past Gabriel. He's putting up some signs, he walks right past us. Rick pulls down the signs. Then he scrunches it up.

"Dad." Carl says. They all still have an issue with Gabriel. Me not so much since he told us it wasn't about us.

We get to area where all the set targets are.

"Handguns will be a little better for your first go." Rick says loading a handgun to give to Ron "Magazine release. Slide release. Thumb safety."

Ron looks at me again smiling. I give him an awkward smile.

"That stuffs easy right dad." Carl says. He's saying it a I know it all way. I have no clue what Rick just said but I am still good at shooting guns.

"Yeah. Empty magazine. Empty chamber. See it?" Rick says pointing at the point on the gun, Ron looks and nods.

"Someone's in front of you, they have a gun." Rick starts a fake scenario. Ron looks at me again.

"You're gonna be scared. You will be." Carl says. What Carl said is true.

"Your body's gonna tense, you won't have time to think. You're just gonna want to pull the trigger in front of you." Rick then aims the gun.

"You'll miss," I finally speak, Rick looks at me and nods "And you'll be dead."

"You have to get it up to your eye." Rick demonstrates. I'm so thankful Rick taught me a different way. I guess I was younger and Rick wasn't as harsh on a younger person.

"You e got to be strong enough to wait for your moment." Carl said. Like he was so wise.

I didn't like how Carl was being extremely mean to Ron. Ron was my friend.

Ron starts copying Ricks demonstration.

"Don't touch the trigger, until your ready to shoot." Rick advises him. Ron shoots but it was not loaded so no bullet came out. He did okay with the hand movement and everything.

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