Chapter 22 | They're back

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"Bob's missing. So is Carol and Daryl." Rick says. I look down at the floor. Oh god. It's got to be this creepy church man.

"What are you doing? This is all connected. You show up and now three of us are gone." Sasha says really mad. I mean I would be too Bob is her boyfriend.

"I don't have anything to do with this!" Gabriel says confused. Yeah right. Liar.

Sasha got out her knife "who's out there?" Gabriel steps back "I don't have anything to do with this."

Rick asks about the 'this church will burn in hell' sign on the back of the church. Gabriel talks about how he didn't let people in the church and they were left to die.

I'm standing by the window while Gabriel is crying. I hear a noice and look out I feel Glenn look behind me. "I see something. Someone outside on the grass." I say.

We all run out and see Bob on the floor with no leg.


We were now inside and Bob was telling us how he got there. "I was in the graveyard. Someone knocked me out. I woke up outside this place. It looked like a school. It was that guy Gareth," he sounded so distressed.

"Did they have Daryl and Carol?" Rick asked. "Gareth said they drove off." He answered grunting in pain. Shit. This is awful.

Bob then lifted his top to reveal his shoulder. There was a bite. He's been bitten.

"There's a sofa in my office. I know it's not much but..." Gabriel offered. Sasha took the offer and helped Bob up.

Judith starts crying and Carl goes over to her to help her. Abraham then decides to be an asshole "Reality check we need to go to DC now. There's a threat to Eugene."

"Your gonna go now in the middle of the night." I speak up Abraham turns to me "Yes I bloody will now come on everyone." He pulls my arm signalling for me to go with him.

"No. We aren't going anywhere in the middle of the night." Rick says pulling Abrahams arm off me and pulling me behind him.

"WELL IM GOING WITH OR WITHOUT YOU. COME ON ROSITA." Abraham shouts I see Rosita get her gun and stand with Abraham.

"I'm taking the truck and going. You can't stop me. Eugene come on let's go." Abraham continues.

Rick runs up to him. Glenn stands in between "woah woah. You stay and we all go together," Glenn says to Abraham. Rick protests but Glenn continues to Rick this time "it's not you call."

"Fine half a day." Abraham agrees. Maggie speaks up "And we will go with you." Then everyone disperses off.


Rick, Michonne, Sasha, Glenn, Maggie all went on another supply run in the middle of the night.

I'm sitting with Carl on one of the pews. "You know you didn't give me an answer about the dating thing." I bring up playing with my fingers.

"You know the answer. Yes." Carl says. I smile wide internally I'm screaming. "Really that's-."

I'm cut off by a doorknob twisting and the church door opening. Shit.

I pull my gun out making sure it's loaded. Carl does the same. We run into Gabriel's office in the room next to it. We are all in there.

I feel myself sweating. I glance around to spot Judith she's safe and asleep. I'm frozen in place the same as Carl. I don't dare take a step they might hear.

"Well you already heard us." The guy from terminus Gareth said. Making me tighten my grip on my gun and point it at the door. "We know your here."

Shaking and trying not to breathe heavily "we've been watching you," I can hear he's walking around out there.

"We knows who's here. There's Bob. Then there's Eugene. Rosita. Tyreese. Y/n," I tighten my grip on my gun so does Carl. Just hearing say my name freaks me out.

"Carl," He waits a few seconds then says "Judith. Rich and the rest walked out with a lot of your guns." When he mentions gun I make sure mine is aimed right at their head. So these bastards die. We are all dead silent.

"This place isn't big." They twist the door handle and we get our guns ready. Thank the lord Rick taught me how to use it.

"How about the priest? You help us wrap this up you can walk away with us. Just open the door and you can go. Can even take the baby with you." He counters.

Judith starts crying and I bolt over to her. To try and shut her up. Shit. Carl goes with me and we both try and make her be quiet.

I pick her up and she goes quiet as I shush her. I hold her close and put her head into my chest. It's gonna be okay.

I hear Rick talk. Thank the lord. 

After a little while I hear screaming and hope that's Gareth and the terminus people. It is.


The next morning. We are all standing around Bob as he lays in bed.

"I'm gonna miss you." Maggie says sitting on the edge of his bed. Glenn has his hand on my shoulder and is holding me close to him.

Everyone walks out besides Rick.

Once I'm outside Glenn and Maggie take me to the side. "Y/n we have to go with Abraham, Rosita and Eugene and Tara to help get Eugene to DC."

I shake my head "No I don't want to leave you. Maggie I won't leave you."

Glenn grabs my hand "Okay. Okay. Calm down we aren't gonna leave you."

I sigh "So I'm going with you?" Maggie nods "I can't have you leave me. We don't know where the hell Beth is I'm not letting another sister go missing."

Looks like I'm going to Washington DC.


A little bit later Abraham has the bus and we are all getting on.

I say goodbye to everyone. Michonne gives me a hug. Then Rick hugs me whispering "Be safe." I nod and go to Carl who's holding Judy.

"Carl," I start he pulls me into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you." He says making me want to cry. I'll probably see him soon I tell myself.

I give Judith a hair ruffle and a kiss on the forehead. Just as I'm going to walk off I turn back to Carl and kiss him.

I pull away and walk off grinning like an absolute idiot. I sit on the bus looking out the window. Glenn and Maggie sit next to me.

I wave bye to Carl and Michonne out the window. I don't want to leave them but I have to stay with Maggie.

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