Chapter 5 | Missing leg

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Dad, Rick and the others left a little while ago. Maggie was somewhere and Beth was chatting with Carol in the cafeteria room.

I was bored there was nothing to do. Who knew at the end of the world I would still be bored?

"Beth Carolll I'm BoReD." I say making my voice sound really bored. "Go hang out with your little boyfriend?" Beth says. I know she's only saying that to try and get to leave her alone.

"He's not my boyfriend, so shut up." I say nudging Beth a bit. Carol is watching us smiling I guess we remind her of her daughter.

All of a sudden Glenn rushes through the door followed by Daryl and Rick holding my dad in their arms. When I saw dad I also saw he had blood shooting out his leg. That was no longer there. My dads leg was cut off.

I see Carol and everyone go to sort him out including me they put him in a spare cell for now.


I was waiting outside the cell pacing back and forth really nervously. Carl strolls up to me "calm down," he whispers grabbing my shoulders stopping me from moving about "He's gonna be fine, you know that right."

"What if he's not?" I ask looking at him with tears threatening to spill out my eyes. "He will. I promise," he leans forward and gives me a hug. I press my head into his chest and breathe in taking his smell. The smell that is so familiar to me. He makes me feel safe.

I pull away from the hug still looking into his gorgeous, blue eyes. Carl still has his hands on my waist. I see him look down at my lips then at my face, I start to turn a faint red, before I know it he is leaning in and I realised so was I.

"Y/N," Maggie calls, walking in the room. Me and Carl awkwardly pull away. Making as much distance as we can from each other.

"Hey Maggie, is dad ok?" I question.

Maggie gives me a look and then replies "Yeah he said he wants to see you. Hey Carl." Carl waves 'hey'.


It's later on, late at night actually. All day I practically spent with dad, I think it is because I thought he was going to die. It made me want to spend all the time I can with him.

"Night daddy," I say walking out of the cell he is staying in. I walk into the corridor area poking my head in my sisters cell "night Beth, wait where's Maggie?" I question confused as to why Maggie isn't in her room.

"I think she is on watch with Glenn, but I don't think there will much watching if you know what I mean." She says wiggling her eyebrows, I cringe and walk away.

Maggie and Glenn doing you-know-what is disgusting. I will never ever do anything that gross. EVER.

I walk in my cell that me and Carl share seeing that he is not there he must be with his mum or dad or something. I start to get changed into some shorts that my sister found and a long t-shirt. "Y/N," Carl walks in on me getting changed "oh my god sorry" mutters as he quickly turns around.

I slide my shorts on very quickly might I add and say "It's fine Carl don't worry about it, this is your room too." I reassure trying to make the situation less awkward then it was.

"Right well this is what I wanted to show you," he whips out from behind his back chocolate. What. YESS I haven't had chocolate in ages.

"My dad found it while he was searching the cafeteria," he boasts taking it out of it's wrapper "he said I could have it so I want to give you some, here you go." He breaks off half the bar and hands it to me.

"Ok thank you." I said I mean I did feel bad for just accepting it but let's face it when is the next time I will get chocolate. I sit on my bed on the bottom bunk and break a square off and put it in my mouth. "Chocolate is the best."I blurt out to Carl still munching on the square.

"Agreed." Carl said jumping onto his top bunk he had finish his whole half a bar already. I eat 2 more before I decide that I want to leave the rest for another day. I lay down in the bed getting comfy for bed.

"Night Carl." I whisper after I blow out the candle that is lighting up the room.

"Night Y/N. Don't let the bed bugs bite." He whispers back. I wonder if we will talk about our almost kiss.

I go to sleep thinking about my poor dad who only has one leg and how it happened. I'm so glad he didn't die tonight. He's my dad I don't know what I would do without him.


I wake up in a sweat. Breathing heavily as I look around. I was dreaming about everyone dying in front of me; daddy, Maggie, Beth, Rick, Glenn, Carol, Daryl, Lori and Carl. Getting eaten alive by them monsters.

I sit up in my bed it's pitch black. No noise what so ever. I get out of the covers and go over to the bag and rip it open to get the water in there. I can't see so I'm drop it on the floor but I pick it up and down it quickly, I'm so weak. I want to be strong. I need to ask someone if they can help me learn how to shoot. Maybe Rick or Carl?

"Y/N?" I hear a very tired Carl whisper, then I hear the bed squeak as I guess he sits up in the bed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up," I whisper. "Why are you up anyway?" He asks in a sleepy voice. Which sounds very cute no hot.

"I um just had a bad dream," I whisper embarrassed that I sound like such a baby "but I'm fine now, don't worry."

"Well I'm awake now so don't leave to be bored." He murmured. I climb up the ladder and hopped on his top bunk bed. "Eeew it's so gross up here, I think you smell Carl." I tease.

"No I don't, your the one who smells," he replies moving over so I can sit down next to him. I sit in the space and he gets the covers and put them over me so I'm not cold.

"So Carl I think we should talk about the kiss." I say deciding it was time to bring up the almost kiss we had. Carl just stares in my eyes "well we didn't exactly kiss but I wouldn't be mad if we did."he comments, what does that mean he wanted to kiss me.

I yawn. "you know you can go to sleep here if you want." Carl says taking into account that I was tired. I lay my head down on his pillow and shut my eyes Carl does the same but wraps his arm around my waist. I don't mind the closeness I actually feel safe.

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