Chapter 6 | The invasion

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It has been around 2 weeks since my dads leg got chopped off he hasn't been able to walk yet.

Me, Beth and Lori - Carl's mum - were walking towards his cell to give him his new crutches so he can finally walk again. I had the honour of holding them.

We walked into the cell hallway me with a skip in my step as I was ready to show dad so he could be happy again.

"He's gonna be so excited," I exclaim still hopping with these huge crutches in my hand.

"I'm sure he will." Lori replies holding her stomach. She still hasn't had the baby yet but it's only a matter of time.

We walk past Carl who sitting on the stairs trying to build something. I nod at him and he smiles at me. Lori waves him over and he joins us in our walk to my dad.

Once we get to his cell I run in "Daddddd," I shout excited to tell him the news "we have something for you." I say trying to hide the crutches behind my back.

"We made you crutches." Beth cuts in making me glare at her as I wanted to tell him the news. I get the crutches out and he try's them out. "Don't push yourself daddy." Beth says. We go outside so he can properly try them out.

Carl's POV (wow this is new)

I'm sitting on the stairs of the prison trying to make a bracelet for Y/N. Except it looks weird so I just give up. I see Y/N skip in the room seeing her makes me light up. She looks so happy.

She nods at me and I can't help but smile a huge smile at her. Whatever it is, it must be important cause she is so excited. I join them as they walk to Hershel's room I realise what is going on now. Y/N is going to give Hershel some crutches she made.

She goes to tell him all excitedly then Beth steals her spotlight which personally I would've been well mad at. But not Y/N she just brushes it off and carries on.

We go to walk outside with Hershel trying to use his crutches down the stairs. My mum is guiding him down while me, Y/N and Beth are behind him watching him.

On the last step he slips a little but doesn't fall I hear Y/N say "be careful daddy." She cares a lot about him.

I look around a bit seeing my dad, Glenn and Daryl around the perimeter making sure they have enough fire wood for the winter.

Maggie and Carol closing the gate. I want to help them, it's what all the men are doing. I don't want to sit around and do nothing.

They all look over at Hershel finally walking "hey Hershel." Glenn screams over at us. They are separated from us by a big gate that separates the sections of the prison.

Then they look at us confused and scared. I hear the growls of walkers and I turn around slowly seeing them making their way towards us. My dad and others who are on the other side of the gate start to run around to get to us.

My mum gets out her gun and starts shooting them. So do I shooting them all in the head hitting every shot. Everyone else who has guns shoots them as well.

Y/N pov

I sprint into a corridor in one of the buildings with Maggie, Carl and Lori. Carl is leading with his gun ready to shoot, Lori was breathing heavily and me and Maggie were helping her walk. She had gone into labour. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

Carl finds a room and waves signalling us to walk in which we do. The door is slammed shut moving my attention to Lori as she breaths heavily.

"Do we know if any else is ok?" Maggie asks standing next to Carl letting out a sigh she had been holding in.

"Don't know maybe," Carl replied watching the door with his gun ready. I couldn't stop looking at Lori she was gripping a pipe breathing in and out.

"Lori are you okay?" My sentence was cut short by blood going down her leg.

"Uh huh," She replies still trying to breathe in out "I think the baby is coming!" She screams causing Carl and Maggie to run over.

We lay her down, she's still breathing deep. She starts to closed her eyes "mum, some stay with us keep your eyes opens." He whispers holding her hand. There was a lot of blood.

"Lori this is a lot of blood I don't even think you are fully dilated yet." Maggie says concerned "you know what that means, you gotta save my baby, you gotta cut me open." Lori whispers in pain.

My eyes widen as I realise what she is saying I look over at Carl whose eyes are starting to water.

"I can't, no!" Maggie refuses shaking her head. "You have to please. Please for my baby."

She passes her knife to Maggie and Maggie starts to cut her stomach open. Me and Carl had to look away as it was to much for us to handle. She let out a loud scream in agony which caused Carl to shout in a broken voice "stop, stop it she's in pain."

I can't help but feel my heart ache seeing Carl in so much pain. "Y/N, Carl your gonna need to help me."

I walk over hesitantly and she instructs me to help. Once we are finished Carl stays back while me and Maggie wait outside we hear a gunshots which makes us jump. He shot her. So she didn't turn into one of those monsters.


We walk out in the courtyard of the prison. Maggie is holding a bloody screaming newborn we are all traumatised and are clutching onto each-other for life.

Carl walks out with us not even looking up his legs are trembling as he walks. Rick sees us and realised what must have happened to Lori.

He starts screaming and crying shouting "no, nooo noo no!" Carl is still staring at the floor trying to process what he had to do. Maggie runs over to Glenn who kisses her and tells her she is going to be ok. I walk over to my dad and Beth and hold onto them crying in their arms.

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