Chapter 31 | A new way of life

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A/n decided to carry on

I walk out of the house seeing Glenn sitting on the edge of the stairs.

I sit beside him "Hey. Is Rick okay?"

He looks at me giving me a smile "Yeah he's okay."

"He's got his trial today?" I ask.

"Yeah he has. I don't think Maggie will let you go and trust me you don't want to go." Glenn says. I look down at my hands, he's right Maggie won't let me go and I probably will end up wishing I hadn't gone.

"Okay. Just at least tell me how it goes."

"Of course I will. You will be the first person I tell." He says making me smile.

"I better be, or else." I joke making a cut throat motion.

"Or else what?" Glenn asks.

I make the motion again and he makes a confused face "It means slit throat doesn't it?"

"I know it does. I'm just joking with you bud." He says ruffling my hair. I move away from his hands. I hate it when he does that, that's the reason he does it though.

"Ew don't bud me." I say.

Glenn laughs "Your too much of a teenager to let me call you bud now, bud." I push him and laugh. He's such an idiot.


I sit at home by myself. It was now dark and Maggie had attended the trial about Rick. I'm guessing Glenn had as well, I'm not sure though I haven't seen him since this morning. I hope he's okay.

I'm reading a book, that weirdly enough, Rosita told me was good. She said she read it years ago but it was amazing.

I put the book down and stand up.

Carl wasn't at the meeting so I'm going to his. I knock on them house next door, waiting for an answer.

Carl opens the door with Judith in his arms "Hey y/n."

He moves the door so I can walk in.

"Do you think Ricks trial is going well?" I ask him as I sit down on the couch. He sits with me and sighs "I know my dad. He's telling them what has to be done right as we speak. I know he is."

Judith puts her arms for me, so I take her off Carl and give her a cuddle.

"You reckon? I reckon he's doing the same bossy Rick thing he normally does." I say as Judith buries her head into my neck.

"Oh and what is the bossy Rick thing?" Carl asks looking at me.

"You know telling everyone everyone what to do." I say as if it's the most obvious thing ever.

"I'm gonna tell him you said he was bossy." Carl teases still looking at me.

"You wouldn't dare." I say.

We then both sit around talking and reading some comics for the rest of the night. Judith had fallen asleep and was put in her crib.

A few days later

Rick has changed the way they run things around here. He sent a huge group of people on a dangerous supply run, including Glenn.

I sit on the walls wooden ledge with Enid. She was playing with a lighter.

I don't know why I tried so hard to be her friend but I did. She's interesting. She's like me, not like the other Alexandria people she has seen stuff just like us.

"So are we friends now?" I ask her. She stops flicking the lighter for a second and turns her head to me "I'll think about it."

I give her a look, she starts playing with the lighter again "Fine you 'think about it' while I read the comic of yours."

"Whatever it's all yours. I'll give it to you soon." Enid says. She throws the lighter to me and I just about catch it "Nice catch."

I smile at her. I haven't had anyone my own age to hangout with. Besides Carl. But it different having a girl who's a friend, I can tell her different stuff.

"Are you dating Ron?" I ask her.

She looks at me "Are you dating Carl?"

I don't know why she's asking me that, she knows we are.

"Yes I am." I tell her. She nods "Me and Ron are just friends."

Sure they are 'just friends'. If they are good friends then so are me and Carl.

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