Chapter 15 | The prison is gone

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I opened my eyes feeling a bad headache and a dry, scratchy throat. It felt nice to not choke up blood every time I woke up anymore, really nice actually.

"Dad, I'm thirsty can you get me some water?" I said knowing normally he was just across the hall probably with Glenn. When he didn't answer I called his name again "daddddd, I want my water." Still no reply he must be out somewhere.

I got up feeling the room soon for a second before I walked down the stairs of the cell block walking past Glenn's room "hi Glenn, hi Maggie." I said not even having to look to know Maggie was there. I heard hey's from them.

Now that I didn't choke up blood or cough I was fine to go outside.I carried on down the stairs and out to the courtyard. The fresh air felt nice and something I desperately needed.

"Hey y/n. You feeling better." Sasha asked she was outside as well probably getting the fresh  air. "Heyy yeah I'm feeling so much better, have you seen my dad by any chance?" I replied taking in the breeze holding my aching head. "No sorry hunny," She replied. "Ok don't worry, how you feeling?" I commented. "A million bucks," she joked I laughed and said "I probably look it aswell."

Sasha started breathing heavily and so she went to sit down on the bench thingy over the courtyard with Bob. I sat with them letting them chat on about whatever when I saw Carl walk outside he caught my eye and smiled. I smiled back. Gosh I probably looked a mess right now.

Ever since I have been away from him I have missed him and grown an even bigger crush on him then usual.

"Hey cowboy." I shouted(I won't lie my throat hurt like a bitch doing that) making Sasha and Bob looked at me "sorry." I say. Carl looked over my way and shouted back "what you want?" I went and walked over to him.

I was about to say something when an explosion went off making me flinch and my head start to hurt even more. Everyone make their way to the gated bit on the courtyard to see lots of cars and a tank; one man was standing on top of the tank.

The governor - the evil man who had tried to kill them and started a war with them. He was back.

"Rick." He shouts, "come here I wanna talk."

Rick replies with "I'm not in charge no more, there's a council now."

"Is Hershel on that council?" He asked I watched one his people pull daddy out from their car. His arms were tied up and he was kneeling on the floor. I held my breath when they pulled him out, please be safe daddy. Please.

"What about Michonne?" He questioned another one of his people taking Michonne out and kneeling her down next to daddy. I couldn't stop looking at dad.

"I don't make decisions anymore," Rick shouted. "You make the decisions today, Rick," The governor replied "come down here let's, let's have that talk."

What have we got ourselves into. Rick took a second to think it through, then walked over to the governor. All the governors people had guns aimed at us and Rick.

They talked for a while, I had gone next to Maggie and Beth holding both their hands in fear. I felt Daryl nudge my arm and passed me a gun which I gladly took.

We all stood by the gate my gun aimed ready to shoot in the holes. Everyone else was next to me doing the same. "We gotta do something." Carl suggested holding his gun up.

Rick started saying something which the governor did not find amusing as he picked up Michonne's katana. He put it to daddy's neck making me scream "noooo!" The blade was held right by my dads neck. I started breathing heavily, panicking.

Rick started doing a speech about how we should be united but I didn't hear a word. I was too busy looking at my dad. I saw my dad smirk as the governor pulled the blade away from his neck. I started to slow my breathing still with my hand on my gun.

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