Chapter 25 | Walking. Walking And More Walking

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Numb. All I feel is numb.

Everywhere I go. I can hear her voice. Me calling her 'Pooface' and her calling me 'troll' back. Or daddy calling us his beautiful daughters.

Why did she have to go? Why?

I was sitting by the campfire. Staring into space.

"Y/n?" I hear a voice say. I don't even look at them to know who it is. They sit next to me.

"Y/n," Carl repeats I still don't look at him I just place my head on his shoulder. "Why did she have to go?" I murmur my voice barely speaking.

He just hugs me and let's me cry. I'm happy he doesn't push me to talk about her. We stay like that for a little while.


Tyreese is dead. I'm standing at his funeral. He was a nice man.

I watch as everyone buries his grave. I cry. The image of Beth invading my head.

Once the funeral was over we all go off. I sit next to a tree. Thinking about Beth.

"Y/n?" I hear Glenn go over to me and sit down. "I'm here for you. Okay."

I just do a weak nod. Maggie walks over breathing heavily "y/n, Glenn." She says I stand up and hug her so hard. She's the only family I have left I will never leave her.

Glenn joins in on the hug. Okay I'll admit it Glenn is also like my family at this point. "We're gonna be okay. It's just me and you till the end." Maggie says. I cry into her chest.


We were now on the road.

We were walking down a long road. I was at the back of line by myself looking at the floor. Father Gabriel tried to talk to me a few times and I tried to talk back but eventually it just fizzled out.

I kick a stone in the road. Watching it go quite far into the trees next to it. "Score!" Michonne said from beside me. I small smile creeped up on my lips that instantly went away once I remember Beth.

"And the crowd goes wild!" Michonne says. I give her my attempt at a smile. "Should've done football." I try and joke. She laughs though.

I watch her katana on her back move as she walks. "My favourite weapon. Should I name her?" Michonne asked seeing that I was looking at it.

"Name her an amazing, spectacular, brilliant name 'y/n'." At my answer Michonne laughs.

"What makes you think I'm gonna name her after you?" Michonne asked raising an eyebrow. "Cause I'm amazing." I say.


Eventually we halt to a stop as there is a herd of walkers on the road. I sit back and let Rick and the other deal with them.

Carl passes me Judith and I take her. I get a bit upset as Beth always used to look after Judy. She was so happy with kids.

They start stabbing them and I watch Maggie closely making sure she's okay.


Ugh. My legs are starting to ache from all this walking. I don't like how all this walking is also giving me thinking time. Thinking time I don't need right now. The only thing on my mind is Beth.

I'm holding Judith which only adds to aching pain which is now not only in legs but in my arms.

We stop by some cars "dad, look." Carl says making everyone also look to see cars.

We walk up to the cars. I don't go to one as I have Judith with me. Can't risk her safety.

Instead I stand back and drink some water and give Judith some. She spits it back out making me genuinely laugh more than have these past few days.

"Hey y/n." I hear Carl and Michonne shout my name from a car so I go over with Judith.

"Look it's a bag of books." Carl informs me. I give Judith to him as I search through the books. I take most of them and put in my backpack which already has a few books in.


We are now sitting in the woods in a circle talking about the things we found from the cars. "We only found booze?" Rosita asks.

We all nod or say yeah. I'm sitting with Carl who has Judith. I'm exhausted and hungry and extremely thirsty.

I hear a rustle in the trees and jump a little I feel Carl grab my hand pulling me away from the sound.

Barking fills my ears and I see wild dogs. I panic getting my knife out ready incase it comes near us.

Gunshots go into their head and I see Sasha shooting them dead with no hesitation.

Now we are eating dog. Yummy.

It was a dry texture and was very chewy. But overall, it really wasn't bad. It's a solid 5/10.

Actually eating it reminded me of when Beth and me made a oath back when I was 6. She convinced me to try to be vegan. That happened for around 7 hours before mum told us we were having chicken for dinner and we ate it.

The rest of the time I was just looking at Carl. Glenn had asked me if I liked it to which I shrugged.


More walking. My legs can't take it. They feel jelly.

I feel a pang of sadness hit me as I eavesdrop on Maggie and Glenn conversation about Beth.

I hurt me. I loved Beth so much. The worse was that I thought she was alive and safe. I hoped she was fighting and happy but she's wasn't she was in pain.

My eyes start watering as I think about it. She was in pain and I wasn't there to be with her. Tears start flowing down my eyes as I walk and try to wipe them away but more just keep coming.

She always said that she would protect me. She always did that and I never got to repay her by protecting her this one time. Now she's gone.

My eyes are still watering and now I'm sniffing.

I see Carl slow down to walk with me. "Y/n." He says as I try to cover up the fact I'm crying. Even though everyone probably heard it.

I can tell he wants me to talk to him. I reach my hand over for him to hold it. He holds it and we walk like that for ages. "Carl," I say he turns his head to me "I should've- I should've." I can't get the sentence out it's too hard.

"You should've what?" Carl asked squeezing my hand. "I should've gone instead of Beth. She didn't deserve to go."

"NO!" Carl shouted. Making everyone look at us. "Hey Carl you okay?" Rick asked. Carl nodded and piped down a bit.

"That's not true. You deserve to live just as much as anyone." Carl said. I just shake my head. Beth deserved it too. Look what happened to her.

I don't want to talk to anyone. It will just make me hurt more.

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