Chapter 9 | Going to war

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A/n I'm back

I was laying on my metal bunk thinking about everything. We had been attacked. It was scary to think about. My dad had thought that we should leave.

I don't want to leave this was starting to feel like a home. Or at least the closest to a home.

"Hey y/n." Glenn walks in sitting on the end of my bed. I look up at him, he had cuts all over his face probably from fights or something.

"Hi Glenn." I say back I'm clearly not in the mood to talk can't he take a hint.

"So I saw your cool shooting, I must admit it's good," he says I can tell he is trying to cheer me up "but not as good as my shooting."

Oh he wants to fight let's go "mhhhm. If you say so Glenny-boy." I say knowing he will not be happy with me teasing him. "What was the mhhm about you don't believe that I'm better?" He asks shaking his head, yes I have touched a nerve.

"Cause listen man im the coolest shooter there is." He says trying to justify his reasoning.

"Sure," I reply "if you say so." I walk out of the cell on my way to wherever leaving Glenn just sitting there thinking about his shooting skills.

"Guys alert there is someone at the fence!" I hear Rick shout and everyone immediately starts rushing. Including me I get my gun out and run outside in front of a gate with Carol next to me. I aim my gun and shoot. I miss by a lot, which is actually a good thing in this case. As I see a sheet of blonde hair, is that no, it can't be. I see Andrea running with a walker attached to a metal grip.

Me and Carol go inside. "Did you see Andrea as well or am I going insane?" I comment turning to Carol as we walk back in. "No I saw her as well, it's been so long since we saw her."

Rick walks in with Andrea she runs to hug Carol as I stand there watching. She looks so different yet the same. When she mentions where Shane or Lori is I feel a sadness go over the room. No one wanted to be the one to tell her they were gone. So my dad did it.

Andrea was going on about how she was on our side and blah blah. But she was living at the person who attacked us place so could we actually trust her?

Then she says "we can settle this, there's room for you guys at Woodbury." Like hell are we going there I thought obviously I did not say this as Rick would say 'let the grown ups talk'.

"Why did you come here?" Rick questions finally weary about her re-arrival. "Because there gearing up for war." Andrea replies making me grow a little scared. War we can't got to war this man he has weapons and wayyy more people than us.

"We have let these people walk all over us for too long, bring it on." Glenn said great Glenn basically started war.


It was a few hours later and Andrea was getting ready to leave in a car Rick had allowed her to have. Rick had given her a gun and told her to be safe and she drove off.

I stood next to Beth and Carl watching Andrea drive off in the distance, even though I barely knew Andrea I still felt a pit of sadness knowing this could be the last time I ever see her.

Maggie walked over to me and put a hand on my back guiding me inside the building. When we got inside on my bed I turned to her and said "we are going to war," my face had gone pale white with realisation "We might die."

"No no don't think like that," Maggie reassured with her hand on my face "I would never let that happen to you ok." Her saying that did make me feel better. I gave her a tight hug not wanting to let go.

If we are going to war this means I need to learn how to fight and shoot better. Bring it on.

Maggie let go and mentioned something about her going to get Glenn. So I let her go get her sappy boyfriend. Just as my one walked in- I mean Carl walked in for some reason Beth was following him with Judith. "Hey." Carl said looking at me.

"Hiiii pass me Judith Beth," I say completely brushing off Carl and Beth nods and passes her to me as I sit on my bunk. "Heyyy Judyyy." I coo to Judith as Carl sits down on a wooden chair in the room and Beth is just standing.

"I'm gonna sing a song at the campfire tonight to lighten everyone's mood." Beth announces looking happy, she always looked happy when talking about music. "That's good I think we all need that if I'm gonna be honest. Yeah we do Judy." I say while midway through talking to Judith.

"But we should be focusing on preparing for the war. Not singing silly songs." Carl comments. He clearly was very serious about this which don't get me wrong is serious but everything can't be sad all the time.

"Way to bring down the mood Carl." I remark back rolling my eyes. "Carl's a party pooper yes he is." I add to Judith tickling her then I pass her back to Beth.

"No I'm not I'm being realistic." Carl replies.

"Your starting to sound like all the adults Carl." Beth says now getting mad at him before storming off with Judith. Bit dramatic if you ask me also I think she was just salty because Carl said that her songs were silly.

"I didn't say anything that bad," Carl said standing up "nah you didn't ignore her she's very dramatic." I reply laughing.


During Beth's little sing song Rick announced that is going on a trip to his old town. To get supplies and weapons for our appending war.

Carl insisted on going with him. As well as Michonne so all there of them set out on their mission to get gather supplies.

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