Chapter 27 | On The Road

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It was pitch black and we were following Glenn, Rick, Michonne and Aaron who were in a car up ahead.

"Anyone have any food?" I ask hitting the chair in front of me. Maggie scoffed "No stop whining. You don't see anyone else whining."

"Shut it." I retort back. She gets on my nerves sometimes.

"Oh trust me, once you get to our community you have all the food in the world." Eric (who was Aaron's friend) told us.

"I sure hope so." Eugene added. Carl hands Judith to me. "What the heck man." I ask complaining looking to the side to see him.

"My hands got tired." He innocently said shrugging. Oh god I can't stay mad at that face. "Fine." I huff adjusting Judith on my lap.

"Shit!" Abraham shouts. "What is it?" Rosita asks leaning over to look out the front view window.

"I've lost em and the trucks about to run down," he lets everyone know. Next thing you know the truck is breaking down.

"I'll go check the engine." Daryl offers going outside, Abraham, Carol and Maggie goes with him. After a few minutes they don't come back and I can see walkers in the glass.

"That's it I'm going to get Maggie." I tell them giving Judith to Carl who protests "no give them a second."

I sit back deciding I don't want to go anyway.

"I'll go." Eric the random man said. Fine by me.

"Yeah.. ok." Eugene says. Quite rude. You can think it but you can't say it.

So the man walks out and we hear him scream as well as Maggie. Shit.

I sprint off the RV looking around for her. Searching frantically in the dark I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see Carl with Judy in his hands. Phew.

"You scared me." I say before lunging behind him to get a walker in the head. A screaming noise echoes and we look around I see Eric lying on the floor holding his ankle with walkers surrounding him.

I run over with Carl trailing behind. I slam my knife into the walkers head. I turn to the other one and finish it off. "Shit are you okay?" I ask helping him up.

"It's hurts so bad. I think I might have sprained it or broken it." He tells me limping. I put my arm underneath him so he can walk.


We meet up with Rick and the others and now we are on the road again.

"Hey." Aaron says. I look at him. "Thank you for you know saving Eric. It means a lot to me." He says making me smile.

"No problem, how's his ankle?" I question sitting down next to him and looking at Eric who was asleep on a pull out bed.

"Hopefully it will be okay. Just a break. Or at least I think it is." He tells me. I nod and go back to sitting with Carl.

I plop down on the seat next to him "Remember when I used to call you cowboy." I randomly thought of. He nods "Yeah. I kinda liked it you know." He teased.

"Hmmm okay noted. I will call you cowboy from now on." I add. "Good. You know it's not a cowboy hat anyway. It's a sheriff hat." He rambles on as I stare at him. He's so cute.

Beth would so laugh at me for dating him cause she knew it would happen. I think everyone knew it would happen.

I want to stay with him forever and ever. At this safe place we are going to we can hangout and date like normal teenagers would.

"Y/n. Hello anyone in there?" Carl says waving a hand in front of me. I get sucked back into reality "Hmm yeah. I'm here. Just thinking about the place we are going to."

"Don't get your hopes up it could be a trap like terminus." He tells me. Party pooper. "I know that. It's just nice to think it is an actual community where we can just be teenagers."

"Me too. Me and you can hangout everyday without being scared of walkers." He says making me smile. I kiss him and I hear a voice from the front seat shout "GET A ROOM!"

Of course it's Maggie. So I shout back "DON'T ACT LIKE YOU AND GLENN DON'T DO THIS ALL THE TIME." I hear Abraham chuckle at what I just said.


We drive a bit more until the RV breaks down. Luckily Glenn the amazing handyman fixes it and we are back on the road.

However, Rick wanted Carl in his car with him so he said I can go with them.

I sit in the back with Judith on my lap and Carl next to me. Rick is driving and Michonne is sitting next to him in the front seat.

"So you two. Have you had the talk?" Rick asked. The talk? What's that. I shake my head so does Carl.

Rick breathes in and Michonne laughs "I'll leave this one to you."

I'm very confused. "Well. Umm when you love someone very much." Rick says. I look at Carl and we both give confused glances at each other.

"Listen what Ricks tryna say is don't have babies. You know how babies are made correct?" Michonne starts I nod at her question. Oh they are giving that talk. I mean I know the basics of it.

Carl nods as well. "Ok so don't have babies got it." We nod and I uncomfortably shuffle in my seat. Me and Carl have only kissed anyway.

"Ok dad, Michonne stop now. Okay we understand now please change the subject." Carl says.


We pull up to a huge steel wall with a gate at the front. It stretches round for what looks like miles. They weren't lying.

I look at this huge walls mesmerised. No walkers inside. A walker free world.

I get out of the car leaving Judith on the seat for Rick to pick up and Maggie walks towards me.

We stand at the front of the gate. So this is Alexandria.

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