Chapter 13 | Sickness

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A/n hey Daisy

"Carl?" I hear Rick with Judith in his arms whisper waking me up. I sit up and look around me, Carl had fallen asleep next to me with our comic book still open and the sweets everywhere. I didn't feel too good my throat was scratchy and I felt really sick probably from eating the gone off sweets.

Carl just mumbles a mhhm and Rick walks off. I watch Carl close his eyes again getting ready to go back to sleep when I shake him and say "Carl get up, go help your dad."

"Fine." Is the response I get from him. I turn round and close my eyes and go back to sleep. Some more sleep will do me some good.

Eventually, I forced myself to get up cause I had to be hairdresser again to Mika. I walk across the courtyard to her cell block - it was still very early.

Inside cell block 'D' it was dead silent which wasn't unusual considering it was still so early. I started walking up the metal stairs coughing as I did, until something yanked me back down making me hit my head face first. Damn that hurt like a bitch. I turned around and see a Walker of what used to be Jerry.

I scream and push the Walker away. Oh god I don't even have my gun. A few men come running out of their rooms shooting at the Walker. I see one of the men get bitten and he falls to the ground with a scream. I run over to him and take his shotgun. By now everyone in the cell block is awake and screaming.

More walkers came out of the rooms from all the sound going on. I picked up the shotgun and started shooting at any that were going for people.

I see Karen being grabbed by her foot by one I shoot it right in the head and pull Karen up. Rick, Daryl, Glenn and others come running in to help. I see them start shooting every walker.

I run up the stairs - still shooting - to see if there are any up there. Glenn comes running up behind me "you ok?" He shouts shooting a walker. "I'm fine," I reply turning around to shoot a walker that was behind me. "Good-."

Just then Glenn gets grabbed by one I go to shoot my gun before Daryl beats me to it by shooting him with his crossbow.

"You alright, not bit right kid?" Daryl asks while helping up Glenn. "I'm ok." I say taking a deep breath in. Rick walks past me and goes to see who Daryl shot, Daryl and Glenn doing the same. I peak my head through the little gap they left and gasp.

"Patrick." Daryl says making me look down at the floor. Glenn squeezes my shoulder as I stand there staring at my friend who was now a brain eating monster. No not Patrick he was my friend. Now he's dead.


I was sitting on the stairs with Glenn next to me and my dad in-front of me. "You hit your head a little, how do you feel?" Dad said cleaning out the cut. "I feel sick." Is the only thing I say.

"You might have a concussion, we'll keep an eye on you." Dad says putting some white medical plaster on it. He walks off to go to give treatment to other people.

"Glenn," I murmur Glenn looks at me "how did um how did Patrick die?"

"I don't know, I really don't know." Glenn replied looking around at all the dead bodies and walkers around. "I need to go to the council meeting now, I'll see you later ok." Glenn informed me walking off with my dad.

I sat on the stairs thinking about Patrick's zombiefied face. It was a horrible sight.

I started coughing, my throat was aching so bad. Did Patrick die from an illness? Did he give it to me?

I felt horrible, I felt clammy and sweaty. I had to get some fresh air now. I burst out of the doors of cell block D into the main outside courtyard area that linked the 4 cell blocks.

There were a few people outside that I didn't know except for Rick and a huge group of everyone I knew surrounding a car he was getting out of.

I start walk over there gasping for air and coughing as I go. I spot Glenn and Maggie within the group.

"Maggie!" I shout as loud as I can, the coughing fit showed up again this time blood was coming out. I see them turn their heads in my direction and start running to me. "Guys help me please," I start to go dizzy and before I know it everything goes black.

*~time skip~*

I wake up and automatically start coughing up blood. I'm in a different cell block it's dark and cold in here. I feel sick. I want my dad.

I start to get up freaking out. My legs are shaking from being weak.

"Dad, where are you?" I gasp. Where's Carl I haven't seen him in ages? I hope he's ok.

"Y/n." I hear Sasha a lovely dark skinned lady who I have talked to a few times say before coughing my name. "Sasha," I cry "what's go- going on?" Sasha just coughs as her answer.

I fall back down onto my bed and start crying. "Shhh shhh your ok," I hear Glenn say walking over to me I sit up and grasp him crying into his chest. "Glenn my throat hurts so bad," I heave grabbing my throat.

"I know I have it too it's ok, your ok," Glenn soaths turning his head to cough as well "get some rest ok."

He places a blanket over me and goes to get some rest in his own bed. I wish this would go away.


I feel a weight on the end of my bed I struggle to sit up and see my dad sitting on the end of my bed.

"Daddy," I murmur "stay back you shouldn't be near me." He pours a liquid and says "drink this, remember how mum used to make those drinks when you were ill. It's just like that ok." I shakily grab the cup and drink it all, it has a very sweet taste. Just like how mum used to make it.

I put the cup down and look at my dad "is everyone ok? Maggie, Beth, Carl?" I struggle to speak but I need to know. "Yes they are don't you worry. Maggie and Beth both said they miss and love you and Carl actually went with me on our hunt for elderberries to get you this drink." He says looking at me right in the eye.

"Dad will I, will I die?" I stutter coughing up blood into my hand. "No no no you won't I will not let that happen," he rubs my back as I cough up more blood "Daryl and a group have gone out to get some antibiotics for you, you will be ok I promise."

"Now listen to me, I love you, and your job here is to get better. We all have one that is yours," Dad says holding a rag to forehead "Remember when you and Beth had tonsillitis when you were younger?" I nod as I don't the energy to speak "you both recovered really well, I know you'll do the same with this."

I start to cough up even more blood, there was blood all around my mouth. My dad cleaned it up with the rag and gave me a hug. I tried to protest cause I didn't want him getting this awful illness but I felt way too weak.

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