Chapter 21 | Dating?

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A/N - I'm finally posting

We marched towards the church. When I saw it in the distance it was big and looked very white and clean on the outside.

Rick and a little group decided to look around first so everyone else stayed outside. "It's so clean." I speak up to anyone who can hear me.

"You know what kid I was thinking the exact same thing. I've seen messier places during this time." Abraham replies walking off to inspect behind the church. I nod "me too."

The priest pipes up "I want to keep in hygienic as much as I can." I almost want to laugh at this. How the hell is he going to keep it hygienic?

Rick walks out stopping our lovely convo about hygiene. Abraham starts "found a bus out back. It don't run but I bet we fix that in less than a day or two. We found ourselves some transport," I'm standing with Maggie in the back she's leaning her arms on my shoulder "you understand what's at stake here, right?"

"We need supplies. Food. Water. Ammunition." Rick says as he walks into the church. Maggie guides me in the church as well.

I sit on the wooden pews looking around. It is so clean.

Gabriel starts talking to Rick about stuff as I look at the walls. There was pictures of little houses and sunshine that were drawn by children.


Rick, Michonne, Sasha, Bob and the priest planned to go to a place that Gabriel who I learnt was the man's name hasn't been to yet to scavenge for food.

Daryl and Carol went to get clean filtered water.

Maggie, Tara and Glenn I think went to get some ammo.

Me, Carl, Judith and Tyreese were waiting at the church. Cause I'm a child.

I'm sitting on the front benches with Carl and Judith and Tyreese is sitting on a back bench by the door.

"16?" I ask Carl shakes his head "nope." I hit the pew infront of me "there's a billion numbers how am I meant to guess your lucky one?" I scoff.

"Ill give you a hint. It's in between 10 and 25." He generously says. "Fine. Is it 20?" He shakes his head.

"23?" He shakes his head.

"It can't be 13 right?" I ask he nods "wait you actually got it." I jump up "Mine is 13 too. So yours can't be 13." He scoffs "yes it can."

I shake my head getting ready to argue when Tyreese voiced "You two realise 13 is very unlucky right?"

Me and Carl look at eachother "really?" I ask surely he's lying. He nods "yep everyone knows that."

"I didn't." Carl started. "Me neither." I added we both ganged up on him.

I hop up. "Right now if you guys excuse me I'm going to look around outside." I announce opening the door and going out.

I walk around to the side seeing a mark by the window. So I inspect closer. It looks like a scratch. Was someone trying to break in the church?

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I jump out my skin. "Seriously Carl you can't do that."

"Sorry. What you found?" He asked I showed his the mark pointing to it "look it gotta be a scratch."

"This could prove is Gabriel is a good guy or not." Carl says excitedly. God he sounds like a detective.

We go across the walls looking for things when we stop at sign carved into the wall.


"Umm Carl you can see this too right?" I say he nods and swallows "yep I can."

"Do you think. Do you think he did something bad?" I ask putting my finger over the carving.

"Maybe? Maybe not? Not everyone is bad. I'm sure he hasn't." Carl replies.


It was now night time. We had shown Rick what we had found and everyone came back with food, water and ammo.

I was sitting next to Maggie. With a plate of beans and a glass of wine in my hand. Which I felt very fancy with.

Abraham tapped his glass and announced "I'd like to propose a toast," everyone went silent and looked at him "I look around this room and I see survivors. Each and every one of you has earned that title."

He then puts up his drink "to the survivors!" I see everyone hold up their glass and repeat what he said so I do the same. I drink it and my face cringes. Ew. I'm not a wine gal.

"Is that all you wanna be? Wake up in the morning fight the undead pricks forage for food go to sleep at night with two eyes open. Rinse and repeat?" Abraham carries on "we can get Eugene to the lab and he can make these die. Not a bad little road trip."

Is he seriously going on about this road trip thing. He asks Eugene and question and Eugene answer "food, fuel, refuge. Restart."

Everyone looks at Rick to see what he would do. Including me. I see Judy on his lap gurgle something and Rick says "If she's in. I'm in. We're in."

Looks like we are in on the road trip. Everyone starts talking and Maggie turns to me "How you like the wine?" She asks.

I make a face "it was terrible how does everyone drink it." Maggie then takes a sip at my comment I cringe again at the thought of drinking it.

Tara comes and sit down the other side of Maggie. "Hey." She says. I get the vibe that it is a just them conversation. So I get up and say "imma go to Carl okay." Maggie nods and carries on talking to Tara.

I sit down on the pew next to Carl. He's got Judith on his lap. "Y/n." He says.

"Carl." I say then I play with Judith's hair. "Did you try the wine as well cause it is gross?" Carl asks adjusting Judith on his lap.

"Thank god someone agrees with me. It is so bad." I answer. I decide to be bold and ask the question I had been thinking for a long time. "Carl are we dating?"

I freeze and hope his answer isn't a bad one. He answers in a teasing tone "I don't know, are we?" God what an idiot.Then we just stare at each-other I know what about to happen and I get all excited.

He leans in and so do I but Glenn sliding in next to us makes us pull back. "Hey you two. What you up to? Hey Judith." Glenn says I give him the dirtiest look on earth.

"Good." I reply shoving Glenn back. Glenn laughs "I'm not leaving I'm hanging out with the two besties."

Carl laughs "hey join the 'besties'." I give a dirty look at Carl that says don't laugh it's not funny.

"For your information Glenn. We were in the middle of something." I say Glenn just changes the topic ignoring what I said. Rude.

I just look at Carl who I'm now dating?

I don't even know if 'if you want to be' means we are dating. I'll take it we are?

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