Chapter 24 | She's gone

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I'm sitting next to a still knocked out Eugene. I pour some water over his face to see if he will wake up. No response.

I hear shouting and leave Eugene to see Abraham kneeling on the floor and Maggie with a gun aimed at him.


"We need more water." Glenn informs us as we stand around the fire truck. "There's a creek up the road." Rosita responds.

"Go. We'll stay here." Maggie says as Glenn, Tara and Rosita walk down the road to go water.

I sit on the fire truck and move some bottles of water so Maggie can sit.

"How you holding up?" Maggie asks looking at me. "Okay I guess. Just miss everyone." I reply. Maggie looks down we haven't talked about daddy or Beth much. It's a taboo subject.

"Yeah me too." She says. I decide to be brave and bring it up "Hey. Do you think Beth is safe?"

She hitches her breath "y/n we can't have our hopes up. Not after daddy." I notice she says this in a trying not to hurt me tone. I grab her shoulder "Maggie we can't think like that. What about if she is alive and surviving. There's a chance."

"A small one." She says making me look at my feet. She's right. No don't think like that y/n.

We sat in silence for a few minutes before Maggie changes the subject "While we are on the subject of people we miss. What about Carl? Don't think I didn't see that kiss you gave him before you left."

I smile thinking about Carl then remember she's looking at me. "He's my boyfriend?" I say like it's the most obvious thing ever.

"What?" She blurts out. I laugh "you didn't know that"

"I didn't think anyone did." Maggie answered. "Your the first one I've told." She grabs my shoulder and starts shaking it.

"My little sis has a boyfriend. I was waiting for the time you and Carl would get together. I remember my first boyfriend." She started babbling on about Jason her first boyfriend that I heard before.

I hear Abraham cough. We turn our attention to him forgetting he was here as well. "I'll go check on Eugene." I tell Maggie and go over to Eugene.

I hover over him. Yep still out cold. How hard of punch did Abraham give him? Damn. "He's still out cold Mags." I tell Maggie she tells me to help her get the ladder to keep the sun out of Eugenes face.

Maggie starts talking a ladder down. I help her carry it to the front where Eugene is and we lean it against it and put a blanket over the front so he doesn't burn.

I check Eugene one last time. Maggie goes over to Abraham.


"Maggie he's been in the sun all day. He's needs to drink." I tell her as we watch him sit on his knees looking in the distance.

I go over to him and hold the drink out to him "You thirsty?" I ask Maggie comes round behind me "Did you want me to shoot you?" Oh shit this is deep.

"I thought I did but I didn't." Is his answer I place the water down and we hear Eugene waking up. Thank god.


We decide to drive back to the church since Eugene woke up.

The firetruck pulls up to the church running over the wooden steps at the front. We blocked a group of walkers from getting out.

I hop out seeing Carl, Michonne and Gabriel standing outside. I run to Carl who has Judith in a baby thing on his back.

"Carl!" I say hugging him so tight. "Hey." He says hugging me back. "Are you okay?" I say touching his face. To see nothing on it. Phew.

"I'm fine. What happened to your head?" He asked looking at the gash on my head. "Oh nothing bad I promise."

I go to Judith and ruffle her hair. I turn to Michonne who grabs me into her "Hey you."

She pulls back "You're all back?"

Glenn breaks the news to her about Eugene.

She turns to me and Maggie pulling us near her. "Beth alive."

Those two words she spoke made me sigh all the worry I had was gone. She's alive.

"She's in a hospital in Atlanta. Some people have her, but the others went to get her back." She explained. I feel hug Maggie from the side. She's alive.

"Which one?" Maggie asked. "Grady memorial."

She's alive. I sigh a breathe of relief as Maggie hugs me and Glenn. I've never smiled so much in my life.

We're going to get her. I can't wait to see my big sister again.


We pull up outside the hospital. I practically jump out running to see her. Everyone is miles behind me.

I'm going to see my big sister. My best friend. The one person who I spent most of my time with. I'll admit me and Beth were way more close than me and Maggie.

"Slow down!" Glenn shouts as a walker goes up to me. I stab it in the head and I hear gun shots from everyone behind me.

Eventually I'm in line with them as we walk up to the entrance. I see everyone walk out. Rick. Sasha. Tyreese and Carol. Where's Beth? At this moment the only face I want to see is Beth.

I freeze in place as I see the person I wanted. Only she's not alive. My heart is pounding in my chest and my ears are ringing. I drop everything in my hands.

She's gone.

Shes. She's dead. No. No. I feel tears spill out my eyes as I stay still. I hear Maggie fall to floor crying. No one can understand the pain I feel I want to scream and cry but I can't.

I shake my head. "B-Beth." I stutter shaking. I feel like my legs could give way any moment now. I feel Michonne place a hand on my shoulder.

My older sister. My best friend. She's dead. "NOOO. NOOO. NOT BETH. Not Beth." I repeat crying and shaking. I start to hit the floor in anger. My knuckles start bleeding.

I feel like I might throw up. I hate this. No. She can't be. No one can understand the pain I feel I want to scream and cry but I can't. I end up crouch on the floor in a ball with my head on my knees crying. I feel Glenn check on me but I can't hear him.

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