Chapter 14 | An attack on the sick

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A/n this is action packed so I tried my best x

I sat by the separation glass. Maggie was on the other side.

"Hey y/n," Maggie gently said leaning by the glass "we miss you." She put her hand on the glass.

"Maggie," I reply putting my hand on the glass "what have I missed at the prison? How's Beth? Is Judith ok? Where's Carl and Rick?"

"Wow slow down. Everything's been fine, Beth's ok she's in quarantine with Judith who's still the happy little baby she is. Carl is ok he's in quarantine as well he misses you a lot. Carol and Rick are going out on a supply run for some food so they are both fine."

I stare at Maggie through the glass, she's so pretty she was the best sister ever. I wish Beth was here as well so we could all be together. I gave Maggie a sad smile and glooming spoke "I love you Mag Mag, I want you to know that."

Maggie face turns mad "don't you say that, we have sent people out to get some medicine for you, when it comes back you will be the first one they give it to I will make sure of that. You'll be ok you'll live."

"I know I will. I know." I reply we stood there for a minute just looking at eachother. "You know Carl hasn't been the same without you." The mention of Carl makes me blush a little, being away from him made me realise how much I actually like him. Maybe not as a friend. Maybe as something more.

"Oh your lying," I choked out "he's probably fine without me." Maggie chuckles "you so like him." She teased. "I do not. He is strictly just my friend."

"Sure whatever you say, oh my gosh your blushing " she teases again. "Stop it Maggie, your not funny." I whine now covering my face.

"I'm only joking y/n," she looks at me through the glass "I'm serious about that medicine thing though I will make sure your the first."

Some lady comes running in saying to Maggie there are a lot of walkers at the fence. "Y/n I have to go now ok, I love you." She said.

"Love you too." I replied back my voice cracking as I watched her walk off. I sat in the chair holding my spinning head out of nowhere I started coughing worse then I ever have. Patches of blood was coming out. This was horrible.

I ran into the main room choking on my blood, there was so much blood coming out my throat. I couldn't breathe I ran over to Glenn's area grasping my throat.

Lizzie saw me and started screaming "Hershel."Glenn heard and ran to me tilting my head to the side so the blood clotted up blocking my airways.

I start to panic my dad comes running helping me tilt my head. Finally it all comes out and I sit back breathing heavily.

That was the scariest thing ever, I start to cry "daddy." My dad turns to me and says "shhh honey your ok, your fine now."


I woke up to shots going off. My ears were ringing but I could see a walker in the hallway. Wait a walker.

I stood up my legs shaking a walker was trying to get my dad. No no I ran as fast as my sick body would let me I picked up my foot and lightly kicked it away. Then I helped my dad up. It was chaos: sick people running and walkers everywhere.

"Go to your cell everyone." My dad shouted it was no use no one was listening. Lizzie screamed making my dad run to get her. I slowly ran behind as well, my ears were still ringing but I carried on.

I got up just in time to see my dad throw a walker by the bannister onto a net. "Glenn," was all Lizzie said before my dad went sprinting yet again to get Glenn.

At this point my whole body was shaking and there was blood and foam coming out my mouth. I followed my dad seeing Glenn on the floor with blood oozing out his mouth but luckily he was breathing.

Lizzie and another little boy got locked in a cell, my dad went to get his gun and started shooting any walker that showed up. I kneeled down beside Glenn checking he was ok. When he started retching up blood. It took me a second to realise he was choking on his blood.

"Daddy he's choking." I panicked moving his head to the side to let the blood come out a lot did. He was still choking shoot what do I do?

Daddy stopped shooting as all the walkers had been shot and knelt beside me he started putting Glenn in the recovery position. Then I spotted the walker that had the breathing device they needed, on the walker my dad threw over the bannister.

I started walking towards it coughing on my way. "Y/n no don't your too sick." He ordered going over the bannister to retrieve the breathing device himself. "No don't daddy." I warned watching him try to get the device off the walker. I got his gun he had on the floor and picked it up, I was ready to shoot if anything went wrong.

"Daddy?" I heard Maggie call from below. I let out a sigh thank god she was here to help. Next thing I know the walker next to my dad was shot and my dad had the breathing thing.

We all knelt besides Glenn putting the breathing device in his mouth. We watched him start to breathe again and his airways clear ing up phew.

Like promised Daryl, Michonne, Tyreese and Daryl all returned with antibiotics. I got given some, it felt like a relief however it had not fully recovered me. At least there was no more puking blood or coughing. Maybe I could finally see Carl again?

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