Chapter 36 | The next world

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It was now the morning after all the fighting last night. We had fought into the morning.

Sitting on a chair, I rub Carl's hand.

A white bandage wrapped round his head. He was still not awake.

As soon as the fight ended. I have stayed by Carl.

"You know Carl. I didn't think I had it in me, to help them all today.. but I did it. I helped save this place." I tell him as he lays still.

It's silent for a moment. I'm half waiting for him to just speak, but he won't.

I don't say another word. He's gonna make it. I know he will. Denise did everything she could, I know he'll be okay. He's got to be. Or I can't live, I won't be able to live.

"You will definitely say something like 'I knew you could do it' or 'I'm proud of you'." I say feeling tears in my eyes while holding his hand in mine. I hear the floors creaking. I look towards the doorway to see Rick standing there.

He walks in the room, he has blood all down his clothes. The same as me.

"He will. I guarantee it." Rick says referring to what I just said. Looking over at him, I smile.

Standing up, I let go of carls hand.

"I should, go and see Glenn." I wipe my eyes as Rick takes the seat I was sitting on.

Before I walk out he speaks "He loves you so much. You know that right. All he talks about is you."

I smile at that. It's good to know he feels the same as me.

Walking out the door into a living room where a few people were.

Maggie immediately runs over to me pulling me into a hug. She hugs my head.

"You're safe."

"I'm safe." I repeat as she squeezes my head "But I might not be, if you carry on squeezing so hard."

She lets go of me "I was so worried."

The front door opens. I turn round to see what the noise was only to see Glenn standing at the door.

Sprinting over to him, I wrap my arms around him tightly. Not wanting to let go.

He pats my head and laughs "I missed you too, bud."

I don't let go of him. I was so worried. He has no idea.

*~ Time Skip ~*

Gripping onto the wooden fence, I twist round. My hands let go of the fence causing me to fall back, I jump up acting like I didn't just fall before going back to twisting around the post.

Enid takes her eyes off whatever she's writing to glare at me making me laugh "Don't be a party pooper."

"What party are you on about? It's just me and you, pretty lame if you ask me." Enid says going back to writing.

"Woah. That was rude." I say going to sit down on the bench making her move her feet to the side so there's space for me.

She carries on writing. Leaning over I try to peak but she pulls it out my eye sight.

"What you writing? A diary?" I tease as she closes the book.

"No." She tells me I shoot up again.

"We are going outside." I tell her dragging her hand to help her up "But first we are going to get Carl."


Dragging my legs through the glass I look behind me at Enid who looks like she doesn't want to be here. I did force her but that's not the point.

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