Chapter 12 | A new start

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A/n we on season 4 yayayaay Carls 14 now

The prison was now a happy community with so many friendly faces, it's great. We have farms now, and food areas and even animals - including a pig that Carl named Violet.

I mainly help out with the food with Carol or the garden with dad occasionally Maggie let's me go on runs.

Right now I was so tired because I had been up all night reading comic books with Carl. Can I just say they are unrealistic no one can just get random flying powers.

"Y/n." I'm cut out of my daydreaming when I hear Carol calling me over to help serve the food. I jog over to the table where Patrick is standing he's waves at me and I give him a small wave back. Patrick is a brown haired boy with glasses around mine and Carls age maybe older.

"Can you help Patrick serve the food up?" Carol asks, Daryl is standing next to her smiling at me.

"Yeah of course," I reply smiling at Daryl "I'll save extra for you don't worry." I add to Daryl, Daryl just smiles that definitely made his day.

Carol and Daryl walked off and it just me and Patrick and some old guy - Jerry - waiting for his food. "Hi," Patrick said giving a smile "H-how are you?"

"I'm good how are you?" I say getting a bowl and putting the food which I'm not quite sure what it was into it. "I'm good, are you going to story time tonight?" He asked. Story time is this thing Carol does everyday or a few times a week where she reads story books. It's mainly for the little kids but I still like to go sometimes. Well I've only been once before and she just read a book for the whole time it was quite boring and all the kids looked bored.

"Yesss she said she would read the Wizard of Oz." I passed the bowl to Jerry and turned back to Patrick "do you think Carl would go?"

"Maybe probably not though he says it's for babies." Patrick answered "but it's fine i'll be there," he finished. I just smiled and said yeah.


It was a bit later on Carl had asked me and Patrick to play football. I was standing at 'goal' we put two pieces of wood to score between. Carl passed the ball to Patrick who kicked the ball and it just got in the goal.

"Can someone else go in goal?" I sigh annoyed that every time I didn't save the ball. "I'll go," Patrick said already running to goal.

"Your going down." I said to Carl doing a down signal. "Huh we'll see about that." Carl laughed running off with the ball I chased after him and kicked it out his foot and carried on running. I got by the goal and aimed at the goal and shot.

It had gone in right past Patrick who was just stating at me and straight into the goal. Yessss I scored I jumped up turned to Carl and boasted "ha you lost Grimes better luck next time."

"Ha you did loose," Patrick started when we heard the younger kids over by the fence.

"Should we go over there? See if there ok." I asked the two boys. "Yeah I think we should," Carl answered picking up the ball and walking over. As we got closer they were talking to the walkers, why were they doing that?

"Your naming them?" Carl asked walking up to them with the ball in his hands. Mika a young 10 year old girl with blonde hair replied "well they had a name tag, so we thought all of them should have one."

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