Chapter 13-

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Chapter 13-

"Carnival?" I mimicked like a parrot as I heard Christian laughed over the phone at my confusion and surprised voice. 

It was past midnight at this point but I was too nervous about seeing Becca tomorrow with Calvin to even sleep so I decided to call Christian and try to get a little more information about their past history together. So far, I got nothing as Christian always seemed to accidentally go off topic without even noticing and I go along with him as well by accident.

I was snuggled up under the blankets in bed, feeling very much awake still as I ran my hands through my hair.

After Calvin left around 10pm, London woke up and talked to me regarding the guy, Mike, not wanting the child and told her to abort the baby. I could tell her she was tired and didn't know if she wanted the baby or not so I reassured her we can talk about it later on and I told her not to stress too hard. 

I promised that I will protect her no matter what she decide to do at the end.

I told her goodnight and I made sure she was asleep in her room before I went into my own room.

"Yeah, you want to go? If you're free that day. I was thinking maybe we can all just have a blast together since it's my last day in San Francisco before school starts again so that'll be a fun way to end my break."

"Just us two?" I gulped nervously, now feeling even more uncomfortable thinking about all the things that could go wrong that day. 

"You can invite Calvin if you want since you're more comfortable with him. Oh and maybe those other friends of yours and your sister as well. The more the merrier! I would love to meet Calvin's friends as well which are your friends."

If it was the me before last summer, I would agree without a thought to go out with someone of the opposite sex but not now. 

Not anymore.

"Okay, I'll think about it," I mumbled as I rested my head onto the pillow.

"Okay great! So... what are you to Calvin anyways? Are you his girlfriend?"

I couldn't help but blush wildly at the thought of Calvin as my boyfriend.

"No way!" I blurted out loudly before I can stop myself.

"But you like him?" 

I can tell that Christian was grinning at the the other line as I made a face.

"I don't like him like that. We're just friend. I swear," I added the last part.

"Calvin certainly doesn't treat you as just a friend," he commented.

"You're just imagining it," I retorted back.

"Please you should have seen how possessive he is with you. If I so much as wink at you, he death glares me! And did you see the way he held onto you when I first saw you? He certainly has a thing for you."

"He does that with everyone," I said, although I was trying to persuade myself more than anything else. He would only death glare at Mason and anyone else that looked at me besides Megan and Joshua but I wouldn't tell Christian that. 

"I know Calvin well enough to read him. He definitely has a thing for you."

I stayed silent, trying to repeat in my head what he just said to me. 

Calvin has a thing for me?

I try not to think too hard into it.

"You must really care about Calvin to know so much about him," I said suddenly.

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