Chapter 25-

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Chapter 25-

"I think I should find a stable job and get my own apartment," Calvin declared as he slide next to me on an empty stool. It's a gloomy Monday morning and there are dark clouds hanging over like it is about to rain at any given moment. The leaves on the trees were already starting to fall out as it was the middle of November now.

There's something about Mondays that puts everything more depressing than usual.

It has been maybe almost close to three weeks since Calvin began to sneak his way into my room to sleep. That also meant that for two three, he had to wake up because of my nightmares.

It's scary to admit I am actually getting used to it more and more each time he does. The first time he sneaked his way in my room, my heart was pounding like it was going to jump out of my chest. As the days continued, it seemed more and more normal for him to sneak into my room and sleep in my room while London was a few doors over knocked out. And every time I woke up from a nightmare, he would hold me and speak to me until I fall asleep.

After he would do that, I would be able to sleep the whole night without waking up. 

"I don't mind you sleeping over, if that's the problem," I said before taking a sip of my hot chocolate at Starbucks. It's finally starting to get a little colder as winter was about to settle in. 

Not to mention that mom was going to make it home in time for Christmas as well.

"I'm freeloading," he argued back.

"I don't think you are. You're my midnight talking buddy. You pay me back by talking to me when I have those nightmares and keeping me distracted," I pointed out.

"We have cellphones for a reason," he mumbled, talking a big gulp of his cup of water.

I enjoyed days like these when I we got up early enough to go out before London saw us and make our way to Starbucks near school to just talk. It took a lot of persuading to get Calvin up bright and early but it worked at the very end.

"That's true, but it's funnier and I don't mind, really."

And I meant every word I said.

"I wonder if mom even knows I'm missing. Three weeks of her own son missing. Three weeks without a call," he dryly chuckled.

I could understand how he is feeling in some way. 

Ever since the divorce, my mom had been working nonstop in order to keep up with the rent and sending me to college next year as well. But she still called once in a while to check on us when she remembered. She was still concerned about how the family is going on some level. Though she doesn't mention about the summer incident, she asks repeatedly if I want to see a counselor or anything along those lines.

Calvin's mom doesn't seem to even know she has two children. All she seems to care about, based on what Calvin tells me, is Erik.

"How's Becca doing?" I asked, trying to change the subject from his mom to something lighter.

"She's fine. She misses us a lot and wants us to visit during the Christmas break," from that comment, he smiled a bit more and I feel relieved to see him a bit happier than before.

"I'd like to visit her sometimes, I've grown attached to her already," I smiled at the small memories I have with her before she left.

"Hopefully she'll be able to come here for Christmas since I can't go visit her."

"You're... not going to leave this city ever, are you?" I whispered.

"If I want something to happen to my mom or my sister or you, then I can."

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