Chapter 6-

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Chapter 6-

"Just turn in this corner. My house is the one with the whitish roof."

"I know where it is," Megan snapped and makes a sharp turn as she continued to complain to herself out loud so that we could all hear it. "I still don't get why I have to drive you guys. Why can't you guys take a public bus? I could have spent more time with Andy."

"Because you were that promised to drive us, and can I remind you that you were also the one that decided to drag us along your little double date? It wasn't my fault," I mumbled, rolling my eyes at her complains.

"We could have stayed for another hour if you both weren't looking so tense and awkward with one another," she shot back.

"Least you don't have to spend the rest of the evening with him" I silently add under my breath as I glared at Calvin. He smirked back in return, finding the whole thing amusing.

Now that I think about it, I wish I didn't agree to go to his house, but I need him to throw it away. I was determined to keep up my façade as we both got out of Megan's car. Staring at the house made it all much realer that I'll be alone with another person of the opposite sex I wasn't too familiar with since the incident. I drew in small deep breaths.

"Do you need me to pick you up later?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. "I can probably get permission, if you don't feel comfortable going home too late in the night."

I shook my head at her offer with a tight smile. I didn't know what we were doing, or what time we would finish either. "No, it's okay, but thank you for the offer."

"Well when you get home, give me a call okay?" she narrowed her eyes at Calvin and I for a moment. "Got it?"

I flicked my hand in dismissal. "Yes, I will. Now hurry up home before your mom kills you and start blowing up your phone."

"I will," she huffed. "But did you both have some fun today, at least?"

I looked at Calvin and then shrugged. Our double date consisted of mainly him sleeping and then following Megan and Andy a few feet behind while they ate and joked with each other. We didn't really say anything much, besides a few words exchange. Overall? "Yeah, I guess. Did you?"

"Obviously, though I'm still mad at Calvin for ruining my kiss," she growled as Calvin rolled his eyes, shoving his hands into his jean pockets with a frown.

"I merely offered you gum. How did that ruin the kiss?" he shot.

"Because I was centimeter away from his damn lips before you decide to come out of nowhere!"

"Oh yeah," Calvin replied, scratching the back of his neck as if he couldn't find a valid answer and he probably didn't want to admit he was wrong either though.

How did I know?

Because I do the same too when I'm trying to find a good excuse.

"Yeah you better not ruin the mood next time, or I'll seriously skin you in your sleep," Megan threatened as she started up her car again and turned to Calvin. "Make sure to drive her home and not let her walk back alone."

"And you make sure to signal me next time you're about to make a move on Andy," Calvin replied with a grin.

"Will do," she laughed before wiggling her eyebrows playfully. "You better not like rape her or something."

Immediately my whole body froze at that one word and my breath quickened. I knew she meant it as a joke, but the word alone almost made me fall to my knees and hyperventilate.

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