Chapter 22-

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Chapter 22-

"Reina, I'm leaving for school now. Make sure you don't oversleep," I heard London lightly knock on my door before I heard her walking down the stairs. I mumbled an okay before rolling over, looking at the clock on the table.

6:32 A.M. exact.

I rolled over the bed sighing, only to come in contact with someone else's body.

I let out a yelp in surprise, jumping up from the bed as my heart jumped about one hundred times faster that I am pretty sure I will have a heart attack right there and then.

At the edge of my bed, sat Calvin, looking a bit shocked at how I reacted suddenly, but then his small grin turn bigger and bigger until he is full out laughing at me.

I mumbled a curse word until my breath, trying to hide my embarrassment from him by covering my face with the entangled blankets around me.

I totally forgot that he is sleeping at my house.

"That was a nice way to wake up," Calvin said as I fully glare at him.

He has a full out grin on his face.

"Shut up. Why were you staring at me while I was sleeping? You gave me a heart attack! And you're not sleeping in the air mattress I set up for you either!"

"Cause I noticed that you drool when you sleep, that's cute."

Immediately, my face heat up.

I don't know if it is embarrassment that he figured out that I sometimes do drool in my sleep, or because he called me cute.

"I-I do not drool!" I defended.

"That wet spot on the pillow says otherwise," he grinned, knowing he won this argument.

Not knowing what else to say to defend myself, I mumbled to him that we should start getting ready for school.

"Is Joshua picking us up today?"

"No, he's skipping the first two periods today so he can finish his essay," I recalled Joshua telling me yesterday night after I sent him the homework before sleeping. Thankfully, I remembered before he could come to my house at five in the morning demanding it.

I know him well enough to know that he would do it.

"Looks like we're walking to school today," Calvin groaned, looking out the window, "Not to mention it looks like it's going to rain and it seems cold as well. Let's bring an umbrella."

"I think it's just gloomy. It's not going to rain according to the weather forecast yesterday."

"Bring one, just in case."

"Fine, Mom," I rolled my eyes at him for being so overprotective, even though I'm pretty sure it's not going to rain today. I pulled myself out of the entangled sheets around my body and make my way to the door.

"I'm going to get ready first, you can go to the bathroom on the first floor, you know where it is. We need to leave in twenty minutes, so we won't miss the first bell."

"What about breakfast?"

"You can choose between taking a shower before school or skip breakfast. I'm skipping breakfast," with that said, I make my way to the bathroom to do my daily morning schedule of brushing my teeth, shower and getting ready for school again by applying BB cream to my scars to cover it up along with a long sleeve.

After I am done with my shower, I quickly dried my hair before changing and making my way downstairs. I am surprised when I see Calvin's back towards me, still in the pajamas I gave him yesterday and his hair still a mess. It was good to see him not in pain anymore as his back healed nicely the last time I saw him, with only a little scar left.

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