Chapter 9-

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Chapter 9-

"So what exactly is going on with Calvin and you?" Joshua asked as soon as he sat his coffee down on the table right next to me. Megan, who was sitting across from me also nodded as she stared at me with curiosity as Joshua hands out the drinks to us as well since he volunteered to get us drinks while we find seats.

It was a beautiful and chilly Saturday afternoon, and since I couldn't find London and haven't even heard from her since the fight we had yesterday, I decided to go out to distract myself by taking Joshua and Megan's offer of enjoying Saturday afternoon at Philz's coffee shop next to Joshua's house since I didn't have work anyways.

I am starting to worry more and more about London being that she is the stereotypical out of control teen whom even I can't hold down. So, I called Megan and Joshua to catch up and just hang out together to distract myself from tracking down London and dragging her ass back home. 

However, this is not what I had in mind when I said 'to catch up'.

"What do you mean?" I tried to sound casual, but I know I am sounding like anything but casual.

 I played with the hem of my hoodie I had thrown on this morning and since it was getting a bit colder as the leaves on the tree was finally starting to change color, I had a excuse now to wear large hoodies and long sleeves shirts to cover up my cuts. 

"Don't play dumb with me, Reina. You guys had gotten awfully comfortable with each other lately, if you know what I mean," Megan jumped in after she took a sip of her coffee.

"I agree! It's been a month already and you guys have been more than comfortable around each other," Joshua agreed.

"I'm not too sure what you mean by us looking comfortable around each other," I said awkwardly and confused as I don't think me and Calvin looked comfortable around each other at all. 

In fact, we looked more awkward and confused with one another as I don't know what to say to him half the time. 

"You guys never talked to one another and now he's hanging onto you like your his lifeline!"

"Every time Mason tries to invite you to eat with him alone or something, Calvin is literally murdering him with his eyes and inviting himself onto your lunch dates as well! He's scaring off more Mason!"

"Are you guys going out in secret? Friends with benefit? What's your relationship with Calvin?" Joshua pushed.

They continued to stare at me as I take a long sip of my hot chocolate. 

I quickly debated on what to say.

What am I suppose to say to them exactly?

Oh it's nothing like that, guys. You see, he was blackmailing me because I saw him attempt to commit suicide about a few months ago like in September, so he stalked me and too something precious of mine as hostage so I would keep my mouth shut. What is this precious thing of mine he had that he is blackmailing me with? Oh it's just a pregnancy test I took because even if I already have my period I still want to reassure myself. No I didn't do it with anyone because I was raped by my dad's coworkers. Then I realized that Calvin isn't that bad of a guy. I also found out that he gets beaten at home by this guy name Erik who I have no idea who he is to Calvin yet. 

Did I mention he called me yesterday just as I was about to swallow a handful of pills to kill myself because I'm severely depressed as fuck but I refuse to tell anyone, including you guys, that I was raped over the summer?

Yeah okay. Maybe not.

"Nothing is going on," I mumbled as they continued to stare at me intensely.

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