Chapter 26-

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Chapter 26-

"Paul was asking about you," Megan exclaimed as she took a big bite into her chicken salad wrap. I stared at her in disbelief. 

Although she was a messy eater she was, I was sure Andy didn't mind at this point. 

The amount of talking and hand movements that goes on while she eats is unbelievable. I've known her and her eating habits long enough to be affected by it. I think that applied to the rest of our little group as well.

"He was all, like," Joshua began snapping his finger with his chest sticking out, "How has she been? I, like, miss her so much!"

"He doesn't act like that Joshua, stop making this a joke," I said trying to sound serious, but a helpless chuckle slipped out due to his ridiculous exaggeration of words and actions.

"It's a joke, Reina," Joshua told me, rolling his eyes, as a grin spread across his face as well. It gets wider as he watched everyone shaking their heads at his lame joke.

"No, but seriously he did ask how you were doing. He wants to talk to you sometime," Megan said with a hint of seriousness in her voice. 

"More like get back with you," chimed in Andy.

"Guys, I'm serious, I don't like him like anymore. We both moved on!" I exclaimed loudly throwing my hands in the air, although I wasn't completely sure about that.

"Is that why he still texts you and calls you?" Joshua arched his eyebrow and wiggles it as if he was trying to get a message across that I would only understand.

But I don't.

"Shut up," I mumbled, looking at Calvin in hopes of being saved from this conversation, but he isn't even paying attention. With "The Great Gatsby" out on the table, he skimmed the book silently. He looked tired with sleep creeping on this face. The only thing keeping him awake is the mocha he had this morning at Starbucks before he ordered a mocha.

Great. The only person who can save me isn't even listening.

"Make me!" Joshua yelled before staring at Calvin, "So... Calvin..."

Immediately I know Calvin is either going to say something mean or kick him between the legs since they are sitting across from one another.

Why must I be best friends with such an idiot? Does Joshua really want to get hurt? Sore loser.

"Piss off."

"Do you want Reina and Paul to get back?" Megan pushed, ignoring his comment.

'Please stop Megan. Please. Please.' I silently began to beg in my head. I knew Megan loved to tease Calvin about liking me as a way to entertain herself. I love Joshua and Megan to death but some things are better off unsaid.

This was one of them.

"Remember them dating during freshmen year? Paul was quite fond of you, I recall," Megan added. At this point I mentally kill the both of them.

Without a word, Calvin stood up, startling me and the others before storming off.

A few moments later, all three of them start to laugh uncontrollably as if it were the funniest thing in the world.

"Team Calvin for the win!" Megan exclaimed, giving Joshua and Andy a high five.

"Not funny," I mumbled as I glared at them.

"Oh, come on! We were just trying to get the stubborn guy to admit he likes you!" Joshua said excitedly after they share their laughs.

"Knock it off, it's really not that funny and he doesn't like me," I denied any feeling but a blush creeping onto my face. But what if he did? I know he probably does but what if he really does? I mentally slap myself for thinking that.

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