Chapter 23-

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Chapter 23-

"So, how did your essay come along?" I asked Joshua as I set my lunch tray on my usual lunch table. Mason was also sitting with us today which surprised me but I greeted him nonetheless. Megan chuckled at the question, making Calvin, who was next to me, and me to stare at her. Amusement was in her eyes as we stared at her, urging her to continue as of why she chuckled.

"Mister smarty pants here thought if he could change some things from your essay and add things from Wikipedia, it'll get him an A," Megan snorted.

"Hey, I was going for a B plus," Joshua defended while Andy rolled his eyes as well.

Calvin shook his head as if he already knew where this story was headed to.

I have a good idea of where this story is going myself, knowing Joshua.

"Do go on with this story," I said poking at the food in front of me while wrinkling my nose at it. This chicken burger looks as dry as it can get. Immediately, I already know I will be skipping lunch again. Thankfully, Calvin's amazing cooking skills this morning still made me full that I could last until after school.

Calvin looked at the food and me with a raised eyebrow and I already knew the unsaid words that are in his eyes, 'You are eating lunch no matter how crappy it looks'.

Thankfully, before he can say it, Megan continued.

"He got caught because the font was off and he literally copied and pasted from Wikipedia. The color was even from black to blue! How can you not notice that?" Megan directed that at Joshua, bewildered.

"He even faked innocent when the teacher asked," Mason threw in.

I chuckled, "Give him a break. He was up till God knows what time doing it."

"If he'd listen to my warning for once in his life, then he wouldn't have anything to screw up."

"Megan! You've known me for a couple of years now, how do you not know my working habits yet? Why do it early when it's not due anytime soon?" Joshua faked hurt, making us laugh.

That is his way of living.

"You should really change it," Calvin said for the first time after we sat down.

"Nah, what's the point? We're graduating school soon, and before we know it, we'll be out living our own lives," Joshua said dreamily.

Joshua was always interested in becoming a lawyer (believe it or not) and plans to go to the same university that his mom went to which happened to be in New York City. It was hard to picture him as a lawyer, because of the fact that he takes everything as a joke half of the time. I was thinking he should become a detective instead.

But hey, never judge a book by its cover.

I, on the other hand, wanted to become a fashion designer before the incident. I had this whole future ahead of me; I was going to graduate with good grades, get into a fashion school and show off my designs...

But in the last months since school started, my grade plummeted to a barely passing grade; I dropped all my art classes and anything to do with creative writing, to my teacher's surprise.

It's like I gave up on life.

I'm close to giving up... What is the point if I go everywhere and get nightmares, I have break downs, and no future? 

My sister was pregnant because I couldn't look after her, my dad left, my mom is trying to make ends meet, and my own best friends don't even know what happened to me this summer...

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