𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2

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𝐈 𝐖𝐎𝐊𝐄 to sunshine streaming in through the window. Giving a small yawn, I stretched and sat up from my position on the floor. Noticing that Lila was still asleep, I went into the kitchen to cook some breakfast for the both of us.

About half an hour later, Lila stumbled into the kitchen, smelling the food she perked up, "Oh yum! Thanks Kiki."

I rolled my eyes, "I told you not to call me that Lila."

She shrugged, "You know you love it."

She was right. I could barely remember a time when she didn't call me Kiki. Her little nickname made me feel special and wanted. We could barely remember our mother as she had died when we were fairly young. I knew our mother had nicknames for both of us. Lila's was Lil and mine was Kira.

I finished off my food and went back into the bedroom, changing into my outfit for the day. I wore a loose black shirt and a leather jacket over the top of that. I wore some long black leather pants and grabbed my shades, plopping them onto my face.

I walked back into the kitchen to see that Lila had already cleaned up and was ready to go. We walked out of the apartment, and I locked the door behind us securely. We walked down the concrete steps and headed into the parking lot where my car was waiting.

I opened the door and sat in the driver's seat. Lila hopped in beside me and I reversed out of the parking lot.

The drive to school was quiet until I broke the peace and told her that I was going to work after school and that I would drop her off at the apartment before leaving. Lila nodded understandingly and stayed silent.

Lila worked at a small café around the corner of our Aunt and Uncle's place, however she didn't earn as much income as I did, hence why I supplied most of the things for us around here.

We pulled up to our school, for some reason our Aunt and Uncle hadn't unenrolled us yet, I'm not sure why. I took my usual parking spot before opening the car door and stepping out onto the pavement.

Lila climbed out of the passenger seat and hooked her arm through mine, "Let's go Kiki."

I mentally rolled my eyes at the nickname before reluctantly hooking my arm through hers and walking up to the front of the school. We were known as the devil and the angel in school. Lila being the angel and me being the devil.

We were almost complete opposites, however, we were as close as twins could get. We walked over to our lockers, which coincidentally (cough) were next to each other. Lila had home ec first, whereas I had study hall, thank god.

We split off in different directions and I decided to wander around the school for a bit. On my way to the spot under the bleachers, I noticed some poor kid being beaten up by the annoying popular girls of the school.

Rolling my eyes, I walked over to them. One of the girls looked up at the sight of my shadow, seeing me, she ran away. Well, that was easy. The other girls, noticing their friend running away, looked up as well.

I gave them my infamous glare, which in all honesty, wasn't that scary at all, and they scurried away like rats. I walked over to the girl who was sitting on the floor and offered my hand to her. She looked up, tears in her crystal blue eyes, "Thank you."

I gave her a small smile, "No problem, Daisy, was it?" I asked, recognizing her from one of my classes. Surprised, she nodded and grabbed my hand. I pulled her up and dusted her down, "Are you okay? If they ever try bothering you again, come to me."

I walked away from Daisy and sat under the bleachers. I was exhausted and could feel my eyes drooping closed. I tried to battle the oncoming darkness, however I eventually gave in and was consumed by it.

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