𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 14

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𝐇𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀 song under my breath, I took the cookies out of the oven, the scent making me want to devour them all in one go. Unfortunately the smell of the cookies had attracted some unwanted attention. The twins and Lila entering the room.

Carson made to grab one, retracting his hand as soon as he touched the hot cookie, "Ouch!"

I grinned, "Serves you right, trying to steal my cookies. If you wanted cookies, then why didn't you bake them yourself?"

Carson shrugged his shoulders, "Why should I, if you can cook?"

"Oh my gosh, cookies," Lila gasped in delight, "Is that mom's recipe?"

At the mention of mom, both of the twins tensed up, the tension so thick in the room, that you would have to grab a cleaver, chop the tension, then get the vacuum and suck it all out of existence.

Finally, Archer spoke through the silence, "What was she like?"

A small smile made it's way on my face, "She was the best mother that she could ever be. She missed you guys everyday, I'm sure of it."

In fact, I knew she had missed them every single day. So much, that she got drunk one night, and turned up on our doorstep. Lila had fallen asleep watching TV, and I hadn't even known that our mother had left the house, as I was too engrossed in the movie, until I heard knocking on the front door.

I had cautiously dragged a stool to the door, standing on top of it, peering through the peephole. To my surprise and shock, I had seen my drunk mother, standing at the front. I had instantly thrown the door open, her stumbling in, mumbling incoherent words under her breath.

Guiding her to a chair in the kitchen, I had busied myself, grabbing a glass of water for her. As I went to give her the glass of water, she grabbed my wrist, and pulled me close, slurring, "You look exactly like them. I miss them so much."

In my panic, I had dropped the glass of water, and stared at her with wide eyes, "Wh- who are you talking about mom? Lila and I have lived with you our whole lives."

Mom suddenly looked more alert, and she spoke again, this time clearer, "They left us for dead, your father," she paused, exhaustion taking over her features, "They're probably all grown up."

Touching her cheek gently, I pulled her up, with all the strength in my small body, "Mom, I think you should go to bed, you're talking nonsense."

After I had dragged her up the wooden stairs, and tucked her into bed, I quickly walked back downstairs, picking up the pieces of glass from the floor.

As I thought about what mom had said, my hands clenched tighter against the glass, one of the pieces sliding up my hand, and slicing my wrist.

A gasp of shock and pain left my mouth, and I relaxed my grip on the glass, looking at the blood pooling out of the wound, fascinated. I hurried to pick up the rest of the pieces of the glass, and then cleaned the floor.

By now, my wound was throbbing with pain, so I rinsed it under the tap, relishing the feel of the cold water against my skin. Once it had stopped bleeding, I went and got a small band aid, plastering on top of my wound, the band aid, not even covering half of it.

Unknowingly, I was rubbing my fingers on the exact spot where I had cut myself all those years ago. A small smile graced my face as I recalled all those shared memories with her. 

Lila nudged my side, "Well, is it her recipe?"

I smirked, "You know it lil sis."

Placing the tray on the bench, I picked a warm cookie off of the tray, "Tell me, how does it taste? Same as mom's?"

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