𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 21

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"𝐍𝐎. 𝐀𝐁𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐔𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐘 not," I spluttered in surprise, "Lila, he's not a good person."

"You don't even know him!" anger laced her words, "You haven't even met him. Don't make assumptions you can't back."

I grabbed her hands, "Lila, I know who he is. His name is Javier and he's using you. Listen to me, you can date anyone you want, just... not him. I promise, I won't complain and be protective, just break up with him."

"You're just jealous," Lila folded her arms across her chest, staring at me defiantly, "And, his name isn't Javier, it's Max."

I dropped her hands, taking a few stumbling steps back from her, trying to process what I had just heard. I leant against the wall opposite of her, my face pale and gaunt, as I mumbled under my breath, "Maxwell? What sick game are you playing with me Javier?"

My head shot up at the sound of the doorbell; speak of the devil. Lila raced to the front door whilst I followed hot on her heels, the rest of our siblings coming after us. Lila flung open the door, barrelling into Javier's arms. He laughed, his arms wrapping around her as he sent a wink my way, mouthing Hey, Akira.

A frown settled upon my face, as I folded my arms against my chest, the rest of my brothers coming to stand beside me. Archer pulled me into his side, an arm wrapped around my shoulder as he glared at Javier menacingly.

Victor raised an eyebrow as he spoke icily, "I know you said you were inviting a friend for dinner Lila, but I didn't realise you meant you were inviting a boy. Would this boy be, by any chance, be your boyfriend?"

Lila pulled away from Javier, giving Victor a small smile, "Sorry. Um, so, yes, this is my boyfriend... his name is Max. Please be nice to him."

Javier pressed a kiss to the top of Lila's head, and I cringed, noticing Archer pull a disgusted face as well, a small sound of discomfort escaping him. We stood there in silence for another minute, before Diego clapped his hands once, "Right, so come on inside, dinner hasn't been prepared yet, but feel free to hang out downstairs in the living room."

My eyes followed Javier's every movement, as he walked inside the house without a second glance at me. Lila sent me a stern look before she followed after him, her laughter echoing down the corridor as Javier told her a joke.

Carson's eyes found mine, a frown settled upon his face, "I don't like the look of this guy."

"Leave her alone, if she's happy, we should be happy," Cameron argued before his eyes shifted down to my wrapped hands, an eyebrow jumping in question.

A contemplative look was settled upon Dad's face, as he gestured for us to follow him inside, "Just play nice for now boys, you too Akira."

As we all followed him inside, Archer drifted away from me to talk to his twin, whilst Diego took his spot, flinging a heavy arm over my shoulder and messing my hair up, "Hey tiger."

I scowled before grabbing his arm and twisting it quickly, "Don't. Mess. My. Hair. Up."

Diego winced, quickly agreeing to my demand. I walked away from him with a satisfied smirk placed upon my face.


I shoved another spoonful of spaghetti into my mouth, chewing furiously, attempting to block out the nauseating sounds of Lila laughing with Javier. A sound that I had grown sick of quite quickly. I polished my food off and cleared my throat loudly, "Dad, may I be excused?"

Dad looked up from his plate of food and exchanged a glance with Victor, before he replied, "Yes, but only to wash your food. Come back here once you're done. We need to discuss something of high importance."

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