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"Are you kidding? No, Hermione, I am not in your Arithmancy, Care for Magical Creatures or History of Magic. I showed you my report card didn't I?" I waved my timetable in her face.  She gave me an exasperated look then folded her arms.

"I can't believe you only-"  She interrupted herself with a sigh.

"Technically, I did better than you," Harry smirked, passing his timetable over. All of the classes he was taking, you needed good marks to be in. I let a frustrated smile spread over my face.

"I did get an O in potions, though." I grinned, not only was it my best mark, it was from Snape.

"From Snape?" Ron opened the carriage door, throwing a bag of exploding bonbons my way. I nodded catching the bag.

"Blimey." He slumped down opposite me, propping his feet up right next to me.

"Anyway, you were telling me about seeing Draco and Mother Dearest." I crossed my legs, opening my sweets like I was about to watch a play.

"They were sneaking around Borgin and Burkes, started playing around with this cabinet," Harry explained beside me, he used hand gestures as he spoke, not something he normally did.

"I think it was some kind of initiation." He looked me directly in the eyes,  he was so desperate, and for what?

"Stop it, Harry." Hermione sighed, he'd been bugging her about it.

"He's one of them." Harry looked between each of us.

"One of what?" Ron was puzzled.

"Thought I was the stupid one." I rolled my eyes.

"Harry's under the impression that Draco Malfoy is now a death eater." Hermione sighed, unconvinced. Ron didn't look convinced either.

"You're barking. What would you-know-who want with sod like Malfoy?" Ron raised an eyebrow. I watched Harry getting more worked up.

"What else would he be doing in Borgin and Burkes, browsing for furniture?" Harry asked sarcastically, I looked back to Ron, feeling as though I was watching a tennis match.

"Creepy shop, creepy bloke." Ron shrugged shifting his gaze to me, then back to Harry.

"Look, his father is a death eater. It only makes sense." Harry leant forward intently. I cleared my throat. They all looked over at me.

"Oh yeah," Ron muttered, they all turned back to the conversation, not giving it another thought.

"Hermione, you saw it with your own eyes." Harry gestured at her, again talking with his hands.

"I told you, I don't know what I saw." She shook her head. Everyone was silent for a moment. 

"I need some air." Harry sighed and left the carriage, I hesitated.

"Be right back." I quickly pecked Ron on the cheek and followed Harry. He didn't notice me at first but he stopped to let two identical girls past then he sighed at the sight of me.

"Please believe me." He had the same desperate look on his face.

"I don't think you're lying, but I'm not agreeing with you 'til I have proof." I stood in front of him fixing the collar on his jumper, it was folded at the shoulder. He pulled something out of his pocket as I did so.

"A smoke bomb?" I stared at the dark purple ball in his hand. He nodded.

"I'm getting you proof." He nodded his head to the side, a gesture towards where Draco was sitting.

"Oh, and I didn't mean... about your dad." He smiled at me lightly.

"I know." I smiled, glanced over at Draco then left Harry to his own devices.

As I walked back to the carriage I could hear Luna handing out Quibblers to other students. The Quibbler was her Fathers magazine, sometimes it was a rather good read, others it was full of lies and nonsense.

"Wheres Harry?" Hermione asked as I sat down. 

"Getting air. Whatever that means." I shrugged, bending down to pick up my plant pot. Neville had found out that I was stuck in the house all summer, as punishment for not trying very hard with school, and he had given me a plant to look after. Along with a very strict set of instructions, which I followed to the tee. He had yet to tell me what the plant was but I enjoyed the mystery. All I knew was that the plant grew very slowly, and under absolutely no circumstances should I touch it.

"Quibbler?" Luna opened our door, she had a large pair of brightly coloured glasses on.  I smiled towards her and reached out to take one.

"Whackspurts?" Ron frowned at the cover. Luna grinned.

"They float around in the air, they're invisible. But they can go into your head and make your brain all wonky." She said enthusiastically. Ron stifled a laugh and Hermione held in her smile.

"What d'you mean wonky?" I asked her, Ron rolled his eyes. She sat down beside me.

"Give you strange thoughts, temptations. They can make you fixate on things, drive you mad." She took my Quibbler and turned it to the page on Whackspurts. 

"Seen a lot of Whackspurts then Luna?" Ron asked, I gave him a disappointed look, knowing he was making fun of her.

"Oh yes, my glasses help me to see them. I'll see you later." She grinned leaving us.

"Mental." Ron shook his head. 

"Don't be horrid." Hermione nudged him. I looked down at the page, half of it was written with random shapes.

"How has her dad kept her alive all these years?" I turned it around showing them. Ron squinted at the page.

"Godric knows." Hermione shook her head, staring out the window. I followed her eyes, Hogwarts was only just visible. She glanced at her watch nudging Ron.

"Sorry y/n, we've got to go, Prefect meeting. We'll be back in about fifteen minutes." Hermione stood up.

"I forgot you two were Prefects now." I sighed watching the castle in the distance. 

"Yeah, so best behaviour." Ron grinned, just as Hermione left the carriage he pressed his lips to my own, taking me by surprise. By the time I had registered what was happening and began to kiss back, he pulled away.

"Bye." He grinned, leaving me alone in the carriage.

"I hate you!" I called after him.

Flaming Hot // Ron x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now