because of the game

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It's been a week now, I'm starting to feel the empty-ness. It's just little things like, not waiting for him so we can walk to breakfast together, I can't speak to my friends whenever I like, I can't look in his direction without feeling an overwhelming rush of all the emotions. But for some reason I'm not at the crying on the couch, watching dirty dancing and eating ice cream part. I feel like I should feel more.

"Morning sunshine." Cormac muttered as I slumped down beside him.

At least I had this odd new friendship. I hadn't really had a friend that was all my own. Hermione always had Harry, Lee had the twins. It's nice.

"What're you reading?" I asked taking the book straight from his hands, I closed it making sure he lost his page.

"Aww, y/n!" He whined, taking it back before I could even read the cover.

"Stop taking your emotional turmoil out on me, piss off." He flicked through his book trying to find his page.

I looked up when I heard a noise at the door. Hermione was there, she hesitated before coming over.

"Look darling, it's Hermione." I messed Cormac's hair up, as his head snapped over in her direction.

"Thought I told you to piss off." He murmured fixing his hair.

"How've you been?" Hermione jumped straight to it, she sat down.

"Weirdly fine." I nodded.

"That's not true. Yesterday I threw a grape at her and she almost cried." Cormac jumped in.

This was true.

"Well, that's because of the game." Hermione nodded compassionately rubbing my arm.

"Seriously, though, I'm alright." I shrugged her off.

"Well he's doing the same thing. 'im fine' 'whatever', but then last night he sat in that armchair and the waterworks were on." Hermione rolled her eyes. He missed me. Hermione was making me uncomfortable now.

"I'd never make you cry." Cormac winked at her.

"Seriously McClaggen? How desperate are you?" She rolled her eyes, before leaving us alone again in the common room.

"Yeah, how desperate are you?" I raised an eyebrow

"I just saved your arse from that conversation." He went back to his book.

Authors note

I had one exam, eight more to go.

I'll post probably more often than I thought I would because the late night anxiety keeps me up.

I'll update soon

Stay hydrated xx

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